DLTL Practicum Explores the Community

The DLTL 2019 Schaumburg Cohort amped things up in the second week of practicum at Forest View Elementary School in CCSD59.

This week several groups went on field trips across the community – to the fire department, the library, and the village hall to learn about Sonia Sotomayor, how town hall meetings work, and how the leaders of the community make rules.

One group of students explored natural disasters and made volcanoes. In small groups they discussed the effects on the community/people, and were able to appreciate the magnitude of destruction.

Small groups of students create volcano replicas and discuss the effects of natural disasters on communities and people.


DLTL Practicum – Week #1

The phenomenal DLTL students from our Schaumburg cohort are teaching and leading 134 elementary students in a 3-week, Summer Spanish Enrichment “Language, Culture & Community” program.  This first week was filled with Spanish read-alouds, parent workshops, cultural art activities, community projects and much more. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!