Highlighting Salma

By: Camila Hernandez

As we wrap up this academic year, we would like to highlight one of our Program Assistants, Salma, who will be graduating this year. Salma, who is from Minnesota but was born in Morocco, is a double major in Psychology and English. She joined the Honors Program in her freshman year and has been extremely active in Honors Program activities since then. In her second semester of freshman year, Salma was an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Research Assistant and became an Honors Program Assistant her sophomore year. As for her future plans, Salma plans to take a few years before returning to school to study speech pathology.

We asked Salma to reflect on the memories that the Honors Program has provided, as well as some insights for students who want to be engaged with the program!

What about the RU Honors Program drew you in?

What intrigued me about the RU Honors Program was its reputation for fostering a vibrant community and fostering intellectual curiosity. I was drawn to the idea of being part of a group of peers who shared my enthusiasm for learning and were eager to engage in intellectual exploration together.

What has been your favorite Honors class?

My favorite Honors class has been ENG 102 because it offered a unique opportunity to work on a group project. Together with my classmates, we created an eco-friendly organization aimed at promoting sustainability on campus. It was inspiring to collaborate with like-minded individuals and see our ideas come to life through collective effort and creativity. This experience not only deepened my understanding of environmental issues but also fostered valuable teamwork and leadership skills that I continue to apply in various aspects of my academic and professional life.

What is your most memorable experience in the Honors Program?

My most memorable experience in the Honors Program was the transition from being a dedicated Honors student to becoming actively involved in the program itself. It was an incredibly fulfilling journey to go from merely participating in Honors activities to working behind the scenes, contributing to the program’s growth and impact. This transition allowed me to develop a deeper connection with the Honors community and make meaningful contributions to its mission of fostering academic excellence and personal growth among students.

What advice do you have for future RU Honors students?

For future RU Honors students, my advice would be to embrace every opportunity that comes your way. Take advantage of the resources, mentorship, and research opportunities offered by the program. Don’t hesitate to explore diverse subjects and engage in interdisciplinary learning. Build strong relationships with your peers and faculty mentors, as they can offer valuable support and guidance throughout your academic journey. Be proactive in seeking out new experiences, whether it’s through internships, study abroad programs, or extracurricular activities. Finally, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone – growth often comes from pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons.

What was your specific role as a program assistant, and what was a favorite part of this role?

My specific role was to run the Honors Program Blog One of my favorite aspects of running the Honors Program blog is the creative freedom it provides. It allows me to experiment with different writing styles, formats, and topics, ensuring that each post is engaging and informative for our audience. This creative flexibility enables me to craft content that resonates with our readers while also showcasing the diverse experiences and achievements of our students. It’s incredibly rewarding to have the opportunity to express myself creatively while also highlighting the unique stories and contributions within our Honors community.

What accomplishment are you most proud of from your time as a Program Assistant?

Starting the club Students of Letters with my Honors coworkers is something I’m incredibly proud of. Seeing the club grow and thrive over time has been immensely rewarding, and I’m proud of the impact it has had on our fellow students’ academic and personal experiences.

What was it like working as a team in the Honors Program office? Do you have any favorite memories?

Working as a team in the Honors Office was both fulfilling and enjoyable. We collaborated closely on various projects and events, pooling our ideas and resources to create meaningful experiences for our fellow Honors students. I particularly enjoyed all the little memories we created together, from planning for the Students of Letters events to the laughter we shared while preparing. These moments of camaraderie and teamwork are ones I’ll always cherish, and they made my time in the Honors office truly special.

What was challenging about this position?

One of the challenges of this position was balancing the demands of running the blog with my other responsibilities. Ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content while juggling coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments required effective time management and organizational skills. Additionally, finding new and interesting topics to write about while meeting deadlines posed its own set of challenges. However, overcoming these challenges allowed me to develop valuable skills in prioritization, creativity, and adaptability.

Can you share advice for potential Honors students interested in this position?

For potential Honors students interested in running the Honors Program blog, I would advise them to be proactive and organized. It’s essential to stay ahead of deadlines and manage your time effectively to balance the responsibilities of running the blog with your other commitments. Additionally, be creative and innovative in your approach to content creation. Explore different topics, formats, and styles to keep the blog engaging and dynamic. Don’t be afraid to reach out to fellow students, faculty, or staff for ideas and collaborations. Finally, be open to feedback and continuously strive to improve your writing and blogging skills.

Salma, thank you for all your dedication and hard work over the years! Your continuous efforts to support and improve the program have had a tremendous impact. We are very proud of the student you are and the growth you’ve experienced, and we can’t wait to see where the future takes you. Congratulations!

If you are interested in learning more about the Honors Program or being a program assistant, be sure to check our webpage and Instagram (roosevelt_honors). For more information, feel free to reach out to Assistant Director Kenley Johnston at kjohnston09@roosevelt.edu.