Register Now for the Wild Things 2011 Environmental Conference

The Wild Things conference is a fun and educational all-day event sponsored biannually by the Chicago Wilderness organization and other partners, and covers a vast array of topics related to urban ecology, conservation, gardening, wildlife, science, politics, and environmental activism. Some of the presentations and workshops have more of a scientific bent; others are directed toward environmental policy; but many have a humanities component to them (such as how we represent and conceptualize the natural environment, apply concepts of “wilderness” to urban landscapes, think about environmental ethics, etc.).

Advance registration is required (the deadline is Jan. 30th for early online registration, which features a cheaper rate). Students can attend inexpensively for $15 — cheap for an event of this topic and quality. The conference will be a great potential source of ideas about urban ecology and other matters related to sustainability, wilderness, etc., and is also a cool networking opportunity. Professors Mike Bryson and Carl Zimring will be in attendance as well as co-presenting a talk at 4pm (session D6) on RU’s new Sustainability Studies program. In particular, we highly recommend the keynote address at 9am by Curt Meine, a terrific presenter who will discuss the life and legacy of Aldo Leopold, one of the most important American environmental writers (as well as an ecologist) of the 20th century. That talk will include a preview of a new film about Leopold, who exemplified the integration of science and the humanities in his engagement of the natural world.

Spring 2011 Semester Kicks Off for RU’s Sustainability Studies

Today snowy monday marks the start of the “spring” semester for RU’s Sustainability Studies program. My classes (PLS 392 Seminar in Humanities and SUST 210 The Sustainable Future) are now officially in session. If you’re registered in either of these courses, I’m looking forward to meeting you!

For a welcome message from my colleague Prof. Carl Zimring, check out the Sustainability Studies Blog’s post for today.

Friends of Volo Bog Offer Scholarships

I just received this email announcement from the Friends of Volo Bog about their scholarships available for academic year 2011-12.

The Friends of Volo Bog is offering an Entering College scholarship and a Continuing College scholarship for $1,000 each to outstanding students interested in pursuing an environmental career.

To be eligible for the Entering College scholarship the applicant must reside in Lake, McHenry, Kane, Cook, DuPage, Kendall, or Will County, attend a high school in one of these counties, have a minimum B average for the first three years, and plan to attend an accredited college or university. The applicant should be planning to enter a career directly related to preserving the environment.

To be eligible for the Continuing College scholarship the applicant must be currently enrolled in an accredited college or university pursing a degree directly related to preserving the environment, have a permanent residence in Lake, McHenry, Kane, Cook, DuPage, Kendall, or Will County, have graduated from a high school from one of these counties with a minimum B average, and currently hold a minimum B average in their college studies.

Applications are due by March 31st each year for the school year starting in fall.

The Friends of Volo Bog is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the preservation of the natural heritage, maintenance of site facilities, and advancement of educational programming at Volo Bog State Natural Area.

Application packets are available at

Spring Online Classes Begin Monday, Jan. 24

This spring semester at Roosevelt, most campus-based classes already have begun. My spring courses, PLS 392 Humanities and SUST 210 The Sustainable Future, begin on Monday, Jan. 24th. At that point the Blackboard (Bb) sites for these classes will be “live.”

The on-campus section of SUST 210 will have its first meeting of the semester on Thursday night at the Schaumburg Campus, 6:30-9pm. See you then!