All About Me by Samantha Justine-Nyah

At present, I am a Junior at Roosevelt University, thrilled and anxious to start my senior year in the Fall. At Roosevelt, I am currently majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Economics. My ongoing aspiration is to have a career in Marketing Communications or Public Relations.

I am an international student from Nigeria just enjoying her time in Chicago. I am delighted to be in the city. I would say my favorite hobby is reading. Friends and family have labeled me a bookworm. I always have a book on standby, plus I am filled with perfect recommendations. My favorite book is constantly changing, but at the moment I would say it is “The Heart of a Woman” by Maya Angelou – trust me when I say everyone should check it out!

Also recently, I have been obsessed with baking cookies and just trying out new baking recipes. I have gotten raving reviews so far but I am still building my craft. I would say my sugar cookies are undefeated. It is a great stress-reliever and pastime.

I am on my way into entering the workforce hoping I find the right fit.

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