The Recent Attacks on Asian Americans

March 18, 2021

Dear Roosevelt Community,

Roosevelt University joins many across the nation who are grieving and calling for justice in response to the targeted attack against Asian Americans that took place in Georgia this week. First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge these crimes for what they are: racially motivated hate crimes. By acknowledging that first, we can create the appropriate response and seek institutional change and accountability. Secondly, it’s important to note that this incident of violence is not isolated. Attacks against Asian people, specifically Asian women, have grown significantly in the past year. Silence on these matters is unacceptable.

While systemic oppression remains a pervasive part of our society, the pandemic continues to highlight the ways in which racism and xenophobia impact immigrants and communities of color. No racial or ethnic group is singularly responsible for this pandemic. It must be noted, however, that communities of color have been hit the hardest by the crippling impact of this virus.

I want to remind us all of our commitment to social justice. Lasting change requires all of us to actively work against oppression, in all forms. As a member of the Roosevelt community, you bring unique knowledge and skills to the challenges ahead. We must come together to care for one another, to find actionable solutions and to pursue a more just future.

We are committed to supporting our students, faculty and staff during this turbulent time, particularly the Asian members of our community who live with the daily fear and trauma brought on by these heinous attacks. Know that we will get through this together and we stand with you.

If you have concerns for the physical safety of yourself or others while on campus, please contact campus security at 312-341-2020 (Chicago Campus) or 847-619-8989 (Schaumburg Campus).

Students, if you need support during this difficult time, please take advantage of our Virtual Counseling Services. Employees, please know that our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) remains available to support you.


Ali R. Malekzadeh, Ph.D.