Pics Working in the Field
Steve’s Maxwell Street Webpage
Graduation Day for Chinese Students in the Executive Masters in Public Administration Program
Teaching at Roosevelt University
At the August 2007 KOS Convention working for the ONE Campaign to make poverty history.
- handing out a ONE sticker to KOS blogger
- holding a sign with other One supporters on the steps at McCormick Place in Chicago
- sitting with ONE supporters waiting to talk to John Edwards
- John Edwards holding a ONE t-shirt in his hands
On the picket line at the Congress Hotel, August 4, 2007, across from Roosevelt University.
- holding a picket sign
- striker wearing an informative t-shirt
- another Roosevelt Professor, Erik Gellman (in brown stripped shirt), also on the picket line.
- John Edwards joining the picket line to show his solidarity
Visiting the Pacific Garden Mission, September 2006
- me by front door of Mission
- on the right is the guy who couldn’t shut Chicago down
- in front of studio chapel
- main chapel and radio studio
- longest running radio show in the U.S.
For more information, see:
At the Kopi Cafe, 5317 N. Clark Street in Chicago, October 2006
The first Monday of every month Alex Udvary, a famous Gypsy (Romany) Cimbalonist plays with Serbian born brilliant violinist and painter Jovan. I come here to learn about Gypsy culture and hear live Gypsy music.
- Jovan and the violins he makes
- Jovan and Alex playing — click here to hear them play a bit of Dark Eyes
- Max (7years old) and his dad Gary Lulisch, from the New Maxwell Street Market, come to be inspired by the music
- Max getting ready to play with Jovan and Alex
For more information, see: