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Video: The Student Experience Today

Hear from Jamar Orr, vice president of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, about how the Office of Student Affairs quickly responded to the COVID-19 crisis, our support programs in place, updates on the CARES Act, Roosevelt’s Laker Grant, and findings from the recent student survey.


00:00:01.290 –> 00:00:08.429
Jamar Orr: And any portion that you may miss or someone else could make it. There’ll be able to check this session on the web.

00:00:09.240 –> 00:00:14.370
Jamar Orr: Also, at the end of my remarks, there’ll be an opportunity for you all to ask any questions.

00:00:15.059 –> 00:00:33.270
Jamar Orr: That you all have, you’re going to want to and ask those questions in the Q and A. And once we get to that section Hilda Rojas Duarte will ask the question that you all have put in, it will attempt to get as many questions as possible. The third thing is that I do have

00:00:35.010 –> 00:00:36.450
Jamar Orr: I do have my dog with me.

00:00:37.710 –> 00:00:46.620
Jamar Orr: Because if she’s not with me. She will bark and I don’t want her to bar. So she sees her, she’ll be our additional panelists, as well as everybody say, hey, Zane. All right.

00:00:47.970 –> 00:00:58.860
Jamar Orr: Lastly, before we get started, I am a city boy. And so you may hear some city noises in the background. That’s okay. We’ll just keep rolling with those punches. If we hear any of that as well.

00:00:59.400 –> 00:01:08.940
Jamar Orr: So with that, again, thank you so much for for joining us. And I’m going to go ahead and get started. You have again any questions make sure you put those in the Q AMP a

00:01:09.480 –> 00:01:15.930
Jamar Orr: Alright, so what we know right now is that this has been an extremely difficult time where the entire Roosevelt community.

00:01:16.470 –> 00:01:25.950
Jamar Orr: The city our nation and the world when we started this year. Obviously, we had no way of knowing the impact that coven 19 would have on all of us.

00:01:26.280 –> 00:01:37.350
Jamar Orr: And while we have all lost a lot due to this virus, what has become extremely clear to me during this time is that the resilience of our students, faculty and staff is really unmatched and I’m

00:01:37.650 –> 00:01:46.410
Jamar Orr: extremely honored and amazed by the work that you all continue to do. I’ve definitely seen the absolute best of us. During this time, and I know

00:01:46.890 –> 00:01:58.290
Jamar Orr: That we will absolutely get through this thing together. So the intention of this is to talk a little bit about what students are experiencing right now and what we’ve done to support students

00:01:58.800 –> 00:02:06.780
Jamar Orr: Through this this crisis. So I want to first start off by talking a little bit about some of the immediate steps that we took. So when it became very clear to us.

00:02:07.290 –> 00:02:15.210
Jamar Orr: That coven 19 was on its way to the states we immediately began to plan and think about how will this impact our students and what can we do to support them.

00:02:15.510 –> 00:02:23.520
Jamar Orr: So we of course we’re following the guidance of the public health officials. We’re literally built a covert 19 response website which many of you, I’m sure.

00:02:24.030 –> 00:02:35.580
Jamar Orr: Have seen which has a number of updates that we put out regularly. We decided to extend spring break for students to allow us to transition to online or remote learning

00:02:36.300 –> 00:02:47.730
Jamar Orr: And we also encourage students who were living in the residence halls, who could return home to do so, all students services were immediately placed online and remain available for student use online.

00:02:48.120 –> 00:02:57.720
Jamar Orr: And then the government issued the stay at home order and that kind of changed things because until that point, we didn’t really know where things were going to go and we realized that we’re going to be

00:02:58.200 –> 00:03:04.080
Jamar Orr: Away from campus for a while and this kind of became our new normal. So against to think about what does this mean for us.

00:03:04.650 –> 00:03:10.860
Jamar Orr: So at that point, we decided to close campus. So all non essential personnel and only residents.

00:03:11.280 –> 00:03:15.360
Jamar Orr: Are allowed to be in the buildings. Currently, we also extend it. The drop date.

00:03:15.660 –> 00:03:27.480
Jamar Orr: To me first. So allow more time for students to who were experiencing difficulties and challenges to be able to to drop their courses. We also guarantee that all federal work study students will continue to receive

00:03:27.810 –> 00:03:33.510
Jamar Orr: Their pay for the remainder of the academic years. And so those are some of the things that we did immediately in response

00:03:34.050 –> 00:03:42.810
Jamar Orr: To the coven 19 crisis, but one of the things that we want to be really, really. Consider, consider it up is the student voice because it’s so important for us.

00:03:43.050 –> 00:03:46.230
Jamar Orr: To always know what the students are thinking and what they’re feeling

00:03:46.470 –> 00:03:54.300
Jamar Orr: And so one of the things that I’m really proud about is that we are in constant contact with your Student Government Association, and I want to send a huge shout out.

00:03:54.600 –> 00:04:02.940
Jamar Orr: I don’t know if their own or not to Leo Rojas, the real read in any way upon their your president, vice president and Board of Trustee representative

00:04:03.540 –> 00:04:06.060
Jamar Orr: We’ve had regular meetings with both myself president

00:04:06.450 –> 00:04:12.600
Jamar Orr: And Provost Becker to discuss what students are feeling and to figure out how we can better serve students during this time.

00:04:12.840 –> 00:04:20.670
Jamar Orr: So some of the things that we talked about in those meetings were on the transition to academic learning online and how students were kind of dealing with that.

00:04:20.940 –> 00:04:28.620
Jamar Orr: Also plans for fall. And I’ll talk a little bit more about that later on. They also had a really great idea to survey students to get a direct

00:04:29.280 –> 00:04:35.070
Jamar Orr: Way to understand what the impact was and I’ll be going over what those results were that we learn from the student survey.

00:04:35.760 –> 00:04:46.380
Jamar Orr: And lastly, they want to know more about what the academic options were if students were struggling academically succeed, given that many students were not necessarily prepared to go fully online.

00:04:47.190 –> 00:04:54.570
Jamar Orr: Another thing that happened was that a number of students got together and decided that the information that we had put out about the past fails wasn’t

00:04:55.020 –> 00:05:01.320
Jamar Orr: immediately clear in terms of what the options were and I’m so happy to see that because what we know is that Roosevelt university was built.

00:05:01.620 –> 00:05:08.820
Jamar Orr: On people raising their voices and so I was glad to see that so many students were sharing with us that the options weren’t all the way clear

00:05:09.090 –> 00:05:13.800
Jamar Orr: And we all agreed that we weren’t going to do a universal policy and students also felt that that was a good

00:05:14.400 –> 00:05:19.380
Jamar Orr: Policy to have, but we want to make sure that we’re communicating what our policy was really, really well.

00:05:19.620 –> 00:05:28.170
Jamar Orr: And so we decided to send out another communication to students to talk about the past or options the involuntary. I’m sorry, the incomplete options as well as the lead.

00:05:28.500 –> 00:05:37.020
Jamar Orr: Withdraw. And so what this showed us was that maybe we weren’t communicating as great as we thought we were. And so we decided to send out a social media pole.

00:05:37.770 –> 00:05:43.200
Jamar Orr: To chat with students see how do you want to be communicated with during this time and we got some surprising information from that.

00:05:43.770 –> 00:05:50.610
Jamar Orr: 85% of US surprisingly said that you want an email. I don’t think you are read them, but you want them. So that was really great to see.

00:05:50.880 –> 00:06:00.360
Jamar Orr: Also 77% of you said that you want to receive text messages. So you’ll notice that over the past two weeks, you’ve already started to see much more things come to you via text.

00:06:01.440 –> 00:06:12.990
Jamar Orr: Also 76% of you said that you wanted to engage with us more on social media. So we’ve also been updating our post more regularly to keep communicating to keep communications with you all going

00:06:13.590 –> 00:06:19.350
Jamar Orr: Was you also sell does is that you don’t want us to call you 74% of you said no. Do not call my cell phone.

00:06:19.980 –> 00:06:25.140
Jamar Orr: So we are now aware of that. And so we’ll make sure that we’re not calling for things that are not

00:06:25.890 –> 00:06:36.420
Jamar Orr: Critically important but there was the one thing that we thought was critically important to call you guys about given that this is an unprecedented time. We wanted to directly reach out to each of you.

00:06:36.780 –> 00:06:44.010
Jamar Orr: That we could and just engage with you about how things are going and what resources we had and how we could support you. So what we decided to do

00:06:44.550 –> 00:06:51.810
Jamar Orr: Was to do a phone campaign and call our freshmen and sophomores and right now we’re in the process of calling our graduate students, we

00:06:52.050 –> 00:07:01.920
Jamar Orr: Call over 600 students as far as for those students that weren’t able to reach via phone, we also followed up with them via email. And so many of you would have received that communication from staff.

00:07:02.490 –> 00:07:09.870
Jamar Orr: So what I learned as a key takeaway is that again. You all are extremely resilient and that you are making the best out of

00:07:10.320 –> 00:07:21.480
Jamar Orr: Not great situation I talked with students about some of the ways they were engaging with faculty, some of the ways they’re engaging with other students. And I’ll share some tidbits about that a little bit later on.

00:07:22.290 –> 00:07:32.040
Jamar Orr: So I want to talk more now about the students survey in general. So you all receive the link to share with us a little bit more about what your experiences have been.

00:07:32.460 –> 00:07:39.420
Jamar Orr: During this time 836 of you responded to the survey. We got some really interesting data. So we asked about

00:07:40.020 –> 00:07:43.380
Jamar Orr: A number of things. But I want to pull out some of the highlights for you all to share

00:07:43.890 –> 00:07:50.130
Jamar Orr: One of the things that we asked was, to what extent do you have reliable Internet access because it’s impossible to do online learning.

00:07:50.400 –> 00:08:00.690
Jamar Orr: If you can’t connect online. Right. And so, we learned that 74% you did actually have reliable Internet access but 4% of you said that it was extremely difficult.

00:08:01.230 –> 00:08:09.570
Jamar Orr: To get connected to the internet. And so I’m going to talk about how we address that a little bit later on. But I thought that was really interesting information for us to have

00:08:09.810 –> 00:08:15.810
Jamar Orr: Secondly, X, what do you use to get connected online. Do you use your laptop. Do you use your computer, your cell phone.

00:08:16.080 –> 00:08:26.460
Jamar Orr: 70% of students, mainly use their computers 92% said that they always either mostly or always use their computer, but interestingly 22% of students.

00:08:26.910 –> 00:08:39.390
Jamar Orr: Always use a cell phone and that could be for a number of reasons, but we know that’s not necessarily the most ideal way to write a term paper or do statistical analysis. Right. And so that’s something as an institution, we’re

00:08:39.840 –> 00:08:45.750
Jamar Orr: Wrestling with and trying to figure out how we can support students better. And I’ll talk a little bit later about how already done some of that.

00:08:46.650 –> 00:08:55.860
Jamar Orr: We also want to know my dog is sneezing. That’s what that I chew you keep hearing it. So then, Tom. So one of the other things that we asked about is to what degree.

00:08:56.370 –> 00:09:03.900
Jamar Orr: Have the following technology issues, then a challenge. We X, a number of things in terms of access to special software.

00:09:04.380 –> 00:09:13.440
Jamar Orr: wide use of communication tools and other list of things that students were most in unable to access. One was access to library resources.

00:09:13.770 –> 00:09:21.090
Jamar Orr: And the second thing is instructor discomfort or lack of familiarity with require technologies or applications and so

00:09:21.510 –> 00:09:26.400
Jamar Orr: We knew in advance that it was going to be a huge transition to go to online learning.

00:09:26.910 –> 00:09:37.470
Jamar Orr: in as little as really one week and what some of you are experiencing is not the model for remote learning, but it’s what we have to do in such a short amount of time, but I’m so impressed by faculty

00:09:37.680 –> 00:09:47.250
Jamar Orr: And our IT staff who took the initiative to really make this work and to make it something that would still benefit students and make sure that we’re providing that world first class.

00:09:47.790 –> 00:09:51.480
Jamar Orr: educational experience that we’re committed to over 1000

00:09:52.020 –> 00:10:02.130
Jamar Orr: Faculty registrants has signed up for a number of different training sessions. And so a number of things that they’re being trained on. We hope that you all are starting to see now and we’ll also see

00:10:02.670 –> 00:10:14.730
Jamar Orr: In the summer, as we will be moving again online for summer as well. The other thing that we asked about is to what extent, what has been the most challenging in terms of going online.

00:10:15.240 –> 00:10:22.170
Jamar Orr: And one of the things that you all share with us is that some of the course lessons haven’t necessarily translate it well to a remote environment.

00:10:22.440 –> 00:10:32.580
Jamar Orr: And I think that’s part of the fact that we offer such a rich array of education educational opportunities here Roosevelt. So if you’re a student at Roosevelt, you can study to become

00:10:32.820 –> 00:10:39.690
Jamar Orr: A world class dancer. You could study become to become a pharmacist, you could study to become an opera singer or studying to become

00:10:39.960 –> 00:10:50.640
Jamar Orr: A journalist, right. And so we have a wide variety of academic opportunities, but that doesn’t always lend itself to remote learning. So, for example, how do you teach dance.

00:10:51.000 –> 00:10:54.690
Jamar Orr: In an online environment that can be a little bit difficult and challenging. So we definitely

00:10:54.930 –> 00:11:08.070
Jamar Orr: Understand that concern and we’re working very hard to figure out how we do those things come fall in ways that are still instructive and that you all will enjoy and that you all feel that you’re getting the benefit of the educational experience.

00:11:09.300 –> 00:11:16.140
Jamar Orr: We also want to know a little bit about what your thoughts were regarding fall and how you’re feeling about things and the number and the two

00:11:16.410 –> 00:11:27.300
Jamar Orr: Top responses that we got were one, you’re really concerned about fall because you don’t really know what’s going to happen with covert so it’s kind of hard to plan what fall for us going to look like also

00:11:27.930 –> 00:11:34.440
Jamar Orr: We learned that money is a huge concern many folks have lost their jobs, their parents may have

00:11:34.920 –> 00:11:42.420
Jamar Orr: Been furloughed or laid off and it’s really, really difficult right now for students, financially, so that, in some ways, puts a strain on what they’re able to do

00:11:43.200 –> 00:11:52.080
Jamar Orr: Regarding finances in education. And so what we did. Very, very early on was we want to think about how do we help support students financially.

00:11:52.380 –> 00:12:01.050
Jamar Orr: Of course, the phone calls are great and sending the students surveys, but we understood that students are really hurting, as well as their families. And so we want to think about what we could do.

00:12:01.320 –> 00:12:05.880
Jamar Orr: To to lighten the load a little bit. And so we introduced on the Laker grant

00:12:06.660 –> 00:12:16.980
Jamar Orr: And this is something that was in existence. Prior to Corbett 19. It was actually started by students who allocated $10,000 to get the fun going students saying that hey, we know the students

00:12:17.820 –> 00:12:27.480
Jamar Orr: Encounter all different types of challenges during the year. So we want to provide this $10,000 to students to be able to support them. So luckily we already had that fun. And so since we knew we had that fun

00:12:27.750 –> 00:12:37.080
Jamar Orr: We begin to broadly communicate about on to make sure that you all were aware that this was a resource that we had available on campus prior to the 19 we had only five

00:12:37.650 –> 00:12:54.030
Jamar Orr: Students who have requested funds from the grant since coven 19 we’ve had over 300 students reach out with request to find ways to support the financial needs that they had. And we’re really, really glad and happy that we’re able to support so many students

00:12:55.140 –> 00:12:59.640
Jamar Orr: Part of what we knew though was that $2,000 was not going to be able to support

00:13:00.360 –> 00:13:10.230
Jamar Orr: 300 students. So we very quickly put out a campaign through Institutional Advancement to raise more money to support students who are in need. And I’m happy to share

00:13:10.440 –> 00:13:15.870
Jamar Orr: That because of you and your generosity, we raised over $55,000 for the lake or grandpa.

00:13:16.140 –> 00:13:32.550
Jamar Orr: And that is incredible. And that has really gone a long way in terms of helping students today. We’ve awarded students $62,461 and that has gone to support students paying their utility bills childcare costs.

00:13:33.420 –> 00:13:38.670
Jamar Orr: healthcare needs the cost of laptops and computers and other technology.

00:13:39.210 –> 00:13:51.300
Jamar Orr: Needs and I thought it was important to share with you a little bit about one student who wrote us and shared what the Laker grant has meant to them. And of course I did ask for permission to share her her story with all of you.

00:13:51.810 –> 00:14:02.520
Jamar Orr: So she says first of all I would like to say thank you to Roosevelt for the Laker grant this grant helped me keep my car and help me keep my gas and electricity to a minimum. During this quarantine.

00:14:02.850 –> 00:14:06.810
Jamar Orr: Needless to say that this time has been devastating for not just me, but maybe

00:14:07.320 –> 00:14:13.740
Jamar Orr: I’m a full time student with three children, and we’re all currently trying to cope and deal with adjusting to an online platform of learning.

00:14:14.280 –> 00:14:20.160
Jamar Orr: My car company would not let me put my payment on hold. During this time, I was left wondering if they were going to take it away.

00:14:20.670 –> 00:14:28.230
Jamar Orr: I have never made a late payment and with a job loss. I was worried and upset about how they handle my situation as his car is not only means of transportation.

00:14:28.860 –> 00:14:35.580
Jamar Orr: Thanks to the lake of grant, I was able to finish making the car payment and pay that pay down my electricity and gas bill as well.

00:14:35.880 –> 00:14:41.490
Jamar Orr: This was more than enough to help ease, a little bit of the stress. Well, I continue to work through this quarantine with my kids.

00:14:41.970 –> 00:14:52.650
Jamar Orr: I’m forever appreciative to staff and faculty and especially to those responsible for making the Laker grant available to a students like myself who are in need during this crisis and I share that because that story.

00:14:53.040 –> 00:15:00.930
Jamar Orr: Is one of hundreds that we received, and it’s not just that students. So many of you for going through difficult times. And we know we understand

00:15:01.170 –> 00:15:10.380
Jamar Orr: And we realized that the Laker grant can’t help support every student, but we’re constantly looking for different resources to share with you all. That will be able to provide more support.

00:15:10.920 –> 00:15:20.220
Jamar Orr: One of those is through the cares act so you may have heard recently about the Cures Act being provided to institutions of higher education.

00:15:20.760 –> 00:15:26.370
Jamar Orr: Allocations based on student need and this funding as opposed to go directly to students to support

00:15:26.970 –> 00:15:34.080
Jamar Orr: There emergent needs. And so, Roosevelt is eligible to receive up to $6 million and funds from the federal government.

00:15:34.650 –> 00:15:42.720
Jamar Orr: 50% of those funds must go directly to emergency student me and this is going to operate a little bit differently than the liquor grant fun

00:15:43.080 –> 00:15:51.300
Jamar Orr: As this will go directly through the financial aid process, it will be available to current freshmen sophomores, juniors and non graduating seniors.

00:15:51.750 –> 00:16:00.120
Jamar Orr: Who are not fully on 100% online prior to march 13. The difficulty with the Cures Act, though, is that it presents some equity challenges.

00:16:00.540 –> 00:16:07.770
Jamar Orr: So, for example, Dr. Students are not eligible to receive this also international students aren’t also eligible to receive this as well.

00:16:08.070 –> 00:16:17.460
Jamar Orr: And so we began to think about, what, how can we continue to support students who fall into this category to not get curious X funding. So one of the things that we’re proud to announce

00:16:17.760 –> 00:16:26.250
Jamar Orr: Is that come fall will be rolling out our stronger tuition grant. So right now we’re raising funds to be able to support students on a one time basis.

00:16:26.520 –> 00:16:37.380
Jamar Orr: In terms of the tuition payment. So again, as I mentioned earlier, the student that I read their story about that so many of you. And so the stronger solution that will help support your tuition costs.

00:16:37.650 –> 00:16:47.040
Jamar Orr: For fall will be rolling out more information about that very, very soon, as well as the Cures Act and how students will be able to get funds allocated through the Cures Act.

00:16:47.670 –> 00:16:53.280
Jamar Orr: Now I want to transition a little bit and talk about some housing updates that I think many of you might be interested in hearing about

00:16:53.820 –> 00:17:00.750
Jamar Orr: One of the things I don’t want to share it was that we never close or shut down our dining facilities or a housing operations.

00:17:01.440 –> 00:17:05.220
Jamar Orr: We knew that we have a very special student population and many students

00:17:05.640 –> 00:17:13.140
Jamar Orr: Did not have any other options, but to stay in housing. Many of our international students were here, and many students, maybe didn’t have safe houses or homes to go to

00:17:13.470 –> 00:17:21.510
Jamar Orr: And so we very clearly made the decision to remain open to support those students and make sure that they have a place to go. During this very, very difficult time.

00:17:22.260 –> 00:17:33.270
Jamar Orr: But we also realize that some students who were able to go home did go home and didn’t receive the full benefit of certain services. And so we decided to offer a meal plans credit to students who

00:17:33.660 –> 00:17:46.590
Jamar Orr: had signed up for housing and weren’t able to fully utilize that credit you all should have received an update about that in your emails discussing the $400 meal plan credit that will be rolling over to you all students account and fall

00:17:47.580 –> 00:17:55.650
Jamar Orr: We also have been working with the University Center to make sure that our students at the University Center are able to receive some level of a credit

00:17:56.130 –> 00:18:02.130
Jamar Orr: With their meal plans as well. We don’t have the full details of that but we hope to be able to share an update with you all very shortly on that.

00:18:02.850 –> 00:18:13.410
Jamar Orr: We also extend it move out from a 12 to June 7 so once the governor extended his stay at home order we realized that it was not really safe for you all to come back right now. So we want to provide a little more time.

00:18:13.740 –> 00:18:20.760
Jamar Orr: For you to come back and be safe. As you packed up your rooms and moved on with the rest of your summer so we extended that to June seven,

00:18:21.510 –> 00:18:26.550
Jamar Orr: Also, we decided to incentivize the students who are here who may be COULDN’T RETURN.

00:18:26.910 –> 00:18:36.120
Jamar Orr: But also we’re interested in taking summer courses so students currently in the hall, who maybe can’t go home, they can get a 25% discount on the cost of certain housing.

00:18:36.540 –> 00:18:43.740
Jamar Orr: If they enroll in a summer course. Now I want to transition and talk a little bit about ball housing and so things that will be different. There

00:18:44.280 –> 00:18:49.830
Jamar Orr: So one thing that we’ve decided to do is to eliminate the housing requirement for this upcoming year, you should have received

00:18:50.190 –> 00:18:56.850
Jamar Orr: An email about this yesterday, discussing the full details of what this means for you and your family. So essentially,

00:18:57.150 –> 00:19:07.380
Jamar Orr: Because we can’t really say for sure what class will be online and what will be in person. We thought it would be unfair to require students to live on campus and then might also be a real financial struggling strain.

00:19:07.710 –> 00:19:11.490
Jamar Orr: Or a lot of you to afford the cost of housing. So we’ve eliminated the housing requirement.

00:19:11.760 –> 00:19:19.950
Jamar Orr: For this year. We’ve also reduced the number of available beds and housing, because we want to be mindful of the social distancing that was happening in the halls.

00:19:20.310 –> 00:19:27.840
Jamar Orr: And so we, as a result of that have moved to a single versus a shared model which is different from what you may have experienced presently

00:19:28.110 –> 00:19:34.230
Jamar Orr: Which was pricing based on bed type, but the great thing is that this allowed us to actually reduce the cost of housing.

00:19:34.440 –> 00:19:42.750
Jamar Orr: So that now students are paying a lower cost for rooms that would have traditionally been the doubles and triples, and so we’re really, really excited to be able to, again,

00:19:42.960 –> 00:19:48.270
Jamar Orr: reduce costs because we know that this is something that will matter to students and parents and families.

00:19:48.930 –> 00:19:57.000
Jamar Orr: The second thing that we’re doing for Paul housing is we’ve provided to out periods for housing, because we know right now. Maybe you don’t feel 100%

00:19:57.270 –> 00:20:05.790
Jamar Orr: Comfortable signing up for a housing contract. So if you do sign up now you’d be able to get out of that contract with no penalty, all the way up until the first ball move in date.

00:20:06.150 –> 00:20:12.120
Jamar Orr: And then once you’re in, you’ll have again spring in order to get out of the spring portion of the contract.

00:20:12.390 –> 00:20:19.200
Jamar Orr: If something happens because we’re anticipating that some cold and it might pop back up and fall. So we want to provide an out clause.

00:20:19.410 –> 00:20:27.090
Jamar Orr: In the spring contract as well. So we’re really excited to be able to do that and make sure that we’re thinking about continuous ways to support students

00:20:27.630 –> 00:20:32.400
Jamar Orr: One thing that was important to us is that we want to make sure that students remain engaged.

00:20:32.790 –> 00:20:40.470
Jamar Orr: To one another, engage with Roseville and engage the larger community. And so we very quickly moved a number of our programs to be online.

00:20:41.070 –> 00:20:47.280
Jamar Orr: So, to date, we’ve had over 51 online programs with over 239 students participants.

00:20:47.610 –> 00:20:57.030
Jamar Orr: And I’m told that we had over 3000 impressions on Instagram. Now, I don’t know what that means, because I’m not really an Instagram tech person, but I’m told that that is a very good number.

00:20:57.630 –> 00:21:03.510
Jamar Orr: So really excited about that. All right. Let it teams have also been remaining engaged because, you know, many of them weren’t able to complete

00:21:03.780 –> 00:21:08.760
Jamar Orr: Their seasons. And so we want to think about how can we continue to engage our athletes. So they’re doing virtual

00:21:09.390 –> 00:21:19.890
Jamar Orr: Workouts with one another, they are taking over our social media. You may have noticed one of our players take over our social media, they’re doing various challenges and they’re getting connected to one another as well on social media.

00:21:20.580 –> 00:21:25.590
Jamar Orr: The other thing that we’re able to do was still hold our student government elections online and many people it

00:21:25.860 –> 00:21:35.640
Jamar Orr: For the next student body president and vice president. So if you haven’t seen the previous use your new president and Lexi judge will be your new vice president. So if they’re on definitely send them.

00:21:35.940 –> 00:21:38.970
Jamar Orr: A huge shout out and congratulations on winning those elections.

00:21:39.600 –> 00:21:50.340
Jamar Orr: Lastly, I want to talk a little bit about preparing for fall because I know based on the students survey data that that’s something that you all are really, really curious about, and something that is at the forefront of you all’s minds.

00:21:50.880 –> 00:21:57.840
Jamar Orr: So there are a lot of things as you all know that are still unknown and are uncertain and we’re continuing to work through a lot of the questions.

00:21:58.290 –> 00:22:06.900
Jamar Orr: That even we have about what fall will look like a lot of this will depend on what guidance we get from the state as well as from our public health officials.

00:22:07.290 –> 00:22:14.880
Jamar Orr: But we’ve formed a task force every entry task force that’s looking at a number of these questions to be able to provide more information about what this made me

00:22:15.540 –> 00:22:23.670
Jamar Orr: But we know that no matter what follows going to look a little bit different is going to feel a little bit different, at least until there’s a vaccine. And so this might mean

00:22:24.390 –> 00:22:30.780
Jamar Orr: That there’ll be some additional social distancing practices in place, we might reduce the number of students in classrooms, you’ll likely see

00:22:31.050 –> 00:22:42.630
Jamar Orr: A requirement of wearing masks on campus, at least for the immediate time of the initial return. But again, more detail will come out shortly about this and much more will actually be available this Friday.

00:22:43.140 –> 00:22:55.620
Jamar Orr: With I leave President leaves, I should say address on Friday, May 8 at 10:30am so if your careers curious about more information for all i highly encourage all of you to turn in tune in to check out

00:22:56.100 –> 00:23:10.530
Jamar Orr: His town hall meeting that he’ll be giving on Friday. So with that, I want to turn it over to Hilda, who’s going to share with us some questions that you all have posed during my time of talking so he’ll do you want to share with us what questions we have so far.

00:23:11.190 –> 00:23:15.300
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Sure. We have a student from a question from a student that is asking what’s the

00:23:15.900 –> 00:23:16.380

00:23:17.670 –> 00:23:18.270
Jamar Orr: on mute.

00:23:19.320 –> 00:23:19.890
Jamar Orr: Or try it again.

00:23:20.760 –> 00:23:21.750
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Can you hear me now.

00:23:21.840 –> 00:23:35.430
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: I can. Great. We have a question from a student who is asking, What’s the status on reimbursing crediting students meal plan and room and board costs, who are not able to return to campus due to code 19

00:23:36.450 –> 00:23:46.830
Jamar Orr: That’s a really great question, thank you so much for asking it. As I chatted a little bit about earlier, we have decided to issue meal plan credits to students and this is irrespective of whether or not a student

00:23:47.130 –> 00:23:55.920
Jamar Orr: can return to the residence halls or not. So, we will look to see what was your last date of attendance and any student who was gone. Prior to April 1

00:23:56.640 –> 00:24:08.670
Jamar Orr: Will receive a partial milk playing credit based on the amount that you have remaining. So say for example that I was a heavy year like many of our football players are and I only have $150 left in my meal planning credit

00:24:08.970 –> 00:24:13.350
Jamar Orr: Well those students won’t be able to get more than that $150 because that’s all they have left.

00:24:13.680 –> 00:24:21.390
Jamar Orr: But if I have a $300 left, and I’ll be eligible to get the full $300 remaining. So it really depends on what you have remaining on your meal plan credit

00:24:21.660 –> 00:24:24.660
Jamar Orr: And again, we’re working through that specific to the students in Wabash

00:24:25.080 –> 00:24:32.070
Jamar Orr: Right now we’re in conversations with the University Center to figure out how we can provide some relief to those students as it relates to the middle point credit

00:24:32.550 –> 00:24:41.700
Jamar Orr: But we will likely be able to do some additional relief. Once we receive the disbursements from the cure act as well. We’re hoping to be able to pass on some of that saving to students.

00:24:43.560 –> 00:24:49.290
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Thank you. Another question is, how does the Cures Act funding impact graduate students.

00:24:50.190 –> 00:24:56.910
Jamar Orr: For that question. I’m actually going to turn it over to Michelle step, who’s our director of financial aid and she’ll talk a little bit more about that.

00:24:57.240 –> 00:25:01.590
Michelle Stipp: Sure. So graduate students are eligible for cares act money.

00:25:02.700 –> 00:25:11.790
Michelle Stipp: The piece that Mr spoke to. So very, very well. It’s the criteria is a little bit different. The students do need to be title for eligible

00:25:12.570 –> 00:25:23.670
Michelle Stipp: And so for that we’re looking at the FAFSA information. So if you want to be considered for cares act and haven’t submitted a FAFSA, but are eligible to do so, please.

00:25:24.750 –> 00:25:26.460
Michelle Stipp: Take a few moments and get that

00:25:29.670 –> 00:25:36.180
Michelle Stipp: FAFSA submitted so that we can confirm you’re eligible and make sure that you’re included in the program.

00:25:37.500 –> 00:25:38.790
Jamar Orr: Awesome. Thanks, Michelle.

00:25:40.530 –> 00:25:42.000
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Next question.

00:25:43.740 –> 00:25:50.070
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Can you hear me. Yeah. Next question is, Will tuition be reduced if our classes are online.

00:25:51.330 –> 00:25:56.160
Jamar Orr: At this point, there is no plan to reduce the cost of tuition, because we are still providing

00:25:56.610 –> 00:26:11.460
Jamar Orr: The educational experience that we think is so important and so at this point, there is no plan for that we’re constantly looking at ways to support student need. And so one of the things again that we’re doing is providing that tuition program so that students can get a one time.

00:26:12.810 –> 00:26:24.720
Jamar Orr: cost reduction of the costs tuition through that program. And so we’re looking at that from a program incentive in terms of raising funds to support that. But the overall cost of tuition at this time is not being reduced.

00:26:28.080 –> 00:26:34.410
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Another question is, what is the graduation refund for cap and gown for graduating students

00:26:34.980 –> 00:26:41.640
Jamar Orr: So students are able to get a refund due to the cancellation unfortunately of graduation.

00:26:42.090 –> 00:26:56.250
Jamar Orr: So you should reach out to the registrar’s office who will be able to point you to the specific instructions on how to go about giving that refund and on the point of graduation have some really exciting news to share with you all.

00:26:56.700 –> 00:27:01.980
Jamar Orr: We have based on student feedback reschedule graduation for Friday, June 26

00:27:02.310 –> 00:27:08.520
Jamar Orr: The overwhelming majority of you shared that that would be the date that would work best and we will be doing our virtual online.

00:27:08.730 –> 00:27:20.400
Jamar Orr: On graduation. So we’re really, really excited about this is the first time, honestly, that will be doing this is going to be really fun and really engaging and so I’m looking forward to sharing more information with you all about that graduation day very soon.

00:27:22.920 –> 00:27:29.730
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Thank you. I’m a student is asking, I applied for funding from the Laker grant and have not heard anything back

00:27:30.900 –> 00:27:35.550
Jamar Orr: So since Hilda’s over the lake or grant. I’m going to ask her to share a little bit about that.

00:27:35.910 –> 00:27:47.730
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Sure. So for this student who submitted this question, please contact us at deal s@roosevelt.edu with your name. We can look into your request. So at this time.

00:27:48.150 –> 00:28:01.380
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: The funds for the Laker grand have been depleted. However, we were able to award over 150 students with money and there are students that are still in our queue, who have submitted request.

00:28:01.890 –> 00:28:14.370
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Over the last couple weeks, who we are processing their request we received we had originally ran out of money and then we got some additional money so the people that had submitted a request we are processing those this week.

00:28:15.030 –> 00:28:23.280
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: But if you submitted at any point and have a question about the status of your request. Go ahead and email us and we can get back to you.

00:28:25.680 –> 00:28:28.140
Jamar Orr: Great, thanks. Hilda, what’s our next question.

00:28:28.260 –> 00:28:43.140
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Okay, there’s a question that when will any funds from Betsy divorces release of monies to colleges around the country. This happen around for 2120 will it be applied for the summer semester or do we wait until fall

00:28:44.970 –> 00:28:49.230
Jamar Orr: So again, I’m going to pass that to Michelle who can share some more insight on the Cures Act.

00:28:49.530 –> 00:28:58.980
Michelle Stipp: Yeah, so that said care Zach money so that money. Our goal is to get it directly to the hands of students as quickly as we can.

00:28:59.940 –> 00:29:10.860
Michelle Stipp: So we will have an application process and we hope to have more information to share with you about that very soon. But the money will be sent directly to you.

00:29:11.520 –> 00:29:18.360
Michelle Stipp: It will be posted on your student account but similar to the linker grant where the money is immediately refund it to you.

00:29:19.050 –> 00:29:32.790
Michelle Stipp: That’ll be the same process and we’re looking to do it as quickly as we can so that you don’t have to wait until fall. It won’t be applied to any balance on your account because we know you need those funds to offset other expenses that you’re currently working through

00:29:33.960 –> 00:29:44.790
Jamar Orr: So I see that a few folks are putting some questions in the chat and I want to make sure that we see your questions in the chat will scroll up so please make sure to put your questions in the Q AMP. A. That way they don’t disappear.

00:29:47.130 –> 00:29:54.660
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Um, another question. Um, if all classes are online will dorm fees be refunded

00:29:56.040 –> 00:30:05.280
Jamar Orr: So much like now our residence halls will remain open for student use. So, we will not be closing our residence halls. So for any student who is staying in the halls.

00:30:05.730 –> 00:30:11.970
Jamar Orr: They will, of course, still have to pay for that cost. However, what we are doing is making sure that it’s a lot more flexible.

00:30:12.420 –> 00:30:17.880
Jamar Orr: For students. So one thing that we’re doing, again, is to provide out periods for the housing.

00:30:18.120 –> 00:30:24.780
Jamar Orr: Contract and so involved a student, all the way up until fall can decide. They’ve changed their mind and they don’t want to live in housing.

00:30:25.020 –> 00:30:32.730
Jamar Orr: On they haven’t to move in day to get out of the the fall portion of the howling contract. They will also have an out period in spring.

00:30:33.300 –> 00:30:41.310
Jamar Orr: So let’s say come November, things have shifted and covert 19 is starting to pop back up again.

00:30:41.970 –> 00:30:49.080
Jamar Orr: They will then be able to just communicate with us and say, Hey, I’m not interested in coming back for spring and they will get the spring portion of their housing.

00:30:49.380 –> 00:31:01.830
Jamar Orr: refunded to them. So again, there are two periods where a student can get out either for the entire contract prior to the academic year or during spring as long as they do it prior to the start of the spring semester.

00:31:04.380 –> 00:31:08.310
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Someone is asking, what are the requirements to apply for the cares act.

00:31:09.840 –> 00:31:11.100
Jamar Orr: Michelle, would you like to take that

00:31:11.220 –> 00:31:21.570
Michelle Stipp: Sure. So the main one is that you need to be considered a title for eligible student and so that eligibility component is determined by the FAFSA.

00:31:22.980 –> 00:31:29.280
Michelle Stipp: So you again the FAFSA is the most important piece is kind of like the pre application for the Care Act.

00:31:30.570 –> 00:31:41.160
Michelle Stipp: And then you also have to be, you know, we’re giving it to undergraduate students non graduating students and of course the graduate students, so

00:31:42.120 –> 00:31:53.490
Michelle Stipp: We are finalizing our process just waiting for a couple of additional items to be firmed up and then any student that meets what I’m calling basic eligibility criteria.

00:31:54.060 –> 00:32:07.500
Michelle Stipp: We’re going to send you an email directly from financial aid services that will include the application link next steps, just to make sure that you have everything that you need to know kind of where you stand in the process.

00:32:08.550 –> 00:32:19.710
Michelle Stipp: So as soon as you fill out your application and get it back, we’re going to be reviewing them as quickly as we can to get that money posted to your Student Accounts and and then refunded right back to you.

00:32:22.740 –> 00:32:27.120
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: If we decide to take a gap year, how will that impact coming back to our you

00:32:29.040 –> 00:32:38.040
Jamar Orr: So that sounds a little bit like a advising your registration question as well as a little bit about financial aid so Katrina Coakley who the Associate Provost

00:32:38.580 –> 00:32:47.160
Jamar Orr: for student success can share a little bit about the registration part and advisory part and then alternative Michelle because you’re a little bit about the financial aid potential implications of that.

00:32:47.580 –> 00:32:55.800
Katrina Coakley: Sure. And if you decide that you would like to take some time while we’d love to have you back the summer or in the fall, you need to take some time off.

00:32:56.100 –> 00:33:02.790
Katrina Coakley: All you have to do is reapply not reapply just let admissions now that you want to come back and

00:33:03.330 –> 00:33:12.720
Katrina Coakley: We will pass that on to advisors and you can reach out to your advisor and you’ll be all set. So, it will take you meeting with an academic advisor again. So you’ll want to make sure that you set up.

00:33:14.040 –> 00:33:26.970
Katrina Coakley: An appointment with an advisor, so you can keep your current advisor. If it’s a faculty advisor. If you’re in the main advising office, they will make sure that they put you in contact with the right person, but we are here for you. Whenever you are ready to come on

00:33:29.100 –> 00:33:41.550
Michelle Stipp: And with the financially piece. Anytime you aren’t enrolled at least have time for a period, six months or longer, and there’s the potential that you’ll start repayment on those education loans.

00:33:42.300 –> 00:33:56.190
Michelle Stipp: So that’s an important piece to be aware of. But then as soon as you come back to school and we have your enrollment confirmed your loans will go back on that in school deferment and you won’t have to pay on them going forward.

00:33:58.320 –> 00:34:04.530
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Can eat fast food be resubmitted now that parent income is decrease has decreased due to the code.

00:34:05.580 –> 00:34:06.900
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Related job losses.

00:34:07.980 –> 00:34:19.800
Michelle Stipp: So we have a special process just for income changes within families. So it’s called the special circumstance process. There’s a form out on the Roosevelt website.

00:34:20.310 –> 00:34:27.600
Michelle Stipp: I believe it’s under appeals, but it’s out there. So if you’ve had financial changes.

00:34:28.560 –> 00:34:42.120
Michelle Stipp: That the income information that you put on your FAFSA no longer pertains to where you are right now. This process is built to help us help you and we will be the ones to update your FAFSA to better reflect where you are now.

00:34:42.750 –> 00:34:51.480
Michelle Stipp: So one piece to keep in mind, we are asking that, if it’s for a low job loss anything related to

00:34:53.490 –> 00:35:11.400
Michelle Stipp: That you send those items to us in June. And the reason for that is we need to let so much time lapse in order for the income adjustment that you’re experiencing to really affect the way your overall financial aid is determined. So if you turn it into us now.

00:35:12.690 –> 00:35:25.500
Michelle Stipp: We can work with those numbers, but the income, the income adjustment may not be as significant if you just wait until June. So we’re asking anyone who is experiencing something related to coven

00:35:26.640 –> 00:35:42.390
Michelle Stipp: Send us the paperwork in June. If you have any other special circumstance going on that’s not related to covert 19 please contact your financial aid counselor, because we are working on those right now. It’s just a coven 19 ones. Just hold on to those until June.

00:35:44.880 –> 00:35:52.200
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Is there a website where a lot of this information is located. And I’m assuming they’re talking about like everything we’ve been talking about.

00:35:53.370 –> 00:35:57.390
Jamar Orr: Yes, so much of this information is actually already out there on our

00:35:58.200 –> 00:36:10.560
Jamar Orr: Website and the easiest way to get there is go to the main Roosevelt webpage at the very top, there’s a banner that will direct you directly to the club and 19 website and things are categorized very nicely and neatly for your convenience.

00:36:10.980 –> 00:36:18.210
Jamar Orr: To find what it is that you need. So if you haven’t already checked it out. I highly suggest you go to that website because there’s so much great information there.

00:36:20.490 –> 00:36:28.950
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Are you extending the pass fail option advisors communicated that students were not eligible and then change the status. Two days before deadline.

00:36:30.870 –> 00:36:35.580
Jamar Orr: Katrina. I’m gonna let you take that question because it seems to be about advising and Pascal’s

00:36:35.670 –> 00:36:46.890
Katrina Coakley: Sure. Um, well, the deadline itself has not been extended however you can as an individual student appeal to your academic advisor, so

00:36:47.100 –> 00:36:58.260
Katrina Coakley: Just so you understand on the back. And there’s a lot of work that has to be done. And so we had set a may 1 deadline of students, letting their advisor know whether they wanted to do the pass, no pass option.

00:36:59.130 –> 00:37:06.960
Katrina Coakley: Because we want to make sure that faculty when they go into enter grades only enters either the pass, no pass option or the actual grade.

00:37:07.440 –> 00:37:14.490
Katrina Coakley: And it takes a little bit of time to program. All that input, certainly on an individual basis if you feel like you didn’t get the time

00:37:14.760 –> 00:37:22.470
Katrina Coakley: To make that decision or have that conversation with your academic advisor, please reach out to them this week and have that conversation.

00:37:23.430 –> 00:37:31.380
Katrina Coakley: And again, pass no pass the main people who would want to do that as if you’ve really been struggling because of some

00:37:31.620 –> 00:37:44.250
Katrina Coakley: unforeseen circumstances with your family due to this situation, you would certainly and you’re thinking. You’re going to get a D or maybe enough. Maybe you want to move to the pass, no pass, even if say you’re a businessman or a psychology major

00:37:44.700 –> 00:37:47.580
Katrina Coakley: And those typically don’t want pass no pass grades.

00:37:48.120 –> 00:38:00.300
Katrina Coakley: You understand that that won’t count towards your major right but that might be the best option for you in this instance. And so certainly talk to your academic advisor and you can also reach out to the Advising Center.

00:38:00.810 –> 00:38:08.220
Katrina Coakley: There are more than happy to talk to you about these things, but you also have the opportunity to do an incomplete.

00:38:09.060 –> 00:38:13.530
Katrina Coakley: So certainly into a majority of your work has been done, you have a little bit of time and

00:38:13.920 –> 00:38:18.960
Katrina Coakley: You can still do that. You won’t need to fill out anything other than talk to your faculty member about can I get an incomplete.

00:38:19.410 –> 00:38:25.050
Katrina Coakley: And then you also have the opportunity to do a late withdraw and there’s no deadline, you have up to a year on a late withdraw.

00:38:25.530 –> 00:38:37.800
Katrina Coakley: And so please know that we are here to help you. We know this has been a difficult situation. And this is not about being punitive. So reach out to your academic advisor. This week if you’re still considering the pass, no pass

00:38:38.370 –> 00:38:44.340
Katrina Coakley: But again, know that a late withdraw and incomplete or another option for you. I hope that answers your question.

00:38:45.570 –> 00:38:46.260
Jamar Orr: Thanks, Katrina.

00:38:47.010 –> 00:38:55.800
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: In order to register for the fall. Does the tuition balance still have to be under $1,000 or is that being changed due to the current circumstances.

00:38:57.120 –> 00:39:04.890
Jamar Orr: And at this point in time that is not being changed students still would have to come under that thousand dollar balance. I will share that there are

00:39:05.910 –> 00:39:11.640
Jamar Orr: Initiatives in place that we’re currently working also a the care that can support some of that.

00:39:12.210 –> 00:39:19.920
Jamar Orr: Also the tuition program that will be rolling out very, very soon to help students on a one time basis might also be able to help support a student

00:39:20.160 –> 00:39:33.750
Jamar Orr: Who does not have the the funds available to be able to get that balance under $1,000 so that I know will help students a lot as well. But as of right now that balance still does need to be paid in some way. Prior to being able to register for courses.

00:39:45.810 –> 00:39:47.760
Jamar Orr: Do we have any more questions.

00:39:58.590 –> 00:40:03.480
Katrina Coakley: I did see one about pass no pass and how it impacts your GPA. Is it okay if I just

00:40:05.010 –> 00:40:08.010
Katrina Coakley: I’m certainly the

00:40:09.570 –> 00:40:19.020
Katrina Coakley: Pass no pass. It’s not going to impact your GPA. So past just means you’ve passed. Of course it doesn’t impact your GPA no pass this semester.

00:40:19.440 –> 00:40:39.030
Katrina Coakley: Only doesn’t impacted her GPA. It just says that you don’t pass the course, you’re going to need to take it again. So neither will impact your GPA and so if you were taking two classes and you took both as pass no pass you would have 0.0 GPA for the semester. I hope that helps.

00:40:40.230 –> 00:40:54.690
Jamar Orr: So I noticed that someone said that we skip their last two questions. And I’m not sure if those in the Q AMP a box or not. But be sure to put your questions in the Q AMP a box and not the zoom webinar chat, because as the box scrolls up. We may not see that particular question.

00:40:57.750 –> 00:41:03.810
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: And to address that point I’m trying to go over questions that have not been answered.

00:41:25.980 –> 00:41:26.250
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: It.

00:41:26.790 –> 00:41:28.500
Jamar Orr: See what we may have missed

00:41:28.830 –> 00:41:30.990
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: All telephone. Can you hear me now.

00:41:31.740 –> 00:41:32.940
Jamar Orr: Yes, much better.

00:41:33.690 –> 00:41:40.020
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Great question, how will funding and applications for graduate assistantships be affected for the fall

00:41:42.360 –> 00:41:47.220
Jamar Orr: You know, I don’t know that we have an expert and the graduate assistantship process on

00:41:48.090 –> 00:42:01.950
Jamar Orr: The, the webinar right now. But why don’t you email me my email address is j o r 05 at roosevelt.edu with that specific question and I’ll follow up to make sure that you get an answer on that particular question.

00:42:09.930 –> 00:42:10.380
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Any

00:42:11.460 –> 00:42:12.720
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Men me

00:42:17.730 –> 00:42:17.970
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Off.

00:42:21.600 –> 00:42:25.800
Jamar Orr: I think I have heard the question because he’ll just want to avoid being

00:42:27.210 –> 00:42:27.690
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Sorry.

00:42:28.710 –> 00:42:33.840
Jamar Orr: I think was your question, are there meal plan adjustments being made for fall was that the question.

00:42:34.560 –> 00:42:38.160
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Since students may want to avoid being in public spaces.

00:42:39.360 –> 00:42:51.810
Jamar Orr: So again, housing, will not be required next year. So students who is not interested in living in housing does not have to because there is no requirement and also there will be two hour periods again.

00:42:52.440 –> 00:43:00.960
Jamar Orr: For housing next year. So students as trepidations or concerns will have two options to not pay for that meal plan.

00:43:01.320 –> 00:43:09.540
Jamar Orr: But if a student does decide to live and housing and does not take advantage of one of those to our peers, they would be required to have a meal plan.

00:43:09.810 –> 00:43:18.750
Jamar Orr: And we are working with a dining to ensure that there are safety measures and protocols in place to make sure that students who are on the meal plan are also

00:43:19.020 –> 00:43:27.630
Jamar Orr: In a safe environment where they’re going into the writing center as well. And so will be sharing more about the dynamics and our plans with our fall into reentry plans as well.

00:43:30.450 –> 00:43:35.130
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: What is the difference between the tuition Relief Program and the money from the Care Act.

00:43:36.300 –> 00:43:45.720
Jamar Orr: Yeah, so that’s a really great question. So that cares act funding. I just hopped right I think Michelle’s going to answer, but I think I know the answer to this one. It’s so rare no answers to financial aid stuff. So let me have this moment.

00:43:46.320 –> 00:43:51.750
Jamar Orr: On. So the Cures Act funding comes directly from the federal government and it has specific

00:43:52.230 –> 00:44:03.870
Jamar Orr: Restrictions in terms of who can access it. It also has specific things that it must go toward and so 50% must go to student emergency relief. Very, very similar to the lack of fun and then 50% is for the

00:44:04.560 –> 00:44:16.890
Jamar Orr: Institution to support the move from face to face to online instruction. So, the stronger tuition grant is something that we as an institution are doing specifically to support students

00:44:17.250 –> 00:44:24.180
Jamar Orr: Who may have difficulty paying for tuition. That is not coming from the federal grant best through our Institutional Advancement office.

00:44:24.420 –> 00:44:30.600
Jamar Orr: That will be raising funds specifically for this call, because we know there will be cost that the Cures Act doesn’t cover.

00:44:30.810 –> 00:44:41.160
Jamar Orr: As well as the Laker grant, which cannot be used toward the cost of tuition. So this is really that their piece of the puzzle that is intended to support students and tuition costs. So those are some of the differences between the two.

00:44:43.530 –> 00:44:57.150
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: And another question. What about those who didn’t qualify for the Laker current since it is based on last year’s parents income keyword last year. I’m not sure.

00:44:58.560 –> 00:44:59.730
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: To answer that one.

00:44:59.790 –> 00:45:08.460
Jamar Orr: Well, I’ll grab it, because I think your internet is hopping in and out, but the Laker grunt fun actually is not tied to your financial aid, so I’m not really sure.

00:45:09.090 –> 00:45:15.930
Jamar Orr: What that specific thing is about. But I encourage you to reach out to us if you have a specific question about that. But the liquor grand plan is not

00:45:16.110 –> 00:45:22.230
Jamar Orr: tied to that. You just have to demonstrate your need by filling out the application and sharing how you use the funds.

00:45:22.470 –> 00:45:26.760
Jamar Orr: And then provide some documentation. So for example, if you’re saying that you need to pay

00:45:27.030 –> 00:45:39.990
Jamar Orr: A light bill. We just need to see that light bill and then will issue you the money on. And then you have to send us the receipt that, that bill has been paid, but is not tied to your FAFSA, or your financial aid package.

00:45:43.110 –> 00:45:45.030
Hilda Rojas-Duarte: Katrina. Can you share your email.

00:45:47.730 –> 00:46:13.980
Katrina Coakley: Sorry, yes I and I was just gonna write him to reply to everybody and my email is k Coakley um so as. CASEY Oh, a k L E y 01 at Roosevelt that Ed, again, K Coakley 01 at roosevelt.edu

00:46:23.070 –> 00:46:26.760
Jamar Orr: We have time for a few more questions, if we have any others.

00:46:33.390 –> 00:46:42.060
Jamar Orr: Zane is still very excited by the way she’s nibbling on her foot. If she’s not being quiet. So if you’re hearing something that sounds like it’s being eaten. She’s eating herself. She’s an unchangeable animal

00:46:45.030 –> 00:46:46.440
Michelle Stipp: As long as it’s not your foot.

00:46:57.540 –> 00:46:57.990
Jamar Orr: No.

00:46:59.130 –> 00:47:04.440
Jamar Orr: All right, well, if you have other questions. Of course, this will not be the last time for you to share

00:47:04.920 –> 00:47:10.650
Jamar Orr: Any areas of inquiry or concerns that you all might have. And I just want to again reiterate

00:47:11.190 –> 00:47:18.840
Jamar Orr: If you would like more information about fall and just a recap on some really interesting things that have gone on in the year I encourage all of you to attend the President’s

00:47:19.440 –> 00:47:31.170
Jamar Orr: Town Hall on the eighth at 10:30am and please remember to continue to check the coven website for ongoing updates. I think I saw someone in the zoom webinar chat post the link

00:47:31.710 –> 00:47:38.250
Jamar Orr: To that site for important updates and announcements and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns at all.

00:47:38.490 –> 00:47:54.480
Jamar Orr: I can be reached at either my personal email address or at the Dean of Students email address, which is do s@roosevelt.edu. So with that, I want you all to stay safe, be well and as always, now more than ever go Lakers. Thanks so much and have a great afternoon.