[CV of Stephen T. Ziliak (2024)]
[right] “Steve Ziliak aka The Haiku Economist,” by Yuko Shimizu (2009)
- Professor Ziliak gave the keynote presentation for the 2024 Alexander Rustow Plakette which was awarded to Deirdre N. McCloskey by the Alliance for Social Market Economy (Berlin), September 3rd 2024. Other recent awardees include Jeffrey Sachs (2021) and Angela Merkel (2018).
- “Economics, Class, and Narrative: The Unacknowledged Success of Negative Income Tax Experiments” (with Edward Teather-Posadas, Anders Fremstad, Bryan Rodriguez, and Alexandra Bernasek), forthcoming (2024)
Blast from the past, the 2002 Winner of the Helen Potter Award for Best Paper in Social Economics, “Pauper Fiction”:
Pauper Fiction in Economic Science _ RSE Ziliak 2002
- Ziliak’s “Haiku Economics” goes to Paris! Featured in a 2024 book by Actes Sud, Poésie de l’art faber : Quand les poètes racontent et façonnent les mondes économiques, eds. Jérôme Duval-Hamel, Lourdes Arizpe
- “Statistically Significant Obstacles: Career Courage and Paradigm Shift (2024)
- “Letter to a Young Statistician: On ‘Student’ and the Lanarkshire Milk Experiment,” Chance 37 (1, 2024)
Student and the Lanarkshire Milk Experiment (Ziliak, Chance 2024)
- “One thing about . . . the Rhetoric of Statistics” (Chance, 2023, #4) The Rhetoric of Statistics (Ziliak, Chance 2023)
- Appointed, Consulting Editor for Ethics and Quantitative Methods, Journal of Business Ethics (2023- ).
- How to Get Large G-values: Ten Principles of Guinnessometrics, Keynote Address, 7th International Conference of the Beeronomics Society for the Study of the Economics of Beer and Brewing, Trinity College Dublin, June 2022
- Coauthor, Final Report of the Antiracism Task Force to the American Statistical Association Board of Directors, April 2022
- “What does a little p value have to do with significance?” Mount Sinai Hospital New York, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Applied Biostatistics and Data Sciences Seminar Series, February 2022 (Organizer: Dr. Emma K.T. Benn)
- Runner-up, “My Headline is Better” Contest, stats+stories, November 2022 (Winner, “Best Lede in 30 Words Contest,” stats+stories, Miami University, October 2019.)
- “Becoming a JEDI Statistician” published in Stat, a journal of the International Statistical Institute, special issue on Equitable and Inclusive Data and Technology. Follows a 2021 SDSS opening plenary with Safiya Umoja Noble, Wendy Martinez, and Stephen T. Ziliak
pdf: Becoming a JEDI Statistician (Ziliak 2021)
- Editor of & contributor to a ten (10) article issue of Schmollers Jahrbuch-Journal of Contextual Economics (2020, 3/4) special issue on Deirdre N. McCloskey, with papers by McCloskey, Martha Nussbaum, George DeMartino, Ziliak, and others
- “Deirdrest,” by Stephen T. Ziliak, forthcoming in Schmollers Jahrbuch-Journal of Contextual Economics
Deirdrest – Ziliak JCE Schmollers Jahrbuch 2020
See also, “Deirdre N. McCloskey” in Ross Emmett, ed., Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics (drafted 2002, revised 2006):
Deirdre McCloskey bio Stephen Ziliak_Chicago School of Economics_Emmett book
- Professor Ziliak appointed by ASA Presidents to the American Statistical Association Anti-Racism Task Force (2020-2021)
- Stephen T. Ziliak appointed Editor of Schmollers Jahrbuch-Journal of Contextual Economics. (DuBois and Veblen smiling from above, or from somewhere, he hopes.)
- Meisterklasse on Ziliak studies taught at University of Seigen, Germany, by Dr. Stephan Wolf, Department of Contextual Economics, November 2020-January 2021, with capstone lectures by Ziliak
- “Guinnessometrics” university wide seminar, Kadir Has Universty, Istanbul, March 2021
- “Guinnessometrics” Research Masters Program in Risk Management Seminar, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, March 2021
- Podcast and retrospective on Ziliak’s research and teaching, “So what is Guinnessometrics?” Stats+Stories, National Public Radio and American Statistical Association, Sept. 2019
- Retrospective interview on pluralism in economics education with The Mint magazine, London
- “How large are your G-values? Try Guinnessometrics,” Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Annual Banquet & Lecture, East Bank Club, December 2019
- New article by McCloskey and Ziliak in the Journal of Economic Education: What Quantitative Methods Should We Teach To Graduate Students? (October 2019) pdf What quantitative methods should we teach to graduate students A comment on Swann s Is precise econometrics an illusion
- On November 6, 2019, Stephen Ziliak gave a lecture on “The Death of Statistical Significance” at the Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg, Germany, at a conference honoring the contributions of Deirdre N. McCloskey to freedom and humane economics
- Proud to give the annual Bernardin-Haskell Lecture at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), on “The Significance of Statistical Insignificance,” Oct. 7 2019 The Significance of Statistical Insignficance_ Ziliak
- Honored to be back on the Stats+Stories podcast, this time talking about Guinnessometrics. But also: The Cult of Statistical Significance, 25 years of doing archival research, welfare casework, teaching Econ with Grapes of Wrath & haiku
- “Roosevelt economist reaches college classrooms with statistics and Guinness beer” (Roosevelt University, Oct. 1 2019). A recent survey of the members of the American Economic Association (AEA) showed that Ziliak’s first article on Guinnessometrics is one of the most popular for teaching Econometrics
- Stephen T. Ziliak’s research on statistical significance, Guinnessometrics, and haiku economics is featured in an interview he did with The Mint Magazine, a product of the London-based PEP (Promoting Economic Pluralism). The interview, published in June 2019, is called “Significantly Speaking”
- Stephen T. Ziliak taught his famous PhD course on “The Rhetoric of Economics and Other Human Sciences,” 27-29 May 2019, KU Leuven, Belgium. Ziliak has been teaching PhD and Postdoc courses at KU Leuven since 2012
- Stephen T. Ziliak gave an “experts” seminar on his most recent American Statistician article, “How large are your G-values?” (2019), European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 28 May 2019
- Looking for an alternative to meaningless p-values? Ziliak’s new article in The American Statistician can help:
“How large are your G-values? Try Gosset’s Guinnessometrics when a little ‘p’ is not enough” (Ziliak is Associate Editor of this historic special issue of The American Statistician on Statistical Inference in the 21st Century: A World Beyond p < 0.05)
Media press release (April 24, 2019)
- Searching for a fast and effective way to write, revise, and even grade papers? With you in mind I’ve invented the “McZ#” method, now published in the Third Edition of Deirdre McCloskey’s Economical Writing (University of Chicago Press, 2019)
- Stephen T. Ziliak visited the University of Bordeaux (Montesquieu Bordeaux IV), Bordeaux, France on 1-3 June 2019, where he served as PhD committee member and thesis defense jury member for Dr. Robin S. Goldstein (thesis title: “The Economics of Pretension”)
- Stephen T. Ziliak won first prize in the Explain Bayes Better Competition, with the entry Better Bayes found in linked haiku (Stats+Stories podcast, Miami University, American Statistical Association & National Public Radio), Dec. 6 2018
Bayesian method-/Making stuff you partly know/ link that which you don’t
Frequentist methods/ Fear the null hypothesis/ and large p-values
“It pays to go Bayes”/ Epistemologically/ obvious in prior
- Ziliak and McCloskey contribute to Symposium on Econometrics in David Colander, ed., Journal of Economic Education (forthcoming, 2019): “What Quantitative Methods Should We Teach to Graduate Students? Comment on Swann’s ‘Is Precise Econometrics an Illusion?’”
Teaching Graduate Econometrics _ Jnl Econ Education _ McCloskey Ziliak
- Chicagoans, tourists, and other horse lovers: have you noticed there is no more Poop in the Loop? Many thanks to Yves Smith and Nakedcapitalism for exposing the problem which led to the clean up. Biggest congrats of all to Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Superintendent of Police Eddie Johnson, for replacing expensive horses with efficient bicycles.
- What happens when statistics meets haiku & vice versa? Submit your haiku statistica here, at the American Statistical Assocation, “What is Statistics” link. Win a prize you’ll be proud to wear! Here are a couple by Prof Z:
What is statistics?
Making sweet sense of data
mean and variant
Model citizens
spotting signals in the noise:
that is statistics
- Blast from the past A bio of Deirdre McCloskey I wrote for The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics (2010, Ross B. Emmett, editor). The piece was written years before, in 2002, after an interview we did at Deirdre’s place in August of that year
Deirdre McCloskey bio_ Ziliak Chicago Econ 2010
- New article by Stephen T. Ziliak, “How large are your G-values: Try Gosset’s Guinnessometrics when a little ‘p’ is not enough,” The American Statistician (Special Issue: “Statistical Inference and Scientific Method in the World Beyond P < 0.05”, 2018)
Co-editor, The American Statistician (Special Issue: “Statistical Inference and Scientific Method in the World Beyond P < 0.05”, 2018)
- Ziliak’s recent “How large are your G-values?” will be presented at the Chicago R-User Group Hacktoberfest, Tues. 10/16, 5:45-8:45, Haymarket Brewery, 737 W. Randolph St
- Forthcoming, “Appendix: Applying Economical Writing to Become Your Own Best Editor,” in Deirdre McCloskey’s Economical Writing: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose (University of Chicago Press, Third Edition, 2018) with an Appendix by Stephen T. Ziliak
- Forthcoming, Stephen T. Ziliak and Edward Teather-Posadas, “The Making of an Ethical Econometrician” in Wilfred Dolfsma and Ioana Negru, eds., The Ethical Formation of Economists (Routledge, 2019)
- Forthcoming, “Economic history haiku”, in Chris Colvin’s and Matthias Blum’s, eds., An Economist’s Guide to Economic History (Palgrave, 2018)
- Published Spring 2018, “Statistically significant journey: How to grow the economy and keep your hair,” Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations (in honor of Deirdre N. McCloskey), by Stephen T. Ziliak
- Published, “William Sealy Gosset”, Feature essay in the New College Record, 2017 (University of Oxford, New College Annual Report, published Spring 2018), edited by Christopher Tyerman
- Why is there so much Poop in the Loop and Other Big Cities? Stephen Ziliak explores this sticky question in Naked Capitalism (Jan. 7 2018)
- Many thanks to Christie Aschwanden, lead science writer at FiveThirtyEight, for kind remarks about Ziliak’s Poetry essay, haiku economics, in The Last Word on Nothing blog (Dec. 2017)

- FLASHBACK Bretton Woods, NH, 2011: Keynes and Morgenthau have not moved since 1944! Or is that Steve Ziliak and Phil Mirowski?

- Ziliak’s “Haiku Economics” features in a sweet new book by Poetry Foundation, Who Reads Poetry? 50 Views from Poetry Magazine (University of Chicago Press, Oct 2017)
- Haiku contest at the American Statistical Association, with prizes! Ziliak launches it here, with haiku answering the question “What is Statistics?”
- Ziliak lectures on “The Cult of Statistical Significance” and “Beer vs. Wine” featured at the 2017 AAEA meetings in Chicago (Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)

- Ziliak was Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford, New College, in May 2017, and Visiting Scholar at Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Research in Social Science (TRISS), in April 2017
- Ziliak, McCloskey, and Cranor file brief of amici curiae, explaining statistical significance and Lipitor to the United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit, April 2017: Statistical significance and Lipitor-Cranor McCloskey Ziliak_amici curiae brief
- Stephen T. Ziliak’s essay, “Statistically Significant Journey: How to Grow the Economy and Keep Your Hair,” is forthcoming in the Proceedings of the Miller Upton Forum on Wealth and Well-Being (Beloit College, 2017)
- Stephen T. Ziliak’s essay, “Honest Abe Was a Co-op Dude: How the Donald Can Save America from Capital Despotism,” published in Trumponomics: Causes and Consequences (Real World Economics Review 78, March 2017)
The pdf is here: Ziliak Honest Abe Economics paper_RWER 2017

- Stephen T. Ziliak’s highly reviewed essay, “Haiku Economics: Money, Metaphor, and the Invisible Hand,” is being reprinted in a forthcoming anthology, Who Reads Poetry? 50 Views from Poetry Magazine (University of Chicago Press and Poetry Foundation, 2017)
- At the second AIRLEAP Workshop on Ethics and Economics Stephen Ziliak presented “Guinnessometrics: Randomization plus Significance does not equal Validity”:
- At the fourth ICAPE Conference on Pluralism in Economics Stephen Ziliak and Edward Teather-Posadas presented their paper, “Coasebusters: Ethics, Justice, and the Nature of the Firm”, Roosevelt University (Jan 5 2017)
Stephen Ziliak presented “The Oomph Revolution: Law, Statistics, and Policy” at the 2016 Beloit College Upton Forum on The Ideas and Influence of Deirdre N. McCloskey (Nov 4 2016)
- Adam Smith scholar and blogger Gavin Kennedy praises Ziliak’s and Barbour’s take-down of Robert Frank’s The Darwin Economy. Read Kennedy’s post at Adam Smith’s Lost Legacy (August 16th 2016) and the paper published in Schmollers Jarhbuch, here:
Smith’s Wedge_Ziliak and Barbour_Schmollers Jahrbuch
- Stephen Ziliak appointed Conjoint Professor, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle (Australia; July 2016)
What is a “Conjoint Professor“?
- Stephen Ziliak appointed by the American Statistical Association (ASA) to represent the ASA at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Section: History and Philosophy of Science), term 2017-2020
- Stephen Ziliak aka “The Haiku Economist” was a judge of the 12th annual Haiku Fest competition, Harold Washington Library, Chicago, April 30th 2016. Video by CAN-TV begins at 1:02:03
- Free download from Taylor & Francis: Statistical significance and scientific-misconduct (Ziliak 2016) Review of Social Economy (Special issue on Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity), April 2016
- Free download from Taylor & Francis: McCloskey and Ziliak article on “Signifying Nothing: Reply to Hoover and Siegler” Journal of Economic Methodology 1 (2008)
- At the Colorado State University Department of Economics, Ziliak advised PhD students and gave a talk on”Guinnessometrics,” April 4th 2016
Ziliak advised PhD students & discussed “Guinnessometrics” at Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO April 4th 2016 Ziliak was a lead writer on the expert team that crafted the historic American Statistical Association Statement on Statistical Significance and P-Values (March 7th 2016)
- Roosevelt economist who challenged use of statistics celebrates victory (March 17th 2016).
Here is his Discussion paper published in The American Statistician (March 7th 2016). Click on “Supplemental”). Or get it here:
Ziliak Discussion of ASA Statement_The American Statistician-1
Comment (and haiku) at FiveThirtyEight
Feature article in Scientific American (Germany): “Statistik: Eine signifikante Geschichte“, by Christian Honey (March 7th 2016)
Comments at EmployStats, Samuel Barbour’s Blog
- Spring Break in Ireland During Spring Break 2016 Ziliak taught Phd, Postdoc, and MS students, and lectured at Trinity College Dublin (Economics) and Queen’s University Belfast (Economics and School of Management), March 7-12, 2016
- New paper by Stephen Ziliak and Samuel Barbour, “Smith’s Wedge: The Invisible Mishandling of Context in Robert Frank’s The Darwin Economy,” forthcoming in Schmollers Jahrbuch (Janurary 30th 2016)
Smith’s Wedge_Ziliak and Barbour_Schmollers Jahrbuch
- Ziliak research on Fisher, Gosset, and Guinnessometrics featured in part two of Ziliak’s interview with Forbes magazine, “Beer Vs. Eugenics: The Good and the Bad Uses of Statistics” (by Jerry Bowyer, January 6th 2016)
Reprint at Center for Genetics and Society (UC Berkeley)

- Ziliak article, “Statistical Significance and Scientific Misconduct: Improving the Style of the Published Research Paper,” forthcoming in Review of Social Economy (Special Issue: Research Ethics and Scientific Misconduct, 2016)
Link at Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View
- Ziliak research featured in Forbes article, “Why Most Studies You Read About Are Wrong” and interview by Jerry Bowyer (December 30th 2015)
- Check out “The Guinness Brewer Who Revolutionized Statistics“, by Dan Kopf (Priceonomics, December 11th 2015)
Comment at Chris Blattman
- Stephen Ziliak has been elected to the Board of the Directors of AIRLEAP–the Association for Integrity and Responsible Leadership in Economics and Associated Professions, Washington DC (December 1st 2015)
- Ziliak gave a keynote address on Guinnessometrics at the University of Newcastle, Australia, CARMA Workshop on Behavioral Economics and Quantitative Finance, November 2015

- At the annual meetings of the Southern Economic Association (New Orleans, November 2015) Ziliak presented two papers based on the two chapters he published in the Oxford Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics (Oxford U Press, 2016, Eds. G. DeMartino and D. McCloskey).
- Stephen T. Ziliak joins Board of Editors of the revamped Schmollers Jahrbuch: The Journal of Contextual Economics (July 2015, Germany), the A-list journal of historical economics started by Gustav Schmoller (1838-1917) in 1871.
- World Premiere of Economics Rap Video, “Fear the Economics Textbook (Story of the Next Crook)”, by Stephen T. Ziliak and the RU Ready 4Justice Collective, Monday May 4th 2:30 to 5:00 PM AUD 440 (Roosevelt University, Auditorium Building, Chicago)
Economics Rap Video Release Party Ziliak 2015
- Join the debate at Inside Higher Ed, “Roosevelt U’s class’s video challenges George Mason’s Hayek fan videos” (by Scott Jaschik, May 6th 2015)
AntiCap, “Fear the Economics Textbook” (by David Ruccio, May 6th 2015)
Naked Keynesianism, “Fear the Economics Textbook: The Response to the Keynes/Hayek Video” (May 6th 2015)
Adam Smith’s Lost Legacy, “Interesting Debate on Smith and Hayek” (May 8th 2015)
National Review, “A Professor Who Misunderstands What Economics Is About” (May 9th 2015)
Rethinking Economics, “Where Moral Sentiments Replace Supply and Demand: The RU Ready4Justice Collective’s Economics Rap Video” (by Paul Gilbert, University of Sussex, UK July 14th 2015)
Thom Hartmann Program, “Fear the Economics Textbook/A Rap Video” (June 2nd 2015)
- Ziliak publishes editorial in the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (vol 6, no 1, 2015), “Why We Made the Economics Rap Video: Fear the Economics Textbook,” Economics Rap Video_Ziliak IJPEE Editorial 2015
- Ziliak gave the keynote lecture at the 3rd Annual University of Missouri-Kansas City Conference on Interdisciplinary Research. The keynote was titled, “Is that my Professor dancing? Interdisciplinary research and the Perspective of Perspectives“
- Stephen T. Ziliak gave the opening keynote address, “Finding the Phoenix: Conquering the Cult of Statistical Significance,” at the World Congress on Angiogenesis, April 12th 2015 (Stuart Street Playhouse, Boston).

- If you are thinking progressively about health, food, economics, medicine & the future, check out the Angiogenesis Foundation and Eat to Beat websites
- If you’re not too busy texting, try Ziliak’s essay, “Texting Off in Class“, published in Inside Higher Ed (March 17th 2015)
- Ziliak Students Publish Renga Poem: Capitalistic Crisis: Renganomics (Int’l Jnl. of Pluralism and Economics Education 5 (3, Dec. 2014))
- Honest Abe Was a Co-op Dude Honestly, he was. Read Ziliak’s timely essay on Abraham Lincoln, worker-owned co-ops, and rife opportunity to spread economic democracy in America
Read more at Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View (Nov 10th 2014), David Ruccio’s Anticap (“Abraham Lincoln and the road to despotism“, Nov 14th 2014), Ruccio reprinted with comments in the Real-World Economics Review , and Tim Harford’s Twitter

- Stephen T. Ziliak gave a keynote address, Guinnessometrics Against the Gold Standard, to kick-off the 2014 FACSS-SciX Conference for Scientific Exchange, the premier research conference for analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, and chemometrics (Sept 28th, Reno, NV)
- What is renganomics? Read Stephen T. Ziliak’s “The Spontaneous Order of Words: Economics Experiments in Haiku and Renga,” published in Vol. 5, No. 3 of the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (2014) The article introduces a new game and teaching tool, called renganomics, and includes economic haiku and renga by six Roosevelt students Renganomics Paper – ZILIAK IJPEE 2014
- Professor Ziliak gave a keynote address at the first-ever International Workshop on Scientific Misconduct and Research Ethics in Economics, Izmir, Turkey, August 22nd 2014
- Ziliak credited in New York Times article on the economics of art: Barbarians at the Art Auction Gates? Not to Worry, by Lorne Manly and Robin Pogrebin, August 17th 2014
- Ziliak quoted in Sprektrum der Wissenschaft (Scientific American-German edition), Ein Signifikanter Irrtum (A Significant Error), by Regina Nuzzo (August 7th 2014)
- Professor Ziliak was invited to speak about The Power of Words and Social Change with an All-Academy audience of the 2014 Academy of Management Conference in Philadelphia (August 3rd, 2014). Academy of Management Ziliak Power of Words 2014
“Words – the symbolic language used to communicate – are portrayed by social scientists as at the same time powerful and powerless in affecting social change. The question is, however, not whether words are powerful – it is not clear if these theories can be reconciled – but when they are powerful and towards what consequence. This panel symposium facilitates a multi-diciplinary dialogue on the topic, by bringing four eminent scholars from sociology, psychology, economics and communication studies to reflect on their fields’ insights and engage in dialogue.”
- Ziliak cited in The Financial Post (Toronto), on the evidence for gender bias in corporate boards: Feminist Mythtique in the Boardroom, by Terence Corcoran, June 18th 2014
- The Cult of Statistical Significance affects biomedical research methods at the U.S.D.A. See: What to do about the “Cult of Statistical Significance”? A Renewable Fuel Application using the Neyman-Pearson Protocol, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policies, by T.R. Wojan et al. (OUP, 2014)
- New article by Ziliak and McCloskey on the ethics of statistical significance and a recent Supreme Court case: Lady Justice v. Cult of Statistical Significance: Oomph-less Science and the New Rule of Law, forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics (OUP, 2014), edited by G. DeMartino and D.N. McCloskey
Ziliak McCloskey Lady Justice v Cult of Statistical Signifcance_ Ethics 2014

- The Cult of Statistical Significance reviewed by Sripad Motiram, Associate Professor of Economics at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (Sept 2014)
- The Cult of Statistical Significance is discussed by Phil Birnbaum at the Sabermetric Research blog (July 9, 2014)
- The Cult of Statistical Significance is praised by the Surrey Physics Blog (University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Department of Physics)
“Precision is Nice, but Oomph is the Bomb” (Ziliak and McCloskey 2008, p. 23)
- The Unprincipled Randomization Principle in Economics and Medicine, by Ziliak and Teather-Posadas, is discussed in a blog post by Lars P. Syll (Sweden, Malmo University, July 6th 2014): On randomistas and causal inference from randomization
- Professor Ziliak recently returned from KU Leuven, Belgium, where he gave 5 lectures on Rhetoric, Economics, Law and Statistics to 65 PhD, law, and postdoc students, and served as a jury member for Koen Deconinck’s PhD thesis defense (June-July, 2014).

- More debate about randomization (and Gosset vs. Fisher), in Andrew Gelman’s Statistical Modeling (June 25th, 2014)
- [Raymond] Smullyan and the Randomistas, in Andrew Gelman’s Statistical Modeling (June 23rd, 2014)
- The Spontaneous Order of Words: Economics Experiments in Haiku and Renga is forthcoming in the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 5 (3, 2014), with original haiku and renga by six Roosevelt students. This marks the birth of renganomics.
Read more at Robin Bates’s Better Living Through Beowulf (“Haikus Make Econ Less Dismal“, May 28th 2014), Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View (“Renganomics“), David Ruccio’s AntiCap (“Poem of the Day“, May 14th & 17th, 2014), and Tim Harford aka The Undercover Economist (May 14th, 2014).
- The Unprincipled Randomization Principle, by Ziliak and Teather-Posadas, is discussed by Tim Harford in the Financial Times, “The Random Risks of Randomized Trials” (April 25th, 2014)
- The Unprincipled Randomization Principle, by Ziliak and Teather-Posadas, is discussed by Casey Mulligan in his New York Times article, “The Economics of Randomized Experiments” (March 5th, 2014)
- The Unprincipled Randomization Principle, by Ziliak and Teather-Posadas, is discussed by Jed Friedman in The World Bank Development Impact blog (April 17, 2014). Here is our reply to Friedman.
- Stephen Ziliak is quoted in Nature, in a Nature News Feature by Regina Nuzzo (Feb. 12, 2014), “Scientific method: Statistical Errors”
- “The Unprincipled Randomization Principle in Economics and Medicine“, by Stephen T. Ziliak and Edward R. Teather-Posadas, is forthcoming in the Oxford University Press Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics (New York: OUP, 2014), edited by George DeMartino and Deirdre N. McCloskey. Here is the pdf: The Unprincipled Randomization Principle_ Ziliak Teather-Posadas_ Oxford (March 29 2014)
Read more: “Roosevelt Economists Challenge Use of Randomized Tests“
- The Cult of Statistical Significance is featured at The World Bank in the article, “When is an error not an error?” (Jan. 15, 2014), by Annette Brown and Benjamin Wood, and at R-Bloggers in the article, “Bayesian First Aid” (Jan. 14, 2014), by Rasmus Baath.
- Drunk on RCTs? Try Guinnessometrics. Read Ziliak’s article on the fallacies of randomized field experiments in economics, published in the inaugural issue of the Review of Behavioral Economics (vol. 1, no. 1-2, Jan 2014). Here is the pdf: (Final) Balanced vs Randomized Field Experiments _ Ziliak Rev Behavioral Economics 2014

Learn more here about The Review of Behavioral Economics
- Ziliak’s Haiku Economics and the Debt Ceiling, in Economist’s View (Oct. 10th, 2013). Read more at David Ruccio’s Anti-Cap (“Poem of the Day”, Oct. 11th) Robin Bates’s Better Living Through Beowulf (“Poetry for Economic Crises”, Oct. 11th) and Bloomberg (“Caroline Baum on Money”, Oct. 10th)
- Nobel Prize for Higgs boson and a silly search for “statistical significance”. Read more in The Wall Street Journal (July 6, 2012)
- Stephen T. Ziliak gave a keynote lecture at the third international Beeronomics conference on The Economics of Beer and Brewing, York, England, September 19th, 2013. His talk was titled, “The Best Regressions You Can Almost Taste: Barley and Malt Value After the 1906 Guinness Nitrogen Experiments” Read more in The York Press
- Ziliak article on randomized trials forthcoming Fall 2013 in the inaugural issue of the Review of Behavioral Economics: Balanced vs Randomized Field Experiments in Economics – Why W.S. Gosset aka Student Matters

- Stephen T. Ziliak gave a keynote address at the prestigious Gordon Research Conference on Computer Aided Drug Design, Mount Snow Resort, Vermont, July 21st, 2013. Ziliak talked about The Cult of Statistical Significance and the Future of Biometrics after Gosset, Fisher, and Matrixx v. Siracusano. Read more at Anthony Nicholls’ A Different Conference and OpenEye
- See also: Significance magazine article by Stephen T. Ziliak, discussing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on statistical significance: Matrixx v Siracusano and Student v Fisher _ Ziliak 2011
- Stephen T. Ziliak addressed the Joint Statistical Meetings in Montreal, August 7th, 2013, on Guinnessometrics Against the Gold Standard: Randomization, Significance, and the Search for Validity
- The Cult of Statistical Significance is featured in a New York Times article by Casey Mulligan, “The Perils of Significant Misunderstandings in Evaluating Medicaid” (June 26, 2013); discussed by David McKenzie at The World Bank (June 27th, 2013) and Dean Baker at the Center for Economic and Policy Research
- Article by Steve Ziliak, Unsignificant Statistics, launches Junk Science Week at The Financial Post (Toronto, June 10th, 2013)
- Comments on Stephen T. Ziliak’s “Unsignificant Statistics” by William M. Briggs aka “Statistician to the Stars” (June 13th, 2013); by Normal Deviate (Larry Wasserman, June 14th, 2013); by Mathblogging (cross post, June 14th); featured by American Statistical Association “Statisticians in the News” (June 14th, 2013), Economist’s View (link, June 13th 2013); reply from physicist Lubos Motl in The Reference Frame (June 17th, 2013).
- Blast from the Past (San Diego, Jan. 4, 2004): I recently came across a copy of my 2004 plenary address to the American Economic Association, “Size Matters: The Standard Error of Regressions in the American Economic Review” (based on the article by Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskey). Here are the Powerpoint slides: Size Matters Ziliak and McCloskey 2004 AEA Plenary on Statistical Significance Chair: Kenneth J. Arrow; Respondent: Deirdre N. McCloskey; Organizer: Morris Altman, Association for Social Economics and Editor, Journal of Socio-Economics (Special issue on Z-M’s research on statistical significance, v. 33, 2004) . Discussants & Commentators: Morris Altman, Graham Elliott, Sir Clive Granger, Fiona Fidler, Gerd Gigerenzer, Joel Horowitz, Edward Leamer, Peter Lunt, Nathan Berg, Mark Burgman, Geoff Cumming, Anthony O’Brien, Bruce Thompson, Neil Thomason, Erik Thorbecke, Jeffrey Wooldridge, and Arnold Zellner. An estimated 325-350 economists, journalists, and others attended the “significant” session – including five Nobel laureates and many of the leading econometricians and statisticians of the 20th century. Lovely day for a regression! Read more at The Economist , Journal of Economic Methodology, and Z-M’s reply to discussants and commentators. A few of my favorite quotes from that day: “You and Deirdre are right – keep going!” – Arnold Zellner (University of Chicago); “What should we do with random error?” – Joel Horowitz (Northwestern); “Amazing talk; were you nervous?” – Steve Cullenberg (UC-Riverside); “Excellent job, Mr. Ziliak.” – Ken Arrow (Stanford).
- I, Stephen T. Ziliak, will be on reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” Thursday, March 28 2013, starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Ask me anything here.
Ask me anything on reddit, Thurs. March 28 2013, 6 PM ET.
– Steve Ziliak
- Ziliak and McCloskey published an article, “We Agree That Statistical Significance Proves Essentially Nothing: A Rejoinder to Thomas Mayer,” in the January 2013 issue of Econ Journal Watch. The pdf is here: Statistical Significance Ziliak McCloskey Rejoinder to Mayer EJW 2013
Here is Tom Mayer’s original article which started the four article-long exchange between him and Ziliak and McCloskey: “Ziliak and McCloskey’s Criticisms of Significance Tests: An Assessment”
Join the conversation at the mathematician Olle Häggström’s Häggström hävdar blog.
Of related interest, see also: Ziliak’s and McCloskey’s reply to Arnold Zellner, Clive Granger, Ed Leamer, Jeffrey Wooldridge, Joel Horowitz and other critics: “Significance Redux“, Journal of Socio-Economics (2004)
- I, Stephen T. Ziliak, will be on reddit, “Ask Me Anything”/Ask Social Science: Thursday, February 28th, 2013, starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Ask me anything, but especially anything about the cult of statistical significance; Guinnessometrics; haiku economics; welfare; justice; and rhetoric: here.
- Reddit Ask me Anything/Ask Social Science, Feb. 28, 2013 5 PM CT to ?
- Ziliak’s and McCloskey’s work on significance testing is discussed in a charming Platonic dialogue by the philosopher Deborah Mayo, in her blog Error Statistics (January 2013)
- Ziliak interview on The Cult of Statistical Significance and the relationship between statistics and justice.
- Here are two interviews with Stephen T. Ziliak talking about “haiku economics” – the art form and teaching tool he pioneered in 2001, while teaching economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology: here and here.
- Ziliak is Visiting Professor at École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Paris, France; Graduate Programs in Risk and Management Sciences, Bioengineering, and English, November 2011 and November 2012. While in Paris, Professor Ziliak taught four graduate-level courses on Theories of Justice in Economics & Philosophy; Rhetoric & Writing in the Social Sciences; The Cult of Statistical Significance; and Guinnessometrics Against the Gold Standard: On Randomization, Significance, and the Search for Validity.
- Ziliak-McCloskey research featured at the Big Think blog: “The Statistical Significance Scandal,” Dec. 11, 2012.
- Correlation or causation? Ziliak’s and McCloskey’s The Cult of Statistical Significance is featured in a Slate magazine article by Daniel Engber (Oct. 2, 2012). Read the discussion by Shaun Manning, at the University of Michigan Press (October 5, 2012).
- Ziliak essay on “Statistical Significance” was published in the Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research Springer, 2013; Alex C. Michalos, editor.
- Ziliak’s and McCloskey’s The Cult of Statistical Significance and the U.S. Supreme Court are discussed at the Stanford University Center for Law and Biosciences.
- Debate about statistical significance, featuring Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskey, was published in the September 2012 issue of Econ Journal Watch: “Statistical Significance in the New Tom and the Old Tom: A Reply to Thomas Mayer”
Here is Mayer’s original article, “Ziliak and McCloskey’s Criticisms of Significance Tests: An Assessment”
- Article by Stephen T. Ziliak forthcoming in the December issue of Significance magazine (Royal Statistical Society): “Visualizing Uncertainty: Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Regressions?”
- Ziliak comments on Higgs boson and statistical significance, in The Wall Street Journal (July 6, 2012). See also: “Statisticians in the News,” American Statistical Association (July 2012).
- Ziliak article on “Visualizing Uncertainty” was published in the July 2012 issue of the International Journal of Forecasting. When forecasting economic variables, are scatter plots better than standard regression output, such as R-squared and t-stats? Read more at: “Visualizing Economic Uncertainty: On the Soyer-Hogarth Experiment,” Economist’s View (July 11, 2012).
- Visiting Professor, Katholieke Universiteit, LICOS Center for Institutions and Economic Performance, Leuven, Belgium, May 2012.
- Visiting Professor, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2012.
- New article on behavioral econometrics by Stephen T. Ziliak: “Visualizing Uncertainty: Comment on Soyer’s and Hogarth’s ‘The Illusion of Predictability: How Regression Statistics Mislead Experts’,” International Journal of Forecasting (July 2012). Special issue on Soyer-Hogarth Experiment, with S. Ziliak, J. Scott Armstrong, D. Goldstein, K. Ord, N. N. Taleb, R. Hogarth, and E. Soyer. Read the SSRN working paper version, here: Visualizing Uncertainty_Ziliak comment on Soyer Hogarth_IJF 2012
- Article on W.S. Gosset aka “Student,” Guinness beer, and balanced designs vs. randomization in field experiments in economics: Stephen T. Ziliak, “W. S. Gosset and Some Neglected Concepts in Experimental Statistics: Guinnessometrics II,” Journal of Wine Economics 6 (2, 2011), pp. 252-277. Published in a symposium on Beeronomics. Here is the article: William S Gosset and Experimental Statistics Ziliak JWE 2011.
- Read more about Gosset and Guinnessometrics in the Feb. 8, 2012 issue of The Washington Post, “Guinness’s Big Contribution to Economics Research;” in the Feb. 9, 2012 issue of Chicago Magazine, “Guinnessometrics: Saving Science and Statistics with Beer;” in the Feb. 8, 2012 “Recommended economics writing,” at The Economist; in “The Statistical Significance of Beer,” at Freakonomics; “Beer, Statistics, and Quality,” at Minitab; “Beer and Stats,” at The University of Michigan Press Blog; “We Know Now,” at The Irish Times; “In the News,” at the American Association of Wine Economists, and “Beerometrics: Econometrics and the Science of Beer,” at Beeronomics.
- Steve Ziliak and the Roosevelt University Department of Economics are featured in the March 7th and March 8th, 2012 issues of Remapping Debate: “Reform Agenda: Classes That Make You Think,” by Mike Alberti, and “Don’t Know Much About History, Don’t Know Much Economy . . . “, by Mike Alberti.
- “Haiku Economics“, by Stephen T. Ziliak, was cited by Poetry as one of the “most-read articles” of 2011.
Ziliak’s article – on the relation between haiku poetry, feelings, politics, and economics – appears in Poetry’s January 2011 “The View From Here” column. According to the Associate Editor of Poetry, “Haiku Economics” is probably the most-read article in that column’s history. Previous contributors to “The View From Here” column include philosopher Richard Rorty, author Christopher Hitchens, comedienne Lynda Barry, singer-songwriter Neko Case, and John Wooden – the poet and legendary UCLA basketball coach. Read more
- Article on balanced v. randomized field experiments in economics, published by Aarhus University, Denmark, Center for Research in Econometric Analysis of Time Series (CREATES): Field Experiments Comment on Levitt and List CREATES No. 2011-25
- Post at Mark Thoma’s blog, Economist’s View: Randomized Field Experiments were Tried and Rejected More Than a Century Ago*
* “Recommended economics writing” by The Economist (July 20th, 2011) and “Statisticians in the News”, by the American Statistical Association
* On randomized trials in medicine, see also: Stephen T. Ziliak’s The Validus Medicus and a New Gold Standard, The Lancet, Volume 376, Issue 9738, Pages 324 – 325, 31 July 2010
- Video on Ethics in Economics, Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), History of Economics Playground by “The Kids”, Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, NH; recorded: April 8-11, 2011; published: October, 2011.
- Video on Teaching Economics After the Crisis, Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), History of Economics Playground by “The Kids”, Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, NH; recorded: April 8-11, 2011; published: October, 2011.
- Article and special lecture: Supreme Court Finds Statistical Significance Is Not Necessary for Causation Matrixx v Siracusano Student v Fisher_Ziliak PDF, Late-Breaking Session, Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), 2011, Miami Beach, FL. Panelists: Stephen T. Ziliak, Joseph “Jay” Kadane, Daniel Kaplan, and Donald Rubin.
The article is: Stephen T. Ziliak, “Matrixx v. Siracusano and Student v. Fisher: Statistical Significance on Trial,” Significance 8 (3, 2011), published by the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association, pp.131-134.
- Keynote Lecture: “Guinnessometrics: Lovely Day for a Regression,” European Historical Economics Society Conference, Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 3, 2011.
- Lecture, “If I Have to Experiment, Should I Randomize? How a Profit-Seeking Brewer Rejected Random Designs of Experiments, Preferring the Perfectly Balanced ABBA,” 2nd Conference on Beeronomics: The Economics of Beer and Brewing, Technische Universität München, Munich & Freising, Germany, Sept. 21-24, 2011.
- Haiku Economics, Poetry lecture and reading in Regina Buccola’s “Introduction to Poetry Writing” course, Roosevelt University, Oct. 3, 2011.
- The Cult of Statistical Significance: Health Science after Matrixx v Siracusano, lecture and discussion, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health, Oct. 10-11, 2011. [Video]
- The Cult of Statistical Significance, Society of Actuaries, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct. 18, 2011.
- École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers ParisTechArts et Métiers: Visiting Professor, Paris, France; Management Sciences, Bioengineering, and English, November 2011; and: Sorbonne-Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Paris (Sorbonne Graduate Business School): Visiting Professor, Paris, France, November 2011.
- Supreme Court Finds Statistical Significance Is Not Necessary for Causation Matrixx v Siracusano Student v Fisher_Ziliak PDF, lecture and discussion, American Statistical Association, Chicago Chapter, Chicago, IL, Dec. 6, 2011.
- Chair, “Best Article in the History of Economics,” History of Economics Society, 2011-2012. Nomination information is here.
- Occupy yourself, with Limericks, Dec. 1, 2011:#Occupy Limericks Stephen T Ziliak Economics
Read about Gosset and Guinness, in The Washington Post.
In light of the November 2011 Harvard-student walk out, protesting the bias of Greg Mankiw’s introduction to economics course, INET interviewed Stephen T. Ziliak asking about his The Grapes of Wrath course (Econ 102 syllabus) Fall 2009 which he has taught since 1996 as an antidote to conventional economics education.
Read more at Better Living Through Beowulf, “Steinbeck Makes Microeconomics Real,” by Robin Bates (English, St. Mary’s College Maryland); AntiCap, “We are not Mankiw,” by David Ruccio (Economics, University of Notre Dame); Economist’s View, “A Bluesy Road-Novel with a Lot of Economic Theory and Analysis,” by Mark Thoma.
Review of Ziliak’s and McCloskey’s best-selling book at The University of Michigan Press, The Cult of Statistical Significance, in the November 2011 issue of Significance magazine (Royal Statistical Society and American Statistical Association). Reviewed by Terry Weight.
See also: Stephen T. Ziliak’s entry on “Rhetoric”, published in the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Gale, 2007), William Darity, Jr., Editor: Rhetoric of Social Sciences Ziliak entry IESS 2007