Despite her stellar academic performance in high school, by the mid-1990s Amanda Wornhoff found herself adrift at two different Big 10 universities, struggling to excel as a first-generation college student. Faced with the added strain of family health and financial hardships, Wornhoff eventually left school to find work.
Read MoreQ&A with President Chuck Middleton
Charles “Chuck” Middleton will retire as President of Roosevelt University on June 30, concluding a career in higher education that has spanned five decades.
Read MoreSpotlight On: Corinne Busby
Corinne Busby initially came to Roosevelt to play varsity basketball. She also liked the fact that Roosevelt has an excellent academic reputation and is in Chicago, yet close to her Arlington Heights home. She also discovered that her late grandfather, Arthur Busby, was a 1952 Roosevelt graduate who majored in Labor Relations.
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