Our theme for the 2021-2022 year is “What’s in a Name?”. Annual Honors themes provide focus and touchstones in our programming and courses that create interdisciplinary cohesion among curricular and co-curricular Honors experiences. Over the 2021-2022 year, we will engage this theme in Honors courses and events. Through this theme, we will explore the significance of nomenclature and the impact that names and their associations have on our lives and position in the world.
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Aaron has been working in the field of higher education web design and development since he graduated from Oberlin College in 1999. He is a member of the Higher Education Web Professionals Association, and helps to organize their annual conference. He has presented at national and regional conferences on topics as diverse as podcasting, social media, and content strategy, and has had articles published in A List Apart and Link Magazine. View all posts by arester