Dear Roosevelt students  – greetings from your President!

I hope your semester has been going well. I am writing for two important reasons.

  1. Roosevelt University is undergoing some administrative changes to better meet the needs of our students. We are consolidating some colleges and departments and streamlining offices.  We have listened to you and want to make your university more responsive and effective.Whenever there is change though, there are rumors, and I have heard some whoppers.  Students have recently contacted me asking if their programs are going to disappear.  The answer is an emphatic no – no academic programs are slated for elimination. We are going to become stronger academically and financially, and provide enhanced services to students.  We will be stronger all around – for now and far into the future.If you are in a unit that is being restructured  – not to worry. Some majors are moving to different colleges, which should not impact the students at all, and others may be consolidated or changed but students currently in those programs will be “grandfathered” so they can graduate as planned.The major transition will be for programs in the College of Professional Studies, which will be merged into the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, and Education. The majors and professors may be moved, but the classes will continue. Your graduation schedule will not be impacted.

    Roosevelt University is proud to have you as our student. And we hope you are proud to be here. Franklin Roosevelt – one of our namesakes – once said  “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”  We hope you find that in your years here at Roosevelt!

  1. And equally as important – I write to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.

With all good wishes,

Ali Malekzadeh