Class of 2014 Facts & Figures

Inaugural Class Plaque

The inaugural class of the College of Pharmacy started in July 2011. Here are some facts and figures about these students who graduated in May: A little more than half were women. More than a third were people of color. Their age range was between 20 and 51, with the average being 25 years of age. They hailed from 15 states and six countries. Some came from community colleges, but the majority arrived with bachelor’s degrees in hand.

They had two years of intensive didactic coursework, 320 hours of introductory pharmacy practice experiences, 160 hours of inter-professional experience and a final year of 1,440 hours of advanced pharmacy practice experiences, for a total of 1,920 internship hours overall.

Today, most are working as pharmacists, the majority with community pharmacies where average salaries top $100,000 annually, in Illinois, Arizona, California, Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin. Seven of the graduates landed in prestigious and competitive one-year postgraduate residency training programs in hospitals in Illinois and Wisconsin.

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