Grad School A-Z / McNair Scholars Program

Today 11/12 at 4:30pm, the College of Arts & Science Student Advisory Council (CASSAC) is hosting a workshop – Grad School: A to Z – at the Chicago Campus, Wabash Building, room 317. The workshop is open to all Roosevelt students interested in attending graduate or professional school and will cover topics ranging from how to begin the application process, crafting/revising personal statements, and much more. Students will have an opportunity to meet and speak with a panel of Roosevelt faculty (including yours truly) and staff.

For more information, contact — hope to see you there!

Also, Fri 11/15 is the deadline to apply to the McNair Scholars Program, a tremendous opportunity for first-generation and under-represented undergrads interested in pursuing doctoral research after your graduation from RU. Access information & application instructions here:

The mission of the McNair Scholars Program at Roosevelt University is to provide promising undergraduates with the knowledge necessary to achieve and successfully complete a doctoral degree. The McNair Scholars program accomplishes this through enhancement workshops, advanced research, a mentoring program, and a supportive atmosphere.

McNair students are required by their senior year to complete a number of scholarly activities as they prepare to apply for graduate school and graduate funding opportunities. McNair students benefit from a summer research program, presenting research at professional conferences, visits to graduate schools they are interested in attending, academic counseling, course tutoring, preparing for GRE exams, and receiving advice and assistance with the graduate school selection and application process. The McNair Scholars Program is committed to helping students build solid foundations in their professional and personal relationships through mentoring, community building activities, and nurturing a sense of accomplishment in their educational goals at the end of their program.