Appearance on WGAS Chicago’s Lumpen Radio post-election discussion. November 10th, 2024.
Appearance on Fox 5 News in Phoenix, Arizona discussing the election results. November 8th, 2024.
Interviewed for DW story about Elon Musk and Donald Trump. November 8th, 2024.
Featured guest on election night episode of Slate’s daily news podcast What Next, November 6th, 2024.
Appearance on KPFA’s Background Briefing With Ian Masters, November 4th, 2024.
Quoted at length in Thomas Edsall’s New York Times essay about the fallout from a possible Harris loss, October 30th, 2024.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Chicago Reader’s The Ben Joravsky Show, October 29th, 2024.
Cited in Truthout article on Harris’ campaign strategy, October 25th, 2024.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Chicago Reader’s The Ben Joravsky Show, October 5th, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate daily news podcast What Next, October 2nd, 2024.
Panelist on post-debate discussion on Honestly With Bari Weiss, September 11th, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate daily news podcast What Next, September 11th, 2024.
Guest on New Lines Magazine‘s The Lede podcast, August 23rd, 2024.
Interviewed for KCRW – Los Angeles’s Press Play with Madeleine Brand about RFK, Jr.’s campaign.
Interviewed by Al Jazeera English about the Democratic National Convention, August 20th, 2024.
Interviewed for Background Briefing with Ian Masters, August 19th, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate daily news podcast What Next, August 7th, 2024.
Interviewed for BBC World Service Radio about Kamala Harris’s vice presidential search, August 5th, 2024.
Featured guest on The Ben Joravsky Show, August 3rd, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate daily news podcast What Next, July 22nd, 2024.
Article picked up by MSN News, July 15h, 2024.
Article quoted in New York Magazine article, July 15th, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate daily news podcast What Next. July 1st, 2024.
Quoted at length in Washington Post article about the Supreme Court, June 26th, 2024.
Guest on The Attitude With Arnie Arneson, WBAI New York, WNHNFN, New Hampshire, June 6th, 2024.
Featured guest on bonus episode of the Ben Joravsky Show, April 30th, 2024.
Featured guest on Andrew Keen’s podcast, Keen On, April 28th, 2024.
Slate article featured on RealClearPolitics, April 10th, 2024.
Featured guest on Crooked Media daily news program What a Day, March 22nd, 2024.
Interview with NPR Los Angeles (KCRW) politics program Press Play, March 18th, 2024.
Appearance on Distinguished Journalist For Audio-award-winning Background Briefing With Ian Masters, March 13th, 2024.
Interview with Al-Jazeera English, Super Tuesday preview, March 5th, 2024.
Featured guest on Slate’s daily news podcast, What Next, February 29th, 2024.
Featured guest on Chicago Reader’s The Ben Joravsky Show, February 23rd, 2024.
Slate article featured on RealClearPolitics, February 2oth, 2024.
Featured guest on Pacifica Radio’s The Attitude With Arnie Arneson, January 9th, 2024.
Featured guest on bonus episode of the Ben Joravsky Show, December 31st, 2023.
Featured guest on Shawn Fettig’s Deep Dive podcast recap of 2023. December 31st, 2023.
Slate article about Biden’s polling discussed extensively by Kristine Parks of Fox News. December 23rd, 2023.
Slate article discussed on Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen’s Substack, December 22nd, 2023.
Slate article featured on the Kentucky AFL-CIO’s page, October 25th, 2023.
Featured guest on WOSU/NPR’s program on young voters, September 13th, 2023.
Interviewed on Background Briefing with Ian Masters, September 13th, 2023.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, August 25th, 2023.
Interviewed on Al-Jazeera English about the August 23rd, 2023 Republican debate.
Article cited in the New York Times opinion roundup about No Labels presidential candidates.
Quoted and cited in Philip Bump’s Washington Post article about age cohorts and voting , May 3rd, 2023.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, November 12th, 2022. “The Blue Wave.”

Quoted at length in Le Devoir article on the U.S. midterm elections, November 10th, 2022 (French).
Panelist, Newsweek‘s The Debate Podcast, “Democrats should have higher standards.” November 1st, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “Tulsi Gabbard & Other MAGA Mascots.” October 15th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “Fighting Back.” October 3rd, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “DeSantis Explained.” September 24th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “President Godfather.” August 25th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “Manchin Returns as Yang Leaves.” August 9th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “Ancient Dems.” July 16th, 2022.
Panelist on Pacifica Radio’s The Brad Friedman Show discussing the January 6th hearings. July 12th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, “Texas Republicans.” July 5th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Shows, “Gun Cult.” June 6th, 2022.
Featured guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, May 13th, 2022.
Appearance on The Brad Friedman Show, April 22nd, 2022.
Appearance on Background Briefing With Ian Masters, April 13th, 2022.
Panel participant, MSNBC discussion of events in Ukraine, February 28th, 2022.
Panel participant, The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC, February 21st, 2022.
Featured guest on The Ben Joravsky Show, February 20th, 2022.
Featured guest on The Ben Joravsky Show, February 14th, 2022.
Interviewed on Background Briefing With Ian Masters, October 20th, 2021.
Featured guest on The Battleground podcast with former Bernie Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir and Run For Something founder Amanda Litman, June 10th, 2021.
Interviewed on The Brad Friedman Show, June 2nd, 2021.
Quoted in MSNBC article on democratic decline. June 1st, 2021.
Interviewed on The Lincoln Project’s Youtube show, The Breakdown, May 30th, 2021.
Quoted in MSNBC article on Democrats and democracy reform.
Quoted in an article by Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent. May 28th, 2021.
Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall discusses my interview with Vox. May 28th, 2021.
Vox interview on democratic decline featured on Raw Story, May 28th, 2021.
Longform Q&A interview with Sean Illing of Vox about looming threats to American democracy. May 27th, 2021.

In-depth discussion of the violence in Israel-Palestine on a bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, May 15th, 2021.
Featured interview on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, discussing Matt Gaetz and the filibuster.
Featured interview on bonus episode of the Ben Joravsky Show. March 25th, 2021.
Featured interview on a special bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show discussing the Jan. 6 Insurrection.
Interviewed by ABC 7 Chicago about invasion of the U.S. Capitol during Electoral Vote Count, January 6th, 2021.
Recent article discussed on The Bulwark‘s podcast, Beg to Differ with Mona Charen, November 13th, 2020.
Interview with Eddie Kim of Mel Magazine about the 2020 election results. November 12th, 2020.
Featured in Mel Magazine story about what people are eating and drinking for election night, November 2nd, 2020.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, with pre-election predictions. October 31st, 2020.
The Kids Are All Left reviewed by Another Chicago Magazine. October 21st, 2020.
Featured interview for Al Jazeera+ (AJ+) video series about the state of U.S. democracy, October 15th, 2020.

Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show discussing the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, October 15th, 2020.
Quoted and cited in The Washington Post about the 25th Amendment. October 9th, 2020.
Appearance on The Brad Friedman Show post-VP debate roundtable with Heather Digby Parton. October 8th, 2020.
Interviewed for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation video segment about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, September 29th, 2020.
Interviewed for national CBS News article about court enlargement, September 25th, 2020.
Mentioned in Chicago Reader column on the Supreme Court, September 22nd, 2020.
Featured guest on the bonus episode of the Ben Joravsky Show discussing the RNC, August 30th, 2020.
Featured interview on The Ben Joravsky Show, discussing the DNC, August 25th, 2020.
“It’s Time to Fight Dirty” discussed in The Economist, in an article about D.C. statehood. August 8th, 2020.
Quoted at length on court reform in International Bar Association article on Trump’s judicial legacy, July 2020.
Panel discussion on The Political Philosophy Podcast on the future of the progressive left, June 26th, 2020.
Appearance on The Brad Friedman Show, June 17th, 2020.
Appearance on The Benjamin Dixon Show to discuss The Kids Are All Left, May 12th, 2020.
Interview with The Ben Joravsky Show, April 1st, 2020.
Appearance on The Brad Friedman Show, February 28th, 2020.
Article featured on Real Clear Politics, February 14th, 2020.
Interview with The Brad Friedman Show, Pacifica Radio, January 31st, 2020.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty discussed by Vox cofounder Ezra Klein on top-rated national podcast Pod Save America. January 27th, 2020.
Bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show, about impeachment and the 2020 Democratic primary, January 18th, 2020.
Featured interview on the Political Philosophy Podcast, January 10th, 2020.
Participated in post-debate roundtable with Salon‘s Heather Digby Parton for Pacifica Radio’s The Brad Friedman Show. December 20th, 2019.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, December 20th, 2019.
Interviewed for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation article on the impeachment inquiry. December 5th, 2019.
Article on impeachment featured on Real Clear Politics, November 26th, 2019.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, sponsored by The Chicago Sun-Times. November 22nd, 2019.
Article quoted and discussed in Ed Kilgore’s New York Magazine article on impeachment. November 20th, 2019.
Article about Amy Klobuchar’s candidacy for the Democratic nomination featured on Real Clear Politics. October 30th, 2019.
Article linked by Jewish Journal Roundtable, October 23rd, 2019.
Appearance on Pacifica Radio’s The David Feldman Show, October 18th, 2019.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, sponsored by The Chicago Sun-Times. October 18th, 2019.
Interviewed for Mehdi Hasan’s podcast, Deconstructed, for The Intercept, October 17th, 2019.
Court-packing proposal attacked by far-right Breitbart. October 13th, 2019.
Article picked up by Yahoo News, October 12th, 2019.
Article discussed by New York Times columnist David Leonhardt, October 11th, 2019.
Article tweeted by New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. September 27th, 2019.
Appearance on WGN’s Politics Tonight. September 18th, 2019.
Article featured in New York Post media roundup. September 6th, 2019.
Article featured on Real Clear Politics. September 5th, 2019.
Proposal for Democratic Party to host its own debates featured by the Columbia Journalism Review. August 1st, 2019.
Proposal for Democratic Party to host its own debates featured on Reddit. August 1st, 2019.
Appearance on Pacifica Radio’s The Brad Friedman Show. July 31st, 2019.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, July 24th, 2019.
Interviewed for The DePaulia article analyzing new tensions between the United States and Iran.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty discussed in IndyWeek article on the challenges facing American democracy. June 22nd, 2019.
Special guest on bonus episode of The Ben Joravsky Show podcast, May 19th, 2019.
Quoted in New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie’s May 10th article, The Senate Is Just As Much a Problem As Trump.
Quoted in Raw Story roundup of Mueller Report reactions. April 19th, 2019.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty cited and quoted in The Baffler article on institutional reform and the Mitch McConnell era. March 12th, 2019.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty cited and quoted in New Yorker article on DC statehood, March 10th, 2019.
Appearance on WGN’s Politics Tonight, March 7th, 2019.
Panelist on PBS election night roundtable on the Chicago municipal primary. February 26th, 2019.
Article linked in Commonwealth Magazine article on ranked choice voting, January 18th, 2019.
Interviewed for Knack article on the U.S. government shutdown (Dutch). January 5th, 2019.
Featured interview in Claire Malone’s article on court-packing for Five Thirty Eight, December 3rd, 2018.
Interview with NPR Boston (WBUR), November 15th, 2018.

TV Appearance on WGN’s Politics Tonight, November 7th, 2018.
Interview with Tom Jacobs of Pacific Standard magazine about the 2018 midterms. November 7th, 2018.
Quoted in Gregg Re’s Fox News article about the 2018 midterms. November 7th, 2018.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty reviewed by Deutschlandfunk Kultur radio, November 3rd 2018 (German).
Interview with Chicago Magazine. “If Dems Need to Fight Dirty, Should They Take a Cue From Madigan?” October 31st, 2018.
Interview with Letters and Politics, 94.1 KPFA in the Bay Area. October 25th, 2018.
Interviewed for and quoted in Ezra Klein’s Vox article, “The rigging of American politics.” October 16th, 2018.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty discussed in an Irish Times op-ed, October 11th, 2018.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty cited in LA Times column by conservative analyst Jonah Goldberg. October 8th, 2018.
Washington Post article on Supreme Court enlargement linked by the New York Times. October 7th, 2018.
Appearance on The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton, Fox News, October 7th, 2018.
Appearance on the Ben Joravsky Show, WCPT 820, August 31st, 2018.
Interview with Mediapart (Fr.). August 27th, 2018.
Interview with The David Pakman Show, July 29th, 208.
Interview with The Nicole Sandler Show, July 27th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, July 26th, 2018.
Former George W. Bush Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo attacks my court-packing proposal in The National Review. July 19th, 2018.
Interview with the Benjamin Dixon Show. July 19th, 2018.
Interview with the Washington State Indivisible Podcast. July 18th, 2018.
Appearance on The Rick Smith Show, July 18th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, July 17th, 2018.
Interview with Bird Road Podcast, July 13th, 2018.
Extensively quoted in Vox article: “Court-packing, Democrats’ nuclear option for the Supreme Court, explained.” Vox. July 10th, 2018.
Profile: “The Professor Who Wants to Inspire a New Generation of ‘Dirty’ Democrats.” MEL Magazine, July 9th, 2018.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty attacked on the Tucker Carlson Show, July 5th, 2018.
“David Faris Offers Democrats a Plan to Fight Back.” Interview with Tom Jacobs of Pacific Standard, July 5th, 2018.
Rob Goodman, “Hey Democrats, Fighting Fair Is For Suckers.” Review of It’s Time to Fight Dirty in Politico, July 4th, 2018.
Interview with R.J. Eskow on The Zero Hour podcast, June 30th, 2018.
It’s Time to Fight Dirty quoted and cited in Sean McElwee’s article for The Nation.
Interview with Mic, “Court packing might become the next internal battle for Democrats.” Mic. June 19th, 2018.
“The Neutron Option Democrats Could Use to Retake the Supreme Court.” Q&A with Harry Cheadle of Vice.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, June 29th, 2018.
Quoted in Todd N. Tucker’s article for Jacobin, “In Defense of Court Packing.” June 28th, 2018.
Quoted in Sean McElwee article for The Nation, June 26th, 2018.
Interview with Terrence McNally, Pacifica Radio, June 23rd, 2018.
Appearance on Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream. June 21st, 2018.
Review of It’s Time to Fight Dirty in The Guardian, June 10th, 2018
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, WCPT 820, June 8th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, June 7th, 2018.
Review of It’s Time to Fight Dirty in The Times Higher Education May 24th, 2018
Interview with Jordan Valerie Allen for the Millennial Politics podcast.
The story of how It’s Time to Fight Dirty came to be is featured in Drew University Magazine’s Spring 2018 issue.
New York Times review of It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics. May 20th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, May 14th, 2018.
Article linked and discussed in Jay Cost’s National Review article, May 14th, 2018.
Interview with Ian Masters on Background Briefing. Pacifica Radio. May 9th, 2018.
Interview with Blue Wave Podcast, April 25th, 2018.
Reddit AMA about It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics. April 18th, 2018.
Episode of CSPAN’s Book TV covering the launch of It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics, City Lit Books in Chicago, April 18th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, April 10th, 2018.
“Why This Political Scientist Thinks Democrats Have to Fight Dirty.” Interview with Sean Illing. Vox, May 1st, 2018.
Interview with Blue Wave Pod, April 25th, 2018.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, April 20th, 2018.
Appearance on MSNBC analyst Sam Seder’s Majority Report podcast, April 17th, 2018.
Appearance on The Bradcast, Pacifica Radio, April 13th, 2018.
Q & A with Osita Nuwanevo, Slate. April 12th, 2018.
Appearance on the Politics & Reality podcast, hosted by The Nation‘s Joshua Holland. April 11th, 2018.
Article linked on RealClearPolitics, April 2nd, 2018.
Guardian excerpt from It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics highlighted in the Daily Kos Abbreviated Pundit Round-up. April 1st, 2018.
Appearance on The Ben Joravsky Show, March 23rd, 2018.
Article linked on Real Clear Politics, February 19th, 2018.
Forthcoming book, “It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics” highlighted in Time‘s feature on books about the “Resistance.”
Appearance on The BradCast, Pacifica Radio. February 1st, 2018.
Article cited in Steve Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt’s bestselling How Democracies Die. Cited and quoted on page 214.
Podcast: “Can liberal podcasters dethrone Limbaugh & Co.?” Seven Minute Opinions, The Week, November 28th, 2017.
Article linked by The New York Times: “Left and Right React to Church Massacre.” November 6th, 2017.
Article linked on the Drudge Report front page, September 13th, 2017. (screenshot left)
Article linked and quoted by Daily Kos Abbreviated Pundit Roundup, July 18th, 2017.
Article linked on front page of The Drudge Report, (screenshot left) July 18th, 2017.
Article linked and quoted by Daily Kos Abbreviated Pundit Roundup, July 11th, 2017.
Article linked and discussed in the New York Times. “Left and Right React to Comey’s Memo on Trump Meeting.” May 17th, 2017.
Article linked and discussed by Lawyers, Guns and Money blog. “And Because John McCain Refused to Adhere to Tradition, Republicans Never Won An Election Again.” June 1st, 2017.
Article linked and discussed by Esquire‘s Charles Pierce. “Hillary Clinton Must Not Be Silent.” Esquire, June 1st, 2017.
Article linked and quoted by Daily Kos Abbreviated Pundit Roundup. February 3rd, 2017.
Appearance on The David Feldman Show, December 7th, 2016.
Article linked and critiqued by the National Review. “The Democrats’ Days of Rage and Denial.” December 6th, 2016.
Interview and roundtable on Amy Guth’s Saturday Night Special (WGN Radio), “The Psychology of Voter Behavior.” March 19th, 2016.
Article linked and discussed by Vox. “Bernie Sanders Fans Insist He’s More Electable Than Hillary Clinton. Are They Right?” March 4th, 2016.
Interview and roundtable on the Milt Rosenberg Show. Middle East Forum. April 10th, 2015.
Interviewed by Orlando Weekly on the Egyptian coup. “Egypt, WTF? A Primer.” August 16th, 2013.
Interviewed by Majalla on the Egyptian uprising, September 23rd, 2011. “The Twitter Generation.”
Interviewed for the New York Times, August 21st, 2010. “A Rarity in Congress: The Social Media Holdout.“