5th grade teaching position – Dual Language Job Posting

Position Type:
Elementary School Teaching
Date Posted:
Oak Terrace School
(High-Needs School)
Date Available:
2019-2020 school year
Closing Date:


Mission Statement

The mission of North Shore School District 112, a community partnership committed to a world-class education, is to nurture every child to become an inspired learner, a well-rounded individual and contributing member of a global community by striving for excellence within an environment that fosters innovation, respect, engagement and intellectual inquiry.

Description:  Dual Language Program Teacher plans and implements lessons in accordance with the District Standards, English Language Proficiency Standards, North Shore School District Dual Language Program curriculum allocation model.   Implements and utilizes student assessment data to guide instructional decisions. Collaborates with all staff to meet the needs of diverse learners.  Serves as a second language consultant to school staff by maintaining a high knowledge base of the latest research, laws, and most effective practices in the field.  Participates in school improvement initiatives. Informs parents and students of academic and behavioral progress, concerns, and long-range expectations related to second language acquisition.  Serves as liaison between English Language Learners, his/her family and the school, especially with respect to cultural and language differences, and provides cross cultural information to all parties that foster positive relationships. 

Job Summary:  This position is the English language portion of the 50/50 Dual Language Program. The teacher in the Dual Language Program ensures each student will think critically, communicate efficiently using the four language domains in Spanish and English, understand cultural heritage and diversity.  Essential Functions:  1. Provide core instruction using English language and resources for designated subjects; provide core instruction using English language and resources for designated subjects. 2. Provide an appropriate educational program for each student in conjunction with the goals of the District Strategic Plan.  3. Demonstrate appropriate planning and the use of a variety of instructional techniques and strategies aimed at content including minority and majority language literacy development. 4. Work with a team to develop effective interventions, and curriculum. 5. Collaborate with dual language grade level or district dual language team. 6. Maintain accurate files for each student enrolled with academic progress and objectives.  7. Communicates effectively with students, parents, colleagues and community.  8. Establishes good rapport with students, parents, colleagues and community.  9. Interacts with students, parents, colleagues and community in a mutually respectful manner.  10. Expresses interest and enthusiasm for teaching and learning.  11. Demonstrates empathy, fairness and consistency.  12. Serves as a positive role model for students and colleagues.  13. Shows a sense of humor as appropriate. 14. Demonstrates flexibility and cooperation.  15. Demonstrates appropriate voice, diction and language usage.  16. Demonstrates appropriate listening skills.  17. Maintains a positive and pleasant attitude.  18. Maintains a professional demeanor.  19. Develops supportive and collegial relationships.


  • Valid Illinois teaching license with proper endorsement(s)- must have an Elementary and an ESL approval/endorsement
  • Bilingual (Spanish/English) preferred
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to serve as a positive role model of good character for children
  • Interest in and enthusiasm for the position and education in general
  • Appreciation of cultural diversity
  • Ability to effectively incorporate instructional technology

Working Conditions:
Per NSEA salary schedule for the 2019-2020 school year, Excellent benefits, Retirement Pension Service (TRS) Credit, paid sick, personal, bereavement leave, and other benefits.

Application Procedure:
Apply on line by completing the on line application and uploading support materials. PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS.

Selection Procedure:
The principal will review on line applications and supporting materials and the principal will call individuals in for interviews. After initial interviews, candidates meet with the Deputy Superintendent who may recommend the individual for hire by the Board of Education.

The North Shore School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer

“Where I’m From” – an Intimate Look at the 2019-2020 DLTL Cohort in Schaumburg

Led by Dr. Allison Slade, the two newest DLTL cohorts collaborated on a culturally responsive writing activity in their DLTL 443 class – Academic Language Development Across Content Areas. Using mentor text poem “Where I’m From” each class wrote one poem that expressed their identities and culture. Presented here is the poem written by our Schaumburg DLTL Cohort:


Where I’m From – Schaumburg DLTL Cohort, Summer 2019

I am from a barren land

          And scorching sun

From mofongo, parranda, bomba

          And coqui, coqui are a voice.

I am from chocolate abuelita con bolillos

          And hearing the “paletero bells” right after Sunday mass.

From large extended family parties

          And cousins as siblings

Soy del olor a café Prieto a las 5 am

          Y del canto del coqui a la hora de dormir.

From where the beaches are beautiful,

          And sunlight fills us with energy.

I am from birthday parties, piñatas

          And pozole

From M + M Mcflurries

          And matzah ball soup

Yo soy de donde las alas de la mariposa monarca vuelan a tu alrededor

          And the windy city airs that blow you away.

I am from the island of eternal summers

          And now the land of snow, snow and more snow!

I am from Nacho el yardero

          And Chabela la limpia casas.

From Cuidad de México, Neza

          And la casa de mi abuelita

I am from my great grandmother’s name

          And my grandma’s niña.

From soft grass between my toes

          And the fft-fft of the sprinkler.

I am from summer days with my dad

          And evenings with my mom.

I am from dirt, construction zones

          And 2x4s.

From motor oil in the asphault

          And graffiti spray cans.

I am from roller skating at the Rainbow Roller Rink while my mother watched,

          And the DJ played the song “Africa” by Toto

Soy de cruzar el Puente

          Y Beall Elementary School

I am from double dutch

          And Red Light, Green Light

I am from jelly shoes

          And barefoot baths in the sink

From moving trucks

          And permanent boxes in the garage

I am from basketball

          And Michael Jordan

Yo soy de libertad al aire, baños en la Lluvia

          Y corridas en el monte

From the land of fire

          And where being naughty is my attire

From menudo on Sunday mornings

          And scaring my brother till the chancla came flying towards me.

I am from buying tamariondo candy from my neightbor

          And riding my bike by the cornfields

Soy de criarme con muchos animals

          Y darle Cristiana sepulture hasta los más pequeñitos.


The newest Schaumburg DLTL Cohort completed their 3 intensive courses in June, 2019, and is currently enjoying a well-deserved summer break!

“Where I’m From” – an Intimate Look at the 2019-2020 DLTL Cohort in Chicago

Led by Dr. Allison Slade, the two newest DLTL cohorts collaborated on a culturally responsive writing activity in their DLTL 443 class – Academic Language Development Across Content Areas. Using mentor text poem “Where I’m From” each class wrote one poem that expressed their identities and culture. Presented here is the poem written by our Chicago DLTL Cohort:


Where I’m From – DLTL Chicago Cohort 2019-2020

I am from mama y papa

From el campo

From “no se dice que se dice Mande”

And taza de canela y pan dulce

I am from Guanjuato where I long to go every summer to hug and laugh

            With my family

From “If you are going to do something do it well”

            And “If you are going to be a tree, be the best tree on the block”

I am from the smell of CPS elementary cafeterias

            And the nostalgia of them

From salsa music blasting in the living room

            And novelas blaring on the kitchen TV

I am from salty breeze, fried fish

            And coconut rice

I am from the frustrated dreams of my father

            And the stubbornness of my mother

From my mother’s womb

            And my father’s heart

I am from English speaking at home

            And Español con tías, tíos y abuelitos

From laughter and dancing in the kitchen

            And a strong matriarch to hold us up

I am from whispers in the morning

            And Yelling long distance phone calls

From parents’ roots

            And walks on the beach

I am from heating my dad’s diesel truck make it home

            And tejandas, banda, familia y tequila

From hip-hop

            And freestyling on the porch

I am from salsa y aguacate

            And inspirando en el balcón

I am from the land of the lakes

            And meet me at the green thing.

From Los Bukis and Metallica

            And a one bedroom apartment para 4.

I am from a hard-working couple

            And who loves her children to infinity and beyond

I am from up and at ‘em

            And tired eyes

From busy streets

            And reading books

I am from humble beginnings

            And big dreams


The Chicago cohort is currently in their 3rd course of the program – Biliteracy Program Design and Development– and will be completing their intensive Summer coursework at the end of this week.


DLTL Graduate Advocates for Dual Language

Sagrario Wang Moreno, a 2019 DLTL graduate, recently published an article The Benefits of the Dual Language Education Model (Los beneficios del modelos de educación de lenguaje dual). The article advocates for dual language education; emphasizing improved cognitive abilities, better attendance, and higher test scores. Sagrario urges parents to discuss the benefits of dual language education with local school board members to strengthen their communities.

This article was published in the July 12, 2019 edition of Reflejos, la Voz Suburbana de los Hispanos, (voice of Suburban Hispanics). Click on the link to download the full article (page 7).





DLTL Practicum Explores the Community

The DLTL 2019 Schaumburg Cohort amped things up in the second week of practicum at Forest View Elementary School in CCSD59.

This week several groups went on field trips across the community – to the fire department, the library, and the village hall to learn about Sonia Sotomayor, how town hall meetings work, and how the leaders of the community make rules.

One group of students explored natural disasters and made volcanoes. In small groups they discussed the effects on the community/people, and were able to appreciate the magnitude of destruction.

Small groups of students create volcano replicas and discuss the effects of natural disasters on communities and people.


DLTL Practicum – Week #1

The phenomenal DLTL students from our Schaumburg cohort are teaching and leading 134 elementary students in a 3-week, Summer Spanish Enrichment “Language, Culture & Community” program.  This first week was filled with Spanish read-alouds, parent workshops, cultural art activities, community projects and much more. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!


Illinois Dual Language Summit

Attend the statewide dual language summit at the University of Illinois at Chicago on Sat. June 8th, 2019 from 10:00-1:00.

Registration is required and MUST be done in advance. The link is https://go.uic.edu/idls2019 
Our invited plenary speaker is Dr. Fabrice Jaumont. We will be raffling off 4 copies of his book The bilingual revolution, and they will also be for sale.
Please forward this link to all DL educators around the state of Illinois. We are especially keen on inviting dual language programs that operate in languages other than Spanish. There will also be three $25 gift cards raffled to individuals who travel more than 50 miles to attend.