How do I apply?

You can find applications on our website (on the “Application” tab) or you can also email Associate Dean Anne-Marie Cusac at acusac@roosevelt.edu.

What sort of time commitment is it?

The time commitment is very reasonable. CHESSAC holds general council meetings about one to two times a month and members are required to participate in 2 events per semester. Graduating seniors in their last semester are required to participate in 1 event per semester. Members can claim inactivity for one semester and still be considered members of CHESSAC.

Can I be an undecided major and still participate?

Yes! Undecided majors can participate but once you declare your major or minor, it must be within the College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences.

Am I required to have a high GPA?

The GPA requirement is a 2.50 or above. However, if your GPA is lower than a 2.50 you can submit a letter of recommendation with your application to contribute to your chances of being accepted.

Can I participate in your events without being a member?

Yes! The events CHESSAC hosts are open to all Roosevelt students to participate.