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Moving Beyond Diversity & Intercultural Management

Presenter: Christopher Anne Robinson-Easley, Roosevelt University Clinical Professor of Organizational Leadership

In addition to facing a pandemic, our country is witnessing increased racism and resulting actions that express hatred towards people who are different; actions that are seriously dividing our country. Yet, when we intentionally design and implement change strategies that move us beyond the constructs of “managing diversity,” we can build communities that truly value humanity.

Dr. Robinson-Easley will walk the audience through underlying tenets of “how” at the individual as well as organizational levels. Dr. Robinson-Easley has worked in, presented and published on the topic of diversity and related areas for over twenty years. This presentation is based on her 2014 book Beyond Diversity and Intercultural Management, published by Palgrave Macmillan, and her recent work presented this past July to the European Group for Organizational Studies.