“Come Juneteenth” by Ann Rinaldi

Ann Rinaldi is an award-winning author best known for bringing history vividly to life. A self-made writer and newspaper columnist for twenty-one years, Ms. Rinaldi attributes her interest in history to her son, who enlisted her to take part in historical reenactments up and down the East Coast. She lives with her husband in central New Jersey.



Read Aloud Tips

  • After reading the description of the book, ask students what they can predict may happen. Check-in again once the book is finished to see how these predictions played out.

  • Encourage students to make mental images of what’s being read.

  • Having meaningful discussions after finishing a book is powerful. For example, have students answer questions like:

    • “What would you have done?”
    • “Who do you relate to the most?”
    • “Is there any topics that sparked interest or wonder that you would like to talk more about?”

Believable characters with human strengths and weaknesses, lively writing, and plenty of action and suspense make this book a real page-turner for lovers of historical fiction. – School Library Journal

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Information Sheet – Come Juneteenth