Student Participation: Information and Registration (RSRIS)

Information for Students

All students are welcome to attend RSRIS events! Most students present through college, department or program-organized sessions.

If you would like to present, but are not part of one of these sessions, please fill out the registration form, in the first drop-down menu, below. All students can learn more about attending and presenting at conferences in the drop-down menu.

Ready to submit?


Still have some questions about participation and presentations? Find resources to guide you in creating presentations, below.

RSRIS is a multi-department collaboration and is open to RU students in all disciplines and recent alumni.

**This year, we are reaching out to students from Chicagoland community colleges to join us at the event! We also invite them to submit proposals for poster presentations, to be presented in-person on Friday, April 14.

Presentations might showcase inquiry, scholarly activity or practice through research projects, compositions, performances, installations, curriculum or a lesson plans. They might reflect on completed or in-progress work conducted or proposed for independent projects, assistantships, coursework, internships and summer projects.

We welcome individual student or student group presentations. Presentations may take different formats, including oral presentations & performances; round table discussions; posters (google slides/accompanying audio); even installations with students experiential learning reflections (literary journals/reflections/ photo essays). We also welcome student-organizations to host sessions showcasing student work. 

Please note that unlike past years, students are not required to submit their presentations to the OSR ahead of time. You only need to present your title, abstract and presenter information. If you are participating in a session led by your department, program or course instructor, please do follow any submission instructions they require!

Visit the OSR digital resource hub's guide to conferences and research presentations.

  • You can also: browse through past symposiums to learn more about what–and how– students present their work.
    • Browse through the accompanying drop-down menus below, you will find instructions, links to templates and submission forms for presentations or sessions. Send an email with questions.


2023 is the fourth year that we have celebrated RU students research, inquiry & creative work online. You can brose through the program and presentations from the 2020-2022 symposiums,  following the links below.

If you just want to attend, welcome, you can just show up! Help us plan by filling out an 'attending only' form. 

Back to information for faculty, departments and offices The RSRIS committee welcomes faculty and departments to create sessions showcasing student work or encouraging student research engagement.