Honors Exchange: On (Not) Forgetting the Holocaust

By: Salma Mardi

At Roosevelt University’s Honors Program, the journey of knowledge transcends ordinary boundaries through the Honors Exchange. This exceptional co-curricular initiative offers honors members a comprehensive array of experiences, blending intellectual inquiry, practical learning, community involvement, and social connection. It’s a holistic educational approach that spans disciplines, genres, and geographical borders, facilitating deep connections with faculty, partners, and the local community.

This academic year, the overarching theme of the Honors Exchange is “Keeping Track.” This theme prompts us to delve into critical narratives that urge reflection on history, memory, and the need to preserve and learn from past experiences. The entire Honors Exchange for this year is aptly named “On (not) forgetting: How we keep track of the Holocaust,” capturing the essence of the theme and its profound implications.

We began this year’s Honors Exchange with a panel exploring the Jewish Diaspora around the world. During the discussion, each panelist shared their unique experiences and personal connections to the Jewish Diaspora, offering profound insights into the topic. Director of the Honors Program, Sarah Maria Rutter, added to the discourse by introducing the concept of sacred reading—engaging with text with rigor and trust. She encouraged students to collect “sparklets” during the panel discussion, capturing beautiful and impactful moments shared by the speakers. As the panel concluded, students eagerly shared their collected “sparklets,” fostering a sense of shared understanding and appreciation for the valuable insights gained.

Picture of panel members: Professor Lynn Weiner, Professor Susan Weininger, Professor Marjorie Jolles, Professor Rifat Gorener, Ken Granle, Director for International Students & Global Scholar Services
Our wonderful panelists: Lynn Weiner, Susan Weininger, Ken Granle, Rifat Gorener, Marjorie Jolles (in order from left to right).

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our esteemed panelists: Professor Lynn Weiner, Professor Susan Weininger, Professor and Executive Director of the Honors Program Marjorie Jolles, Professor Rifat Gorener, and Ken Granle, Director for International Students & Global Scholar Services. Their valuable insights and perspectives enriched the discussion, setting the tone for a thought-provoking academic journey ahead.

Their contributions have ignited a deeper interest in our theme, reminding us of the significance of historical memory and the need to preserve it. We look forward to building upon this enlightening discussion as we continue our exploration of “Keeping Track” throughout the academic year. Thank you to our panelists for their valuable time and dedication to our academic community.

Looking ahead, anticipation is high for the upcoming field trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie, IL. This visit promises to be an educational and emotional journey, deepening our understanding of history and reinforcing the importance of “keeping track” of significant events for future generations. The field trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is not merely a visit; it’s an immersive experience that brings history to life. By witnessing firsthand the exhibits and stories, students will gain a deeper understanding of the Holocaust’s impact, emphasizing the critical need to remember and learn from history. This journey will not only enrich their academic knowledge but also cultivate empathy, tolerance, and a commitment to prevent such atrocities in the future.

Unveiling the Honors Journey: From Social Hour to First Year Triumphs

By: Salma Mardi

Welcome back, Honors Program family! The academic year has kicked off with a resounding success, all thanks to the dynamic leadership of Director Sarah Maria Rutter and Executive Director Marjorie Jolles. Additionally, we welcomed Kenley Johnston as the new Assistant Director of the Honors Program, adding to the excitement of the new beginnings. This event provided an opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces and extend a warm welcome to our newest Honors Program members.

The Honors Back-to-School Social Hour was a captivating night brimming with animated discussions and illuminating exchanges regarding the profound influence of the Honors Program on our lives thus far and its ongoing role in steering us towards personal and academic growth and triumph. It was a delightful occasion where friendships were rekindled, and new bonds were formed, setting the tone for an exciting year ahead. 

During this event, we had the privilege to learn about various programs that can enrich our academic experience at Roosevelt University. One such program is the Model Illinois Government (MIG), a structured legislative simulation facilitated by the esteemed Paralegal Studies professor, Carrie Lausen. MIG allows students to step into the roles of legislators, journalists, and lobbyists while critically reviewing legislation, enhancing their understanding of the political process.We also had the chance to discover the McNair Scholars Program, an initiative dedicated to empowering promising undergraduates, particularly those identifying as first-generation or underrepresented, to pursue and successfully complete research-based advanced degrees. This program opens doors to a world of possibilities and academic achievements.

Furthermore, we gained insights into the vast array of student support and success services offered at Roosevelt University. From SSS STEM, which provides comprehensive support to STEM students, to Career Services, offering valuable resources like internship and job fairs and personalized career counseling, there’s an abundance of opportunities for our growth and development.

Picture of the Social hour event
Students and faculty at the Back-to-School Social Hour!

An exciting event on the horizon for RU students is the Fall Internship and Job Fair, scheduled for Tuesday, October 3rd, from 1-4 PM. This event promises a fantastic opportunity to connect with over 40 prospective employers seeking to fill internship and job positions. The fair will take place on floors 3 and 4 of the Wabash building, providing a conducive space for fruitful conversations and potential career prospects.Not only can you explore a multitude of employment opportunities, but you’ll also have the chance to avail professional headshots—a valuable asset when presenting yourself to potential employers.

At the heart of our academic journey lies the indispensable First Year Success (Honors) course, meticulously curated to ease our assimilation into the university learning community and the RU Honors Program. This dynamic course prioritizes not only enhancing academic prowess but also nurturing self-awareness and active educational engagement. By focusing on these fundamental skills, it empowers us to excel in the Honors Program, setting a solid foundation for lifelong success and meaningful contributions in our chosen fields. Through this course, we gain valuable insights and strategies to navigate our academic path with confidence, making it an essential stepping stone in our educational adventure. The interactive nature of the course encourages meaningful peer interactions, creating a supportive network vital for success in a new academic setting. As the semester progresses, we’re witnessing students’ confidence grow as they actively engage with the course content, setting a promising trajectory for their academic achievements. The success of the First Year Success (Honors) course this semester underscores its significance in enhancing academic performance and fostering a sense of belonging among our students.

One of the undeniable highlights of the evening of the Honors Back-to-School Social Hour was the exceptional social atmosphere. The enthusiasm and excitement for the upcoming school year were palpable. Conversations flowed effortlessly, reflecting the genuine eagerness to embrace the academic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As we move forward into this school year, let’s take full advantage of the plethora of services and resources available to us, shaping our academic journey into one filled with success and fulfillment. The Honors Back-to-School Social Hour was just the beginning, setting the stage for an extraordinary year of growth, learning, and achievement. Here’s to a phenomenal year at Roosevelt University!