Reading Clinic

The New Balanced Literacy program started as a Summer Reading Clinic initiative in 1987 through Roosevelt University. Every summer this program provides literacy instruction to primary school children and allows for student teachers to apply textbook knowledge in a real-world setting. It was here that we began the journey of developing a best practice model that now captures all of the components for a new balanced literacy program.

For questions or additional information on how to get a student involved in the clinic, visit our Contact Page.



Summer Reading Provides:

  • Access to books year-round. This makes all the difference for students’ success during the academic year and is a crucial factor for overall academic success.
  • Continuity of development. Loss of reading during summer is a compelling explanation for a widening gap of reading achievement for children from lower socioeconomic status contrasted with children from higher SES.
  • Children who have greater access to print material during the summer are more likely to:
    • Be more exciting and more motivated to read.
    • Have better language development.

What does Summer reading look like in a New Balanced Literacy School?

Here are some tips in gain strong support school wide:

  • The literacy team and grade-level teams should discuss ideas for a summer reading initiative.
  • Develop and organize a plan for a summer reading initiative.
  • Plan  for students to visit the school weekly for a book pickup.
  • Establish a central location and time for book checkout.
  • Alternate mornings and afternoon visits to accommodate student and parent schedules.
  • Encourage participation with an incentive program.
  • Work with your public library on special arrangements, such as a weekly bookmobile visit to the school, over the summer.

Checkout photos from previous Summer Clinics!

Reading Clinic Photos

Parents, see our Living Literacy at Home: A Parent’s Guide for creative tips and trick to implement at home throughout your child’s literacy development.

The Daily Herald recognizes Roosevelt University Summer Reading Clinic, which 30th anniversary celebrated in 2017. Read the article in the Daily Herald.