BMA PianoFest Finale Performance

Hi, Honors friends!

Come out and see your fellow Honors Program members participating in the PianoFest Finale: Concerti for Piano and Wind Ensemble (featuring CCPA Wind Ensemble) this Friday, October 29th! It begins at 7:30 PM and will take place in Ganz Hall! This concert is free and open to the public. We hope you can come support!

Roosevelt Expands Support for Hispanic STEM Students with $2.7 Million Grant

Honors Community,

Check out this Daily Herald story about RU’s plans to build a new STEM center with a $2.7 million federal grant! The new center will help to support and prepare Hispanic and low-income students for success in STEM fields. Read the article here:

Honors Advising

Honors community!

Advising appointments are among us! Be sure to schedule your Honors Program Academic Advising appointment with Sarah Maria. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday appointments will happen via Zoom using a link sent to you by Sarah Maria upon scheduling. Tuesday and Thursday appointments will take place in person in room AUD 701-B. Here is the link to schedule your appointment:

The American Dream Reconsidered Conference

Hello, Honors Community!

Roosevelt University’s annual The American Dream Reconsidered Conference will take place from Monday, November 1, 2021 to Friday, November 5, 2021. Be sure to register for the conference and attend the wonderful, informative sessions!

This year, the Honors Program, along with our Honors Exchange partners from the UIC Honors College, will be participating in a panel at the conference! Our panel is set for Wednesday, November 3, 2021 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. We hope to see you there!

Yearly Theme: “What’s In A Name?”

Our theme for the 2021-2022 year is “What’s in a Name?”. Annual Honors themes provide focus and touchstones in our programming and courses that create interdisciplinary cohesion among curricular and co-curricular Honors experiences. Over the 2021-2022 year, we will engage this theme in Honors courses and events. Through this theme, we will explore the significance of nomenclature and the impact that names and their associations have on our lives and position in the world.