Steve Balkin’s Online Publications

Here are a few selected publications of mine that are available online.

Reducing Violence in the United States: A New Agenda – DRAFT – August 2020

DRAFT Value of the Benefits of a Street Market 1995

DRAFT Workers As Guardians of the Street – 1982


Abstract for free. Article from cat.inist.

Linking street vendors to the Internet (with Alfonso Morales), International journal of sociology and social policy, Vol. 20, no3-4 (2000), pp. 99-122


From Google books

Maxwell Street (with Brian Mier) in Ray Oldenburg’s Celebrating the Third Place: Inspiring Stories about the “Great Good Places” at the Heart of Our Communities (Marlowe & Company 2001), pp. 193-208.

Google Books version provides a free Limited Preview to search through the entire book and read some of it. The text for this chapter (starts on p. 193)  If the text is not showing up, enter the the word “maxwell” in the search box.


Self-Employment for Low Income People (Praeger-Greenwood,1989)

Google Books version provides a free Limited Preview to search through the entire book and read much (but not all) of it.


Abstract for free. Article from Informaworld

Citizen Demand for Exposure to Street Crime (with John F. McDonald), Urban Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 4 (November 1983), pp. 419 – 429


Abstracts for free. Article from JSTOR

Quality and Cost Comparisons of Private Bar Indigent Defense Systems: Contract vs. Ordered Assigned Counsel (with Pauline Holden),  The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 76, No. 1 (Spring, 1985), pp. 176-200

Victimization Rates, Safety and Fear of CrimeSocial Problems, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Feb., 1979), pp. 343-358


Abstract for free. Article from Sage Online

Performance Evaluation for Systems of Assigned Service Providers: A Demonstration Assessing Systems of Indigent Defense (with Pauline Holden), Evaluation Review, Vol. 9, No. 5 (1985) pp.547-573

Reducing Fear of Crime through Occupational Presence (with Pauline Holden), Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 1, 13-33 (1983), pp. 13-33


Abstract for free. Article from ScienceDirect

The market for street crime: An economic analysis of victim-offender interaction (with John F. McDonald), Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 10, Issue 3 (November 1981) , pp. 390-405


Abstract for free.

Crime control as energy policyPolicy Analysis, Vol. 5, Issue1, (Dec. 1979)