This April is #RUEarthMonth2024, and there are lots of ways to go green here at Roosevelt. Whether you’re on or off campus — from attending talks and webinars by invited speakers to hearing presentations by current students to joining in the student org RU Green’s activities and community service work — you can participate in and contribute to the sustainability of our campus community.
SUST 395 Internship Presentations: As part of the annual Roosevelt Student Research & Inquiry Symposium, three Sustainability Internship students completing SUST 395 internships this spring 2024 semester at the Field Museum’s botany department (Daniel Dodinval and Kenny Koster) and the Southeast Environmental Task Force (Kristina Gillespie) gave oral presentations last Th 4/11 to the RU community on their research projects and community engagement activities. Check out the Zoom recording of their talks here!
All Week 4/15-19 — Student Mental Health Referendum Vote: All students have the chance to vote on a Mental Health Referendum for the RU student body. Below is an infographic about the issue and referendum. SGA is holding a Referendum Info Session on Zoom on Tu 4/16 at 2pm.
Mon 4/15 5-6pm — Earth Month Clean-Up with RU Green & the Black Student Union: Come join RU Green & BSU for a service project in recognition of Earth Month. We will be beautifying the area surrounding our campus by picking up trash. All supplies will be provided. Meet in WB Lobby by 5pm. RSVP and event details here on Laker Connect.

Tues 4/16 12:30-1:45pm — SUST 210/250 Sustainability Teach-In Presentations: Join the students of SUST 210 Sustainable Future and SUST 250 The Sustainable University as three student teams present their projects on vital sustainability issues of the day (food, consumption, and waste). Attend live in WB 616 or virtually by Zoom. Email Prof. Mike Bryson ( for more info.
Tues 4/16 2pm — Virtual Tour of the MWRD’s Famous “Deep Tunnel”: one and all are invited to attend a free live virtual tour of the Chicago region’s water infrastructure and history on Tuesday, April 16 at 2 p.m. Travel back in time to early Chicago to see how we reversed the Chicago River and developed wastewater treatment technology. Go behind the scenes and under water to see how we transform the water you use every day; descend 300 feet into the deep tunnel system, and watch our electrofishing crew at work sampling fish on the Chicago River. See goats and sheep at work maintaining native prairie landscaping! (Yes, you read that right.) To register, click here.
Thur 4/18 12:30-1:45pm — SUST 210/250 Sustainability Teach-In Presentations: Join the students of SUST 210 Sustainable Future and SUST 250 The Sustainable University as four student teams present their projects on vital sustainability issues of the day (athletics, energy, transportation, and water). Attend live in WB 616 or virtually by Zoom. Email Prof. Mike Bryson ( for more info.
Thur 4/18 & Sun 4/21 — WeDigBio Citizen Science at the Field Museum: Be a part of a global effort to digitize centuries of data about life on Earth! Organisms may include ferns, fungi, mosses, lichens, insects, and mammals. Participants will have an opportunity to meet scientists and join in behind-the-scenes tours or talks about the significance of the scientific collections. WeDigBio will be held in-person at the Field Museum on 4/18 and 4/21, from 9:30am to 1pm. For more info and to register for this event, please click here.
Fri 4/19 after Senate 12-4pm – Green-up / Clean-up Event: Immediately following University Senate, RU faculty and staff are invited to connect, collaborate and clean out office spaces. Details are forthcoming about special services and activities, but wear your Roosevelt green, grab some coffee and a snack and get ready for some spring cleaning! Details here on Inside RU.
Sat 4/20 thru Mon 4/22 — Earth Day Service Opportunities & Events throughout Chicago, sponsored by the Chicago Conservation Corps (C3) and other organizations. Check out the many events listed here by C3 as well as these by the Cook County Forest Preserves. Help clean up parklands, restore natural areas, and meet conservation-minded and nature loving sustainability nerds from across the city. Fun and rewarding in a deeply spiritual and dirt-under-your-nails kind of way!
Wed 4/24 6-7pm CST — RU Students Explore the “Democracy of Place”: Join RU students as they engage other students from across the US in an online discussion about the present and future state of democracy. Led by students of the Resilience Studies Consortium, this interactive conversation will explore the importance of place, public spaces, sustainability, community resilience, and more. Zoom link:
Not enough stuff to choose from? Keep checking this page and the SUST @ RU blog for more updates about great Earth Month 2024 events and activities. And don’t forget to get outside!
Updated 4/13/24