Deirdre McCloskey biography

By Stephen T. Ziliak, “Deirdrest” (2020), introduction to special issue of Schmollers Jahrbuch-Journal of Contextual Economics, on Freedom and History in the Works of Deirdre N. McCloskey

Deirdrest – Ziliak JCE Schmollers Jahrbuch 2020 (pdf)

By Stephen T. Ziliak, “McCloskey, Deirdre N.” (2006) in the Elgar Book on the Chicago School of Economics, edited by Ross Emmett

Biography of Deirdre N. McCloskey Ziliak (Elgar book on Chicago School) 2006 (pdf)


By Stephen T. Ziliak, “D.N. McCloskey and the Rhetoric of a Scientific Economics,” introduction to S.T. Ziliak, ed., Measurement and Meaning in Economics: The Essential Deirdre McCloskey (Elgar, 2001)

Ziliak essay on McCloskey’s methodology – Measurement and Meaning (Elgar, 2001) (pdf)