Research & Inquiry Orientation

to rece”What is research? How can research help me? What does research look like in my major? How would I get started with research? Who should I contact about research?”

Welcome to the 2020 Research and Inquiry Orientation Week, held virtually September 21st through 25th. Follow the links below for schedule of presentations from Roosevelt faculty, staff and students. Learn about research & inquiry topics in your discipline, the nuts and bolts of getting started a project off the ground, tips for writing a proposal and resources to support you around campus. Take part in discussions about research with undergraduate and graduate students.

Joining the Office of Student Research will be faculty from the Humanities, Education, Finance, Communications/Marketing, Psychology, Math & Actuarial Science; and BPHS (Biological, Physical and Health Sciences). Staff from the Library and Career Development will provide presentations. Students from GRASP, CCPA, the Research Ambassadors will lead discussions.

Complete an interest form below to receive updates in your inbox or simply visit our schedule page for links to live zoom sessions!