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Smart Job Hunting in a Tough Hiring Climate

Presenter: Lakrisha Davis, RMU alumna (BA), Career Coach, Success Mentor, Speaker and owner of NextUp Resume.

Lakrisha shared tips and strategies on job hunting smart in a difficult hiring climate. You will learn 2020 job searching best practices, such as the top job sites, leveraging the LinkedIn platform, tapping into the hidden job market, network building and more.

Lakrisha Davis is a Career Coach, Success Mentor, Speaker, and the owner of NextUp Resume. She helps ambitious job seekers navigate the broken hiring process in order to land their dream jobs. Lakrisha holds an MBA in HR Management and has a formal background in Compliance and Talent Recruitment. In 4 years, she and her company have helped over 1,300 job seekers successfully transition into new careers.

Lakrisha has led trainings for the Field Museum, AT&T, Sprint, Capital One, as well as various schools and community organizations throughout the Midwest, centered on career advancement and effective team building. Her work has been featured in/on Forbes.com, Rolling Out Magazine, ABC 7 News, 102.3 Chicago radio, and more.

In her spare time, Lakrisha enjoys spending time with her loved ones, and travelling. She also enjoys working on her tech start-up, The Swift Hire. Lakrisha is an RMU 2011 alumna.





00:00:02.250 –> 00:00:13.259

Kristy Kotek: Well, good afternoon. And thank you all for joining us. We have alumni here and have friends of the university. Some students who also registered to join.



00:00:13.920 –> 00:00:26.190

Kristy Kotek: This webinar and it you know we we definitely wanted to bring this topic to the community because unemployment has been on a surge and we know how important it is



00:00:26.730 –> 00:00:38.610

Kristy Kotek: So we’re lucky to have a Lucretia here to talk about tips and strategies that you can implement in a tough hiring climate. But before I introduce Lucretia, just a few reminders here for this webinar.



00:00:39.120 –> 00:00:50.640

Kristy Kotek: Wine, if you can, kindly, keep yourself on mute. That would be great. Just to eliminate any any background noise. You can go ahead and use the chat box for questions throughout the hour.



00:00:51.480 –> 00:01:01.920

Kristy Kotek: Will try to address those questions as we move along, and we should have some time at the end of the hour before we wrap up to address any other questions that you might have.



00:01:02.460 –> 00:01:11.490

Kristy Kotek: But the goal is to make this as interactive as possible. So feel free to chat in questions to chat in your questions as they come up. So you don’t forget that.



00:01:12.000 –> 00:01:15.510

Kristy Kotek: And then lastly, this webinar is recorded.



00:01:16.260 –> 00:01:31.050

Kristy Kotek: So you’ll be able to go back to it at any point we post all of our upcoming events and recorded webinars sessions on our life on Laker web page. So I will be sending all of our registrants a post event.



00:01:31.500 –> 00:01:37.890

Kristy Kotek: Email which will include, just a quick survey to get some feedback, but also link you to this recorded session.



00:01:38.730 –> 00:01:50.250

Kristy Kotek: So without further ado, I want to introduce Lucretia Davis, who is a career coach a career job searching experts and also in our am you alone. Now we’re very



00:01:50.760 –> 00:01:58.740

Kristy Kotek: grateful to have you here today. Thank you so much. Lucretia, I’ll go ahead and turn the mic over to you and let you dive a little bit deeper into your background.



00:01:59.430 –> 00:02:11.940

Lakrisha Davis: Alright, well thank you so much. Christy, for having me today. I am super, super excited and thank you for not forgetting to mention that I am an alumna of ru ru proud.



00:02:12.450 –> 00:02:25.650

Lakrisha Davis: So today I am going to be teaching you guys how to navigate the tough hiring climate right now, just to give you guys a little bit of background about myself. I’m Lucretia Davis.



00:02:25.980 –> 00:02:37.890

Lakrisha Davis: I am a career coach and also the owner of next up resume. I have been in this business for a while. About four years and it has been amazing.



00:02:38.670 –> 00:02:53.880

Lakrisha Davis: So, to date, I have my companies have assisted over 1300 job seekers and landing new careers. So today I am going to impart some of that knowledge on you as to how we do that.



00:02:54.750 –> 00:03:09.990

Lakrisha Davis: So I’ll just kind of jump right on into my PowerPoint here again we are going to be discussing smart job hunting in a tough hiring climate and I want to put emphasis on smart because I



00:03:11.070 –> 00:03:23.730

Lakrisha Davis: Truly believe in job hunting smart and not hard, and we’ll get into that more later. Today we are going to learn 2020 job searching best practices.



00:03:24.090 –> 00:03:36.240

Lakrisha Davis: Leveraging the LinkedIn platform tapping into the hidden job market. I’m sure you’ve heard of heard that term. So at some point before and establishing a professional network.



00:03:37.770 –> 00:03:49.800

Lakrisha Davis: Now I want to start off by discussing the 2020 job searching best practices, because it is important to begin this presentation.



00:03:50.040 –> 00:03:59.070

Lakrisha Davis: By letting you know that it’s important to employ multiple different strategies and not to rely on a single job searching method.



00:03:59.610 –> 00:04:17.340

Lakrisha Davis: For example, the job boards. Now the job market, as we know it has changed 10 years from 10 years ago and even five years ago, we now have applicant tracking systems. And so if you are a not not aware of what that is.



00:04:17.700 –> 00:04:25.650

Lakrisha Davis: It is the system through which you submit your online applications. So when you go to a company’s website.



00:04:25.860 –> 00:04:32.610

Lakrisha Davis: You’re, you’re uploading your resume, you’re filling out some stuff you’re doing surveys or questionnaires and what have you.



00:04:32.850 –> 00:04:44.040

Lakrisha Davis: That is the applicant tracking system that you are submitting your application through and the applicant tracking system has algorithms set up so



00:04:44.310 –> 00:04:56.550

Lakrisha Davis: It weeds out candidates that don’t include pertinent information on their resumes to demonstrate that they can do the job. And so it is important to have an effective resume.



00:04:57.480 –> 00:05:12.660

Lakrisha Davis: And it is important to understand how to create your resume brand in order to pass through those applicant tracking systems. So I want to begin there and I’m not going to expand too much on



00:05:12.960 –> 00:05:25.290

Lakrisha Davis: resume writing because I know this webinar is strictly about job searching. But it’s important to note that you need to have a targeted resume. It is very, very important.



00:05:25.590 –> 00:05:36.720

Lakrisha Davis: So my recommendation to you is to identify 123 target positions. Right. So say, for instance, you want to work in HR the HR field.



00:05:36.930 –> 00:05:47.070

Lakrisha Davis: Okay, what type of position. Do you want to work in HR. There are so many different position titles that make up that that industry. So would you like to be



00:05:47.400 –> 00:05:57.300

Lakrisha Davis: A talent acquisition person would you like to work as a business partner, would you like to focus on compensation, would you like to focus on change management.



00:05:57.540 –> 00:06:08.880

Lakrisha Davis: Those kind of things. And that is going to allow you to build an effective resume strategy, meaning you will know based on your target positions. If you need to create



00:06:09.210 –> 00:06:17.520

Lakrisha Davis: A single resume or if you need to create a few different resume versions in order to market yourself for these different roles.



00:06:17.940 –> 00:06:32.160

Lakrisha Davis: Once you have identify your target positions, it is important to study job descriptions study at least three to five job descriptions for each role to get an understanding about



00:06:32.790 –> 00:06:42.750

Lakrisha Davis: How hiring managers, think about describe and prioritize your position. Many of us, we feel that we know off the top of our head.



00:06:43.830 –> 00:06:54.990

Lakrisha Davis: What the position entails and how to market ourselves for that. But it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right content jargon keywords all that different stuff.



00:06:56.130 –> 00:07:16.590

Lakrisha Davis: So that you are setting yourself up to pass through those ACS systems. And then once you have gone through that process. You can now build a targeted resume. Now let’s jump right into job searching strategies. Now let’s say that you have a stellar resume and you’re set to go.



00:07:17.820 –> 00:07:24.900

Lakrisha Davis: Before you began your job search. I always recommend for you to set a schedule.



00:07:25.500 –> 00:07:37.650

Lakrisha Davis: Now this is kind of more on a light note, but it’s very important because when you wing it in your job search, meaning you say, hey, this week I’m going to apply for a couple of positions.



00:07:38.100 –> 00:07:54.270

Lakrisha Davis: There’s no consistency. There’s, there’s not a ton of dedication or focus towards your job search. So you need to set a schedule and an example of a schedule would be applying for jobs.



00:07:55.200 –> 00:08:02.850

Lakrisha Davis: After work for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Okay so allocating whether you are going to spend



00:08:03.450 –> 00:08:15.750

Lakrisha Davis: Two or three days for, you know, two hours or one hour, that kind of thing. Okay. A lot of people, especially if you are employed while still looking for another opportunity.



00:08:16.110 –> 00:08:25.350

Lakrisha Davis: You have to really be intentional about how you are going to spend your time and when you’re going to spend your time focusing on this.



00:08:26.040 –> 00:08:36.630

Lakrisha Davis: And then next you want to identify your favorite job boards. We all know about. Indeed, we know about LinkedIn. We know about monster.



00:08:36.900 –> 00:08:49.860

Lakrisha Davis: All those different sites, but don’t forget about industry specific sites. So if you work in the healthcare field or if you work in hospitality. Don’t forget that there are several job boards that are dedicated



00:08:50.280 –> 00:09:00.840

Lakrisha Davis: For positions for those industries. Okay, so once you identify your favorite job boards, then you want to create Job Alerts



00:09:01.200 –> 00:09:15.090

Lakrisha Davis: Okay, I’m sure this is something that you’re already doing. But I just want to reiterate that the importance of this is you need to try to apply for new job postings within at least 48 hours of it being posted because



00:09:15.780 –> 00:09:26.700

Lakrisha Davis: Companies receive hundreds of applications within the first couple of days of physicians being posted and you want to be someone who’s at the top of mind.



00:09:27.810 –> 00:09:41.550

Lakrisha Davis: Versus the opposite. And so once you have created your job alerts, then you need to post your resume create accounts, post your resume to these different job sites.



00:09:42.000 –> 00:09:59.730

Lakrisha Davis: And you want to make sure that you post the PDF version of your resume not word. You don’t want someone stealing your, your documents and that kind of thing. And so that is crucial in order for you to tap into the hidden job market, which we will discuss a little bit



00:09:59.730 –> 00:10:03.300

Lakrisha Davis: More later but this will allow



00:10:03.540 –> 00:10:09.120

Lakrisha Davis: Those recruiters or hiring professionals that are searching for candidates.



00:10:10.320 –> 00:10:19.590

Lakrisha Davis: Themselves versus posting the position on the job boards. This is a way for them to come straight into your inbox inquiring about



00:10:20.130 –> 00:10:42.660

Lakrisha Davis: If you’re open to a certain opportunity. And then finally, the other thing that I would like to discuss for 2020 job searching best practices is to focus on quality versus quantity, it is important to nurture every single lead. So, that is, instead of applying for 100 positions.



00:10:44.010 –> 00:10:59.610

Lakrisha Davis: In a month, it would be. Alternatively, applying for 15 to 20 positions but building connections within those organizations, following up on every single opportunity is the way to go.



00:11:00.780 –> 00:11:03.120

Lakrisha Davis: Alright, so now I am going to jump back



00:11:04.230 –> 00:11:05.310

Lakrisha Davis: On the screen.



00:11:07.410 –> 00:11:14.730

Lakrisha Davis: So that you can see my face again and I am going to continue on with the presentation.



00:11:16.140 –> 00:11:24.240

Lakrisha Davis: And I’m also going to be sharing my screen with you to kind of walk you through a few other cool things so



00:11:25.380 –> 00:11:38.850

Lakrisha Davis: Next I am going to discuss establishing a professional network, right. This is important, and I know you have heard network, network, network, you need to network, you need to network.



00:11:39.360 –> 00:11:56.370

Lakrisha Davis: But you’re probably wondering, how, how do I do that and how can I find the time to do this daunting thing right but networking isn’t as scary as you think it is. And it is very, very, very important. And so



00:11:57.150 –> 00:12:13.620

Lakrisha Davis: Your goal with establishing a professional network is to get referrals. Okay, get referral links and get insider knowledge. Okay. I had a client who was able to interview with Twitter complex con



00:12:15.720 –> 00:12:16.800

Lakrisha Davis: Pinterest.



00:12:20.790 –> 00:12:23.850

Lakrisha Davis: Someone’s talking, if you can, new please. That would be great.



00:12:25.080 –> 00:12:38.100

Lakrisha Davis: Thank you all these different places because they were able to get referral links, meaning the application that is posted for



00:12:38.730 –> 00:12:43.620

Lakrisha Davis: People who are who have no ties to the organization. Right.



00:12:44.100 –> 00:12:58.080

Lakrisha Davis: They have a different job application or job application link then someone who is coming in through a referral. So if you know someone who works at let’s say Twitter.



00:12:58.470 –> 00:13:13.290

Lakrisha Davis: And they, they are able to send you a referral link you are almost guaranteed to at least get an interview and that’s why you need to make sure that you are showing up and showing out for your interviews, because



00:13:13.560 –> 00:13:33.810

Lakrisha Davis: This doesn’t guarantee you the job. But if you get referral links from employees that work at companies that you are targeting you are almost guaranteed to get an interview, they will at least see what this person who works at their organization who vouches for this person.



00:13:35.160 –> 00:13:43.110

Lakrisha Davis: Has to say, all right, so, networking, you have your primary network, which includes



00:13:45.540 –> 00:13:57.720

Lakrisha Davis: Classmates past colleagues past bosses past clients. Okay, that consists of your primary network. And so what you want to do is



00:13:57.960 –> 00:14:04.080

Lakrisha Davis: Reach out and let them know that you are on the market and be very specific about



00:14:04.380 –> 00:14:15.090

Lakrisha Davis: Your intention and your goals. And so this could be as simple as reaching out to someone who you went to school with, and you’ve noticed that they are working at



00:14:15.360 –> 00:14:29.490

Lakrisha Davis: A very cool organization or you notice that, hey, this is someone who had the exact same career path as me and they are already on their way. I want to network with them and see how they are doing that.



00:14:30.330 –> 00:14:46.770

Lakrisha Davis: And so that is also an opportunity to get insider knowledge about certain companies and what it actually looks like to work in a certain role. Anyway, so this could be as simple as saying hey past colleague, we used to



00:14:48.360 –> 00:14:57.510

Lakrisha Davis: Remember we attended such and such as class together or, you know, we went to Roosevelt together and I noticed that you work for.



00:14:58.410 –> 00:15:16.170

Lakrisha Davis: PepsiCo and this is a company that is exactly on my target list. I would love to connect with you over virtual coffee to learn about your experiences. Okay, so that is tapping into your professional or your primary network.



00:15:16.620 –> 00:15:23.460

Lakrisha Davis: For informational interviews that is the key word for this segment of the presentation.



00:15:24.060 –> 00:15:38.910

Lakrisha Davis: informational interviews. So now I want to segue into your secondary network and your secondary network includes potential bosses or colleagues potential colleagues. And so this would be



00:15:39.570 –> 00:15:52.650

Lakrisha Davis: Reaching out to someone who is let’s say for instance you are targeting an HR position. This would be reaching out to an HR manager.



00:15:53.040 –> 00:16:03.870

Lakrisha Davis: At the company and we are going to talk more about networking and researching and finding people to network with when we get into the LinkedIn segment because LinkedIn.



00:16:04.110 –> 00:16:14.460

Lakrisha Davis: Is the place where you can find all of these people and it’s going to become more clear how you can do this when we, when I show you how to research folks on LinkedIn.



00:16:15.720 –> 00:16:40.950

Lakrisha Davis: So the next thing that I want to get into is leveraging the LinkedIn platform now LinkedIn is not the same, that it was back in the day. I remember sitting in my college prep class at RM you and I remember we had to create LinkedIn profiles and at the time it was just an online resume.



00:16:42.360 –> 00:16:50.190

Lakrisha Davis: LinkedIn is no longer this online resume LinkedIn is the place where you can



00:16:51.660 –> 00:17:12.420

Lakrisha Davis: Job Hunt while you’re while you’re asleep. And I’ll get into that. So getting your LinkedIn profile updated is not the end all be all meaning that when you hear the terminology of increasing your visibility and LinkedIn. That is not a matter of



00:17:13.530 –> 00:17:29.310

Lakrisha Davis: Just a matter of the profile content that you have right what really makes the difference for LinkedIn is engagement okay engagement. That is how you



00:17:30.240 –> 00:17:46.350

Lakrisha Davis: Beat the LinkedIn algorithms and search, search show up and more searches and you get more recruiters and hiring managers directly into your inbox to talk about opportunities. Just so you know, when we talk about



00:17:47.970 –> 00:17:56.430

Lakrisha Davis: job hunting while you’re asleep right. You may have seen on LinkedIn, that you cert use shown up in a certain amount of



00:17:57.210 –> 00:18:08.880

Lakrisha Davis: Searches right you want to increase that number. And so it’s important to engage on LinkedIn, at least two to three times per day.



00:18:09.270 –> 00:18:16.410

Lakrisha Davis: Engage two to three posts every single day. And that is liking a post commenting on a post



00:18:17.370 –> 00:18:29.220

Lakrisha Davis: Sharing someone else’s content that adds value to the community that is how you are going to improve your visibility during LinkedIn, because when they



00:18:29.670 –> 00:18:47.880

Lakrisha Davis: Recruiters I’m speaking of go into their LinkedIn recruiter product, which is what they use to find candidates, they are going to search. Let’s say project manager, there are going to be hundreds of pages of results that pop up.



00:18:48.900 –> 00:18:54.390

Lakrisha Davis: Right, and so the people that are showing up on those top pages of results.



00:18:54.780 –> 00:19:05.580

Lakrisha Davis: Are people that are the most visible on LinkedIn, not the people with the most coolest programs approach profiles, even though having a great profile is



00:19:05.970 –> 00:19:18.270

Lakrisha Davis: Something that you need to work towards because once you start attracting more people to your LinkedIn profile you want them to not be disappointed. OK. So again, LinkedIn,



00:19:19.230 –> 00:19:34.020

Lakrisha Davis: Is the place where you can improve your visibility by engaging two to three posts every single day. And if you do that for a couple of weeks, you will start to notice that you’re getting recruiters into your inbox.



00:19:34.350 –> 00:19:43.440

Lakrisha Davis: asking you about whether you’re looking or if you would be interested in an opportunity, and that is what I call job hunting while you are asleep.



00:19:45.210 –> 00:19:51.000

Lakrisha Davis: And then, um, so why don’t we just go ahead and



00:19:53.340 –> 00:20:01.590

Lakrisha Davis: Go to LinkedIn, so I can share a couple of things with you. And then I have a couple of questions which resume.



00:20:03.810 –> 00:20:06.930

Lakrisha Davis: Should we post on the job boards, all of them.



00:20:09.690 –> 00:20:12.390

Lakrisha Davis: Which resume. Should we post on the job boards. So yeah, you should



00:20:12.390 –> 00:20:13.770

Lakrisha Davis: Post a



00:20:14.310 –> 00:20:26.820

Lakrisha Davis: PDF resume to the job boards, and this is why it’s important for you to have a clear understanding of what you are targeting because you shouldn’t be targeting accounting and then



00:20:27.420 –> 00:20:37.380

Lakrisha Davis: Human Resources, you know, it should, it should make sense. So I hope that answers your question. I am going to share



00:20:38.850 –> 00:21:06.960

Lakrisha Davis: My LinkedIn with you guys in order to show you exactly how this works. Now let’s say that we’re going to do a couple of searches here and I want to focus on the LinkedIn people finder. Right. So let’s say that you have just applied for a position with Twitter.



00:21:08.040 –> 00:21:23.850

Lakrisha Davis: And I don’t know why I keep using Twitter as an example. I guess it’s the first thing that’s coming to my head, but let’s say for instance you are you just apply for a position with Twitter within 24 to 48 hours, you are going to follow up.



00:21:25.080 –> 00:21:46.440

Lakrisha Davis: On that opportunity by letting someone know who has hiring authority that you’ve just recently apply for a role and I promise that nudge that simple nudge makes a difference. And I am going to show you how to do that. So let’s type in Twitter.



00:21:48.090 –> 00:21:55.470

Lakrisha Davis: And so I typed in Twitter. OK. And then I am going to click on Twitter here.



00:21:58.050 –> 00:22:04.830

Lakrisha Davis: And then I am going to see all Twitter employees that are on LinkedIn.



00:22:05.580 –> 00:22:17.400

Lakrisha Davis: And then what you can do is, so here is like a search that I’ve just performed. Right. And so here are some people who work at Twitter, I am mostly interested in



00:22:17.850 –> 00:22:33.360

Lakrisha Davis: People that work in the talent acquisition department recruiting department HR department because again I am following up on an opportunity that I’ve just applied for. So here are all of their employees, then I am going to go to all filters.



00:22:33.780 –> 00:22:53.910

Lakrisha Davis: And then I am going to go down here where I’m able to type in a job title and find people within this job title. And I always change between talent acquisition and recruiter because you just never know which terminology, a company is using. So I’m going to start with recruiter



00:22:55.620 –> 00:23:11.160

Lakrisha Davis: Wow. Lots of recruiters that have come up. So if I had applied for a position in Chicago. Then I am going to go back to my filters and I am going to



00:23:12.600 –> 00:23:33.570

Lakrisha Davis: Base. The search on the Chicago area, and if no one shows up, then that tells me that this company Twitter has their HR department or offices and other states. And so I need to follow up with someone who is in that state. It looks like.



00:23:34.980 –> 00:23:45.150

Lakrisha Davis: San Francisco. I will probably just reach out to Rebecca or someone who I share something in common with you are able to see who you went to school with



00:23:45.630 –> 00:23:54.300

Lakrisha Davis: Okay, so if I if Rebecca also went to arm you I would see that here. So far, I immediately noticed that we have



00:23:54.990 –> 00:24:02.580

Lakrisha Davis: Over 11 share connections. And so what I would do is shoot Rebecca know hey, Rebecca, I just



00:24:02.940 –> 00:24:14.910

Lakrisha Davis: Recently apply for the career coaching position. I have a strong background in the career development space. And while I know you may not be at the interview stage yet.



00:24:15.360 –> 00:24:28.830

Lakrisha Davis: I would love to have a preliminary conversation about my background. If you would be so open. Let me know if that works for you. Here is how I can be reached. Okay, so



00:24:30.000 –> 00:24:41.280

Lakrisha Davis: This is what I mean by nurturing every single job lead and not just applying for 100 positions and just waiting to hear back when you focused on



00:24:42.000 –> 00:25:01.260

Lakrisha Davis: Quality. That means you are following up on every single job opportunity and or finding someone who works at that company. So let’s do another search here. So we’ve already discussed, following up. Now, let’s say,



00:25:02.670 –> 00:25:10.620

Lakrisha Davis: That you um okay so let’s go back to Twitter right so



00:25:11.760 –> 00:25:24.060

Lakrisha Davis: I’m going to go to Twitter. Go back to all employees. And let’s say that I have just apply for the project manager position.



00:25:25.440 –> 00:25:38.400

Lakrisha Davis: Okay, so I see a lot of project managers at Twitter so I reach out to someone like Megan, or someone else who went to who I went to school with, if there was someone like that.



00:25:39.180 –> 00:25:47.970

Lakrisha Davis: Arm you pry hey you know I see you work at Twitter. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do you know I love to, you know, invite you for virtual coffee kind of thing.



00:25:48.270 –> 00:26:00.630

Lakrisha Davis: But you get the point when you’re networking always focus on people who you share something in common with like being a part of the same sorority or sports or



00:26:01.950 –> 00:26:12.810

Lakrisha Davis: University, that kind of thing, or even share connections. Hey, I noticed you’re connected with Mike I am to do you know him personally, you know, kind of starting that



00:26:14.040 –> 00:26:20.400

Lakrisha Davis: That conversation. And so I would reach out to Megan. And this is someone who I’m reaching out



00:26:20.670 –> 00:26:32.520

Lakrisha Davis: For an inter inter informational interview and this is my secondary network, someone who is a potential colleague would say, hey, Megan, I noticed that you worked at



00:26:33.330 –> 00:26:52.620

Lakrisha Davis: Twitter as a project manager. I just, I’m considering applying for a product manager position. But before I do, so I really, you know, I’m reaching out to learn about other PM at Twitter’s at Twitter their experiences.



00:26:54.030 –> 00:27:03.630

Lakrisha Davis: Would you be open to having virtual coffee and then I would set up the meeting if they agree to do it. Send them a Starbucks card.



00:27:04.290 –> 00:27:18.870

Lakrisha Davis: Coffee on me kind of thing. And so that is reaching out to someone who is a potential colleague and then again you can also find other people who could be a potential



00:27:20.430 –> 00:27:28.020

Lakrisha Davis: Boss as well. And so that is leveraging the LinkedIn search in order to



00:27:29.130 –> 00:27:39.180

Lakrisha Davis: Follow up on job applications and start networking conversations in order to secure information. Oh, interviews.



00:27:47.100 –> 00:27:50.940

Lakrisha Davis: Any questions so far on what I just covered



00:27:55.770 –> 00:28:10.350

Kristy Kotek: Anything any additional questions come in, but I really appreciate it. How you went through the the connection process. And it’s very personalized and I know I’ve heard countless stories from alumni or students and previous



00:28:10.380 –> 00:28:21.510

Kristy Kotek: You know, colleagues who they found success through LinkedIn and connecting individually with others. So thank you so much for sharing that. And feel free. If you have any questions to continue to check them in and use the chat box.



00:28:21.660 –> 00:28:24.810

Lakrisha Davis: Yeah. And then one other thing that’s important to



00:28:24.810 –> 00:28:26.850

Lakrisha Davis: Note about LinkedIn is that



00:28:29.490 –> 00:28:32.670

Lakrisha Davis: Building social influence is



00:28:34.320 –> 00:28:38.310

Lakrisha Davis: Is a great thing and and and what I mean by that is



00:28:40.770 –> 00:28:54.870

Lakrisha Davis: If this is something that if you’re that kind of person where you want to, you know, build a LinkedIn following or sharing knowledge and things like that. I certainly recommend it because there are people



00:28:55.800 –> 00:29:06.420

Lakrisha Davis: That are getting jobs, based on their influence their social influence. And so if you are passionate about your field sharing value.



00:29:07.770 –> 00:29:20.520

Lakrisha Davis: Share sharing value on LinkedIn. And not only does that helps to increase your visibility, but it also helps to establish credibility for yourself.



00:29:21.090 –> 00:29:33.960

Lakrisha Davis: And there are so many examples of people that I can throw out there on LinkedIn that literally have secure jobs at Microsoft, LinkedIn, all those great places because they post on LinkedIn.



00:29:35.820 –> 00:29:43.650

Lakrisha Davis: And you probably feel like it’s my job to post on LinkedIn or I don’t want to become an influencer, you don’t have to. That doesn’t have to be your intention.



00:29:44.010 –> 00:30:05.520

Lakrisha Davis: It could be simply documenting your story. It could be, you know, sharing your failures and successes and your wins and letting people know what you’ve learned about it. And that is a great way to build social influence and so instead of just



00:30:07.080 –> 00:30:17.430

Lakrisha Davis: Engaging other people’s content, which is good and helps you increase your visibility to take it a step further posting your own content on LinkedIn.



00:30:17.880 –> 00:30:43.050

Lakrisha Davis: Is the way to is the way to go. And that I can’t even begin to go into all the examples that I have of people that were able to get jobs. Just because someone admire their passion or resonated with their story wanted to help wanted to give someone a chance, kind of thing.



00:30:44.970 –> 00:30:46.230

Lakrisha Davis: Alright so chat.



00:30:50.670 –> 00:31:00.750

Lakrisha Davis: All right, I wasn’t aware of that LinkedIn ability. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah I treat LinkedIn like my Facebook, even though I’m not. I mean, I don’t post food or, you know,



00:31:01.260 –> 00:31:14.520

Lakrisha Davis: selfies or anything like that, but I’m the CEO of my career. And so, LinkedIn, my career is important to me. So LinkedIn is where I’m mostly like posting. So I’m on LinkedIn.



00:31:15.390 –> 00:31:32.160

Lakrisha Davis: More than I’m on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn is no longer that site where it’s just about, you know, posting jobs and you being able to apply for jobs. I mean, there’s some real cool stuff that you can, you could find on on LinkedIn.



00:31:33.300 –> 00:31:44.850

Lakrisha Davis: So how important our cover letters. If you are sending yeah so what you want to do is when you are sending



00:31:46.260 –> 00:31:58.620

Lakrisha Davis: When you are networking. Right, let’s say you’re following up with an opportunity that you just apply for don’t attach your resume. It’s too pushy don’t attach anything if they’re open to it if they if they



00:32:00.420 –> 00:32:03.660

Lakrisha Davis: You know, if it seems like they’re biting a little bit, then you can kind of



00:32:04.020 –> 00:32:13.470

Lakrisha Davis: You know mentioned that you have a resume, you can kind of share it to the shared with them, but I wouldn’t attach my resume. If you are networking with recruiters.



00:32:13.920 –> 00:32:30.720

Lakrisha Davis: Which we’re going to go into soon here or other people that work in your job title at your, you know, or at your target company. I wouldn’t send them your resume or cover letter I would start the conversation and



00:32:32.160 –> 00:32:38.460

Lakrisha Davis: You should know when it’s right to go for the ask. Because when you’re networking



00:32:40.230 –> 00:32:48.690

Lakrisha Davis: People don’t want to feel like you are going to they’re going to have to do too much for you. They don’t want to feel like, oh my gosh.



00:32:49.290 –> 00:32:56.490

Lakrisha Davis: I’m not going to be able to help this person or this person is going to be asking for too much, that kind of thing.



00:32:56.760 –> 00:33:14.760

Lakrisha Davis: Just always know that the key is to know that people love talking about themselves. So if you were to approach someone on LinkedIn, you should always lead with. I want to know about your experiences versus how you can help me right so



00:33:15.840 –> 00:33:23.340

Lakrisha Davis: You know you want to go for the ask. Once you’ve established a relationship or get that person on the phone, but the first



00:33:25.080 –> 00:33:28.230

Lakrisha Davis: When you first reach out to someone. No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t do that.



00:33:30.690 –> 00:33:36.960

Lakrisha Davis: And hopefully that answers your question. Anything else



00:33:38.310 –> 00:33:45.390

I’ve seen people post that they are looking for jobs on LinkedIn posts in their actual resume that fee with Kobe.



00:33:48.960 –> 00:33:56.280

Lakrisha Davis: It is. It’s encouraged if you post your resume on LinkedIn.



00:33:57.480 –> 00:34:02.250

Lakrisha Davis: But you have to have a strong call to action, meaning



00:34:03.810 –> 00:34:16.860

Lakrisha Davis: Do you want. So let’s say for instance, a couple of examples I’ve seen I’ve seen someone post their resume to their fee and say, hey, please help me, you know,



00:34:18.030 –> 00:34:31.710

Lakrisha Davis: Hey, take a look at my resume and let me know what may be a good fit for me or if you’re working on something you need to have a strong call to action so that it is very clear as to what your goals are and so



00:34:32.520 –> 00:34:43.410

Lakrisha Davis: An example of this would be posting your resume and attaching a message, such that you were just recently laid off due to cove it



00:34:43.860 –> 00:34:56.370

Lakrisha Davis: And you are reaching out to your network for support and you are looking for this kind of opportunity in this area and to



00:34:57.060 –> 00:35:10.890

Lakrisha Davis: You know, please reach out or text someone who can please reach out if you can help or text someone who can help kind of thing. So it is encouraged, but you don’t want to do it in a desperate fashion.



00:35:12.000 –> 00:35:24.570

Lakrisha Davis: You want to again have that strong call to action and just kind of let people know that, you know, you’re back on the market, but don’t be one of those people that are just like, here’s my resume.



00:35:27.000 –> 00:35:31.890

Lakrisha Davis: Let me know how you can help me know you got to tell them what you want what you need.



00:35:37.590 –> 00:35:38.730

Lakrisha Davis: Anything else



00:35:39.750 –> 00:35:40.650

Lakrisha Davis: Yeah, you’re welcome.



00:35:41.940 –> 00:35:42.510

Lakrisha Davis: All right.



00:35:44.250 –> 00:36:06.810

Lakrisha Davis: So the next thing that I am going to get into is yes tapping into the hidden job market. Does anyone know what the hidden job market is or have heard of that. If you can, and your reactions hit a thumbs up if you’ve heard of the hidden job market.



00:36:08.610 –> 00:36:14.010

Lakrisha Davis: All right. Okay. All right, we got some people that know about the hidden job market. Alright, cool.



00:36:15.030 –> 00:36:29.970

Lakrisha Davis: So, what you should know about the hidden job market is that first of all there are, I mean, so many opportunities that are hidden and they say,



00:36:31.500 –> 00:36:53.010

Lakrisha Davis: It’s 80% our job 80% of jobs are within the hidden job market, and that statistic has been thrown out there and has been challenged. We don’t know exactly what that statistic is. But we know that it is true that there are a lot of opportunities that are hidden and you want to know why.



00:36:54.360 –> 00:36:55.440

Lakrisha Davis: First of all,



00:36:56.490 –> 00:37:05.400

Lakrisha Davis: Companies would rather buy, buy from within, meaning they feel like



00:37:06.450 –> 00:37:08.190

Lakrisha Davis: If a person



00:37:09.210 –> 00:37:22.170

Lakrisha Davis: Who is a referral or someone who already works at this organization know someone that this person would be a better fit or



00:37:22.980 –> 00:37:32.490

Lakrisha Davis: Will be a better fit for the role, meaning that they are trying to avoid turnover because turnover is very expensive. When you think about it.



00:37:32.940 –> 00:37:47.880

Lakrisha Davis: You get hired you’re you’re undergoing training for about 90 days without a real output put right because you’re still learning right let’s say you only last for six months, they then have to



00:37:49.500 –> 00:37:59.040

Lakrisha Davis: They wasted all this time and training and they didn’t really get a huge return on investment. Now they have to hire someone else and they have to utilize the resources for



00:37:59.730 –> 00:38:12.690

Lakrisha Davis: onboarding and training and all that stuff. So companies are trying to avoid turnover as much as possible, and sometimes to their detriment that they



00:38:13.470 –> 00:38:25.470

Lakrisha Davis: Really want someone who knows someone, and so I have worked at an organization where every time there’s a new job opening, they would send out an email.



00:38:26.100 –> 00:38:41.010

Lakrisha Davis: Do you know someone who, you know, send over their name or resume, you know, that kind of thing. Right. So companies with weather by from within. It feels more safe that way. Right.



00:38:41.760 –> 00:38:56.220

Lakrisha Davis: And then the second thing with the hidden job market is that you must know that there are certain companies, due to their large size they fall into



00:38:57.600 –> 00:39:04.020

Lakrisha Davis: certain categories of compliance laws, meaning that they have to



00:39:05.070 –> 00:39:17.790

Lakrisha Davis: post their job description to the internal and the external job boards. There are some smaller and some mid sized companies that if they don’t have



00:39:19.290 –> 00:39:25.440

Lakrisha Davis: Over a certain amount of employees and I haven’t been fresh on the last this year, so I can’t really call if it’s



00:39:25.620 –> 00:39:43.050

Lakrisha Davis: 200 or 100 of what a war thousands or whatever the case is. But just know that certain companies are required to post their positions on the external job board and some art and the ones who aren’t required to do that they leverage recruiters.



00:39:44.370 –> 00:39:49.350

Lakrisha Davis: Third party recruiting agencies or they focus on



00:39:50.400 –> 00:40:05.280

Lakrisha Davis: People that they their staff knows or their talent acquisition team will start reaching out and start looking for candidates that they want to reach out to that they choose to reach out to instead of posting this position online and getting



00:40:05.670 –> 00:40:17.580

Lakrisha Davis: Hundreds of applications, a great percentage of them, not even remotely qualified for the position. Some of them don’t want to go through that and then when you think about the companies that are required.



00:40:18.510 –> 00:40:37.080

Lakrisha Davis: To post their positions on the external job boards know that is just a formality sometimes and sometimes they could be into entertaining, someone who’s internal or entertaining, someone who has come through, you know, through one of their employees right and so



00:40:38.310 –> 00:40:57.180

Lakrisha Davis: As a formality their post that they would post it. And so that is why it’s important to employ various different strategies you should never just reply. A rely on the job boards, you should be applying for positions on the job boards, but always following up using LinkedIn and networking



00:40:58.320 –> 00:41:02.340

Lakrisha Davis: Right, so let me see questions here.



00:41:03.840 –> 00:41:09.180

Lakrisha Davis: Are those jobs that are available, but not posted. Yes, absolutely. Yep.



00:41:10.860 –> 00:41:17.340

Lakrisha Davis: Yeah. Do you recommend using a recruiting agency, I am about to go into that honey. Don’t worry about that.



00:41:18.930 –> 00:41:21.540

Lakrisha Davis: All right, I’m getting right into that actually



00:41:24.600 –> 00:41:28.890

Lakrisha Davis: Next actually know there’s one other thing that I want to discuss first



00:41:29.910 –> 00:41:33.000

Lakrisha Davis: In regards to tapping into the hidden job market is that



00:41:34.470 –> 00:41:43.980

Lakrisha Davis: Reverse job hunting is a great way to go. And what I mean by reverse job hunting is instead of just



00:41:44.460 –> 00:41:59.550

Lakrisha Davis: Going on the job boards and seeing a different, you know, seeing different postings out there and, you know, trying to open those doors. It is building a target company list. So, you know, you want to really work for



00:42:01.230 –> 00:42:04.590

Lakrisha Davis: Twitter. Oh my gosh, I promise I’m going to get that out of my head.



00:42:06.000 –> 00:42:19.770

Lakrisha Davis: You want to work for Twitter or Ernst and Young or something like that, then if you build a target company list, then you can take the approach to



00:42:20.550 –> 00:42:32.400

Lakrisha Davis: focus your efforts on knocking down those doors tapping into your secondary network potential bosses potential colleagues people that used to work there that may know someone



00:42:32.940 –> 00:42:46.290

Lakrisha Davis: So reverse job hunting is building a target company list right and knocking down those doors and the next thing that I want to discuss is recruiting agencies.



00:42:47.520 –> 00:42:48.300

Lakrisha Davis: So,



00:42:49.830 –> 00:43:05.100

Lakrisha Davis: I do recommend working with recruiting agencies, but you have to make sure that just as much as they are screening you. You are screening them is well



00:43:06.420 –> 00:43:14.490

Lakrisha Davis: I have a lot of insider knowledge about the industry because I work as a corporate recruiter, and also as an agency recruiter, and so



00:43:15.840 –> 00:43:38.280

Lakrisha Davis: When you let’s say apply for a position at Ernst and Young and you get reached out to by a recruiter that works at Ernst and Young, that is the corporate recruiter right internal recruiter, but then the robbery halves of the world. THE BEACON HILLS all of those places are agencies and



00:43:39.780 –> 00:43:50.490

Lakrisha Davis: They do have good opportunities that you can entertain and so I definitely recommend leveraging recruiters, however.



00:43:51.660 –> 00:44:00.540

Lakrisha Davis: It’s important for me to say that if you have no experience whatsoever in a job, meaning you are



00:44:01.650 –> 00:44:20.400

Lakrisha Davis: A very, very early graduate and it’s in, you don’t. It’s not an entry level position right, meaning they are required experience or if you are someone who is changing careers, then a recruiter may not be the best fit for you. And here’s why. Let me explain.



00:44:21.900 –> 00:44:44.520

Lakrisha Davis: Agency recruiters they serve the interests of the hiring companies right um they are looking for candidates that meet the hiring company’s needs and that is because it is very much a



00:44:47.040 –> 00:45:03.750

Lakrisha Davis: It’s, it’s kind of like sales. It’s kind of a sales. It’s a sales driven industry. Right. It’s a sales driven driven industry. So, meaning that if you were to get into a job and you don’t last your 90 days, then there is a potential that



00:45:04.410 –> 00:45:15.960

Lakrisha Davis: That recruiting company isn’t going to get their compensation for making that connection. If you don’t last on the job, which is why they are very careful about



00:45:16.980 –> 00:45:29.190

Lakrisha Davis: Focusing on people who have the exact experience that the work that the client company is looking for. So if the hiring company requires five years of experience.



00:45:31.500 –> 00:45:41.580

Lakrisha Davis: Then, and you and you don’t have you have zero experience or you don’t you don’t have anything close to five years of experience, then



00:45:42.330 –> 00:45:44.070

Lakrisha Davis: You’re not going to be a good fit.



00:45:44.250 –> 00:45:55.020

Lakrisha Davis: And they were probably goes to you, right, you probably heard of that term. There’s a lot of ghosting going on you’re wondering why did I just talked to this recruiter, and they said they were going to get back to me. They said they were going to submit me for this opportunity.



00:45:55.350 –> 00:46:07.140

Lakrisha Davis: What happened likely you did not fit the hiring company’s needs in terms of your skills or you don’t fit the salary budget or what have you.



00:46:08.250 –> 00:46:21.000

Lakrisha Davis: And so here’s how it works. Just a little bit of insider knowledge about the industry. The reason why I said that its sales driven is because it is so, meaning that



00:46:22.290 –> 00:46:37.890

Lakrisha Davis: There are some recruiters who work at these agencies hat that have been doing this for so long. And they built a solid book of business that when certain companies have open positions, they’ll reach out to their trusted



00:46:38.370 –> 00:46:51.420

Lakrisha Davis: Recruiter agent Lucretia to help them feel this hiring need because they’ve worked with her for a long time and they trust her. And she has brought them great talent.



00:46:53.070 –> 00:47:02.430

Lakrisha Davis: There are other that that’s that’s one case scenario, right, the recruiter does have the connections, the relationships with these companies.



00:47:04.080 –> 00:47:20.250

Lakrisha Davis: The second one is the recruiter, who is trying to build connections with these companies in order to be their long term trusted recruiter right and so



00:47:21.270 –> 00:47:22.380

Lakrisha Davis: In that case,



00:47:23.610 –> 00:47:29.100

Lakrisha Davis: Oftentimes recruiters are using candidates as bait.



00:47:29.940 –> 00:47:39.840

Lakrisha Davis: And I say that with the most respect but meaning that they are dangling this this candidate in front of the company saying, hey,



00:47:40.080 –> 00:47:47.460

Lakrisha Davis: I have this hot talent that you haven’t found yet. Will you talk to my candidate now. And so it’s kind of like them.



00:47:47.910 –> 00:47:56.790

Lakrisha Davis: Using your information to build that relationship. So, meaning that they don’t have the official contract.



00:47:57.570 –> 00:48:07.470

Lakrisha Davis: To hire for this role, meaning that if if by chance you find someone who we didn’t find on our own. Who’s irresistible that we’ve got to talk to



00:48:07.950 –> 00:48:20.400

Lakrisha Davis: Then, okay. All right. I’ll talk to them. And so it’s important to screen recruiters just as much as they are, there are screening you because the thing is



00:48:21.930 –> 00:48:32.220

Lakrisha Davis: What I’ve just explained is some of them have the relationships and some of them are in the process of building that. And so one way you can find this out is



00:48:33.000 –> 00:48:40.440

Lakrisha Davis: By saying to the recruiter. Hey, you know, yeah, I’m definitely interested in this opportunity. It sounds great, you know,



00:48:40.920 –> 00:48:51.180

Lakrisha Davis: How long have you been working on this position with the company or do you know why this position has open. What happened to the, the last person or



00:48:52.080 –> 00:48:58.830

Lakrisha Davis: How many candidates have you sent over so far for this role and what were some of the feedback.



00:48:59.400 –> 00:49:06.420

Lakrisha Davis: You know, to see in a polite way to gauge in a polite way if there actually has been some activity.



00:49:06.750 –> 00:49:18.090

Lakrisha Davis: Or if you are, if this is a situation where they’re going to be sending off your information and hopes to hear back because sometimes when you are ghosted by recruiters, it is a matter of one



00:49:18.930 –> 00:49:26.760

Lakrisha Davis: You may not be qualified for the position or may not be the person that the hiring company is looking for or to



00:49:27.840 –> 00:49:30.240

Lakrisha Davis: The recruiter was ghosted by the company as well.



00:49:32.910 –> 00:49:41.880

Lakrisha Davis: So it’s important to know when you’re not wasting your time and the best case scenario is to work with recruiters that



00:49:42.240 –> 00:49:55.320

Lakrisha Davis: Have those relationships and have the okay from this company that you are my recruiter that is hiring for this role because, as you know, you may have noticed out there to that.



00:49:56.040 –> 00:50:10.920

Lakrisha Davis: You’ve probably seen the same exact position on several different recruiting agencies sites and that is because again it’s a sales method, right. It’s the sales method to generate



00:50:11.970 –> 00:50:21.150

Lakrisha Davis: A client. I’m a candidate based and send these candidates to this company to see if someone piques their interest.



00:50:23.940 –> 00:50:25.500

We go to questions.



00:50:27.180 –> 00:50:39.930

Lakrisha Davis: Can you speak on the agencies that charge fees. Yeah. So there’s a difference between headhunters and recruiting agencies agencies don’t charge you they charge the hiring company.



00:50:40.530 –> 00:50:52.050

Lakrisha Davis: So if you get hired, then the company is going to get paid a certain percentage of your starting salary headhunters they work for you.



00:50:52.770 –> 00:51:15.570

Lakrisha Davis: Recruiting agencies work for the hiring company. So the headhunter is it’s expensive. It’s expensive, but if you can afford it and you don’t have the time to really job search and you want that spokes spokesperson for you. That is their dedicated job to unlock opportunities for you.



00:51:16.620 –> 00:51:31.590

Lakrisha Davis: But you don’t have to do that. You can still find opportunities without paying thousands of dollars for a headhunter so know that there’s a difference between headhunter and recruiting agencies, I had gone through three rounds of interviews with Amazon and there was just one



00:51:32.850 –> 00:51:35.340

wish they had with their life, a personal



00:51:36.780 –> 00:51:37.230




00:51:39.540 –> 00:51:53.430

Lakrisha Davis: Yeah, I mean, it could be that the position actually did go on hold and at least the recruiter did circle back and give you some type of update. But if it has been a couple of weeks, then I would reach out



00:51:54.240 –> 00:52:03.570

Lakrisha Davis: To thank the recruiter again for meeting with you about the opportunity in that you understand that in light of Kobe things are, you know,



00:52:04.020 –> 00:52:15.630

Lakrisha Davis: Tough right now, a lot of positions are being put on hold and you just wanted to follow up to inquire about the status of the position and let them know that you are still interested in the role in the company.



00:52:24.630 –> 00:52:31.590

Lakrisha Davis: Alright so that was in the question but recruiting agencies. Yeah. So again, if you



00:52:32.940 –> 00:52:37.980

Lakrisha Davis: So yeah, what I was what I was saying was about all the job descriptions



00:52:39.510 –> 00:52:52.500

Lakrisha Davis: The same job description being posted on all these different recruiting agency sites is because, again, they are looking to generate that that candidate pool and



00:52:53.430 –> 00:53:09.300

Lakrisha Davis: It’s a sales. It’s a sales method. And so you want to try to find out if this recruiter actually has a relationship with this company. And if they were given the go ahead to be their representative to



00:53:10.890 –> 00:53:16.650

Lakrisha Davis: You know, search for new candidate and I’ve dealt with recruiting agencies. I’ve worked with recruiting agencies.



00:53:17.850 –> 00:53:28.410

Lakrisha Davis: I’ve worked at a recruiting agency. And so I know that there are great opportunities out there that recruiters are working on. It’s just that it’s



00:53:29.550 –> 00:53:50.520

Lakrisha Davis: Such a high turnover industry because it is sales and because it is like doing a lot of cold calling that you have to find that recruiting veteran who has been there for a long time, and she’s, she’s got she’s got the connects you know um



00:53:52.740 –> 00:53:53.940

Lakrisha Davis: And see how that goes.



00:53:55.230 –> 00:53:57.030

Lakrisha Davis: Any other questions.



00:54:01.980 –> 00:54:15.300

Lakrisha Davis: Was about to interview for position, which was put on hold, due to Chloe. Do you have any tips on how to maintain a relationship with the employer and stay on top of mine in preparation for their hiring.



00:54:15.900 –> 00:54:31.950

Lakrisha Davis: freezes over. Yeah, absolutely. So it’s just a matter of staying in touch. And that is how you stay on the top of their mind. And so by reaching back out to let them know that



00:54:34.740 –> 00:54:39.750

Lakrisha Davis: That, you know, you understand because of everything that’s going on with with Kobe.



00:54:40.980 –> 00:54:54.300

Lakrisha Davis: That, you know, you’re still interested in the opportunity, what’s the status sending holiday cards I have clients who do that all the time, you know, sending a holiday card if there’s some type of holiday going on.



00:54:55.440 –> 00:55:11.490

Lakrisha Davis: That is another nudge. And another way to follow up without saying, each time. Hey, what’s the status. Hey, what’s the status. Hey, what’s the status. So just finding creative ways to stay in contact. And so again,



00:55:12.510 –> 00:55:22.260

Lakrisha Davis: The first follow up is letting them know that you know you’re still interested in inquiring about the status and then you know just staying in contact and just having



00:55:22.530 –> 00:55:43.470

Lakrisha Davis: Something different. To follow up on each time a different talking point versus just what’s the status. Do you do recruiters care about LinkedIn learning modules of certifications on your profile. Um, I do think that it’s great to show professional development, um,



00:55:45.540 –> 00:55:49.980

Lakrisha Davis: I would say that LinkedIn learning and certifications.



00:55:51.270 –> 00:56:06.450

Lakrisha Davis: Is a great way to show passion and commitment about your field. So that is something that could definitely it doesn’t hurt you at all. It does more good than harm.



00:56:07.470 –> 00:56:16.230

Lakrisha Davis: In terms of certifications. I mean, you have to think about your industry, you think about the project management feel the HR feel



00:56:17.190 –> 00:56:27.750

Lakrisha Davis: Though those certifications are becoming so popular almost everyone in the field has it now or they know they have to get it. So definitely stay on top of your game.



00:56:29.640 –> 00:56:47.280

Lakrisha Davis: Thank you for hosting. Yeah, you’re welcome. Can you speak to Job reposting I’ve seen positions, post a job was in February. Yeah. That means that they there was some turnover. Um, maybe they hired someone and someone didn’t work out.



00:56:50.010 –> 00:57:00.870

Lakrisha Davis: And so it’s just some people feel like well what wow what was wrong with that position, then do I want that job. Everyone’s different. You never know. It could be something that that works out for you.



00:57:01.830 –> 00:57:11.940

Lakrisha Davis: But yeah, that means that there was some turnover or there’s growth. Maybe there’s another a second position created and that’s a good thing. The growing company is good.



00:57:18.600 –> 00:57:25.320

Lakrisha Davis: I hope this session provided some great insight to you. I tried to cram



00:57:26.370 –> 00:57:42.990

Lakrisha Davis: So much into this one hour and I was just so nervous, like, Okay, what do I do, you know, what do I focus on, do I want to expand on this or that it’s it’s so much that goes into this, but I wanted to make sure that you have the, the core stuff right



00:57:44.250 –> 00:57:50.310

Kristy Kotek: Lucretia, this is amazing. There’s so many good nuggets. I know job searching very there’s so many gems like pack topics. And I think you



00:57:50.550 –> 00:58:01.290

Kristy Kotek: shared some really great highlights on that were digestible within an hour, so I know I was even you know jotting down a bunch of notes. So thank you so much.



00:58:02.040 –> 00:58:13.080

Kristy Kotek: Just for joining us this afternoon for sharing your expertise and your personal you know insight into just even the recruiter aspect was really enlightening. It’s always good to know what’s going on behind the scenes.



00:58:13.800 –> 00:58:29.910

Kristy Kotek: That helps us know as job seekers, right, what we can do and where we should dedicate our time. If it’s limited. So thank you so much. Thank you all for joining us this afternoon. Lucretia, any last thoughts or before we wrap up.



00:58:31.530 –> 00:58:34.440

Lakrisha Davis: Oh, um, any last thoughts. Let’s see.



00:58:37.440 –> 00:58:39.240

Lakrisha Davis: Let me do I’m



00:58:41.280 –> 00:58:44.820

Lakrisha Davis: Just a very, very quick.



00:58:46.350 –> 00:58:50.340

Lakrisha Davis: Send off about the about building a LinkedIn network.



00:58:51.930 –> 00:59:05.190

Lakrisha Davis: And leveraging the platform you guys LinkedIn is for lack of better phrasing. Where is that, and you should not sleep on LinkedIn.



00:59:06.540 –> 00:59:09.060

Lakrisha Davis: And LinkedIn is not just about



00:59:10.110 –> 00:59:21.510

Lakrisha Davis: An online resume. You need to make sure that your LinkedIn profile that you complete all sections, meaning you have a great headline. That’s not just your



00:59:21.960 –> 00:59:37.650

Lakrisha Davis: job title your about section is fleshed out you have all your job experiences in there with details, not just position, you know, name, and you know, all that stuff. You need to have job details there as well. Right.



00:59:39.150 –> 00:59:43.920

Lakrisha Davis: And you do need to shorten it from your resume, you do need to include



00:59:45.150 –> 00:59:54.150

Lakrisha Davis: Recommendations. So if you haven’t already done so, start reaching out to at least three people who can write you a recommendation or your profile.



00:59:54.570 –> 01:00:03.630

Lakrisha Davis: Hey person. Remember, we worked on such and such project together. Can you write me a recommendation on how we achieve this or that.



01:00:03.900 –> 01:00:10.560

Lakrisha Davis: When you reach out to your record when you’re when you reach out to people for recommendations always give them a



01:00:11.070 –> 01:00:21.120

Lakrisha Davis: Template meaning like what do you want them to write about, because people don’t write recommendations, because they feel like they don’t know what to say or they don’t know what to talk about kind of thing.



01:00:22.380 –> 01:00:23.130

Lakrisha Davis: And that’s all



01:00:24.840 –> 01:00:28.560

Lakrisha Davis: I could go, I could talk about this stuff all day. So I’m gonna let you guys go



01:00:31.770 –> 01:00:38.760

Kristy Kotek: Yes, thank you. I mean, we, I can feel your passion and we’re not even in the same room so I again thank you so much for joining us.



01:00:39.720 –> 01:00:50.280

Kristy Kotek: And you know, you know, volunteering your time to educate our community, as you know, we’ve we’ve certainly address, it’s, it’s always a great topic to chat about, but especially now with



01:00:50.700 –> 01:01:05.970

Kristy Kotek: Unemployment being on the rise. And for all of you that joined us. Thanks so much, you will receive a post of an email with the recorded session and the Krishna. If you’re okay with that. I’ll include the information you shared on how to connect in that as well.



01:01:06.780 –> 01:01:07.560

Lakrisha Davis: Yeah, absolutely.



01:01:08.100 –> 01:01:12.480

Kristy Kotek: Great. Well, thank you all again. Have a wonderful afternoon.