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When the FDA gave emergency-use authorization to Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, many parents let out a collective sigh of relief. Parents also had questions on the safety of the vaccine for their children. Guest host Dr. Melissa Hogan, dean of the College of Science, Health and Pharmacy, speaks with Dr. Bedrija Nikocevic and Dr. Cathy DiVincenzo about the vaccine in young kids.

Dr. Nikocevic is an assistant professor of clinical sciences in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. After working in community pharmacy for eight years, Dr. Nikocevic now cares for patients as a clinical pharmacist on Chicago’s South Side.

Dr. DiVincenzo is a pediatrician with a very successful private practice, Kids First Pediatric Partners. She also serves on Advocate Children’s Hospital Physician Advisory Council and on the Advocate Lutheran General Physician Partners Board of Directors.

This episode is part of our COVID-19 Vaccine Explained series. Since we recorded this podcast, the announcement of a new variant, Omicron, hit the news. While much is still unknown about the variant, vaccines still remain our most powerful tool against COVID-19.